Committee Dashboards

ENG12 Dashboard

Chair: Simon Millyard
Vice-Chair: Michel Cousquer
Secretary: Jaime Alvarez
WG1 chair: Malcholm Nicholson
WG2 chair: Jörg Unterderweide and Peter Schneider
WG3 chair: Alan Grant
WG4 chair: Peter Hill
Other facts about the ENG committee

Link to ENG committee file-sharing area   (use your IALA website username and password).
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the secretary via e-mail by clicking on the name above

ENG12 Bulletin Board

ENG12 Input papers – Now also available through this link.

ENG12 Familiarization session on IALA working tools PM – The familiarisation session will take place on 13:00-14:00 UTC 23 September 2020. The event has taken place.

ENG12 opening plenary – ENG12 opening plenary will take place on 10:00-12:00 UTC 30 September 2020. Here is the link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting .

ENG12 closing plenary – ENG12 closing plenary will take place on 10:00-12:00 UTC 16 October 2020.  Here is the link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting.