Council 80
The 80th session of the Council meeting was held from 24 to 28 June 2024 in the Sheraton Atakoy Hotel, Istanbul, Türkiye and by video conference.
The president opened the meeting by thanking Türkiye for their wonderful hospitality. The Council was honoured by the intervention of Mr. Durmuş Ünüvar, Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure of Türkiye who gave a presentation for the opening. After the Secretary-General’s report and National Matters, the councillors were given a detailed overview of the transition period ahead. As the Convention would enter into force on 22 August 2024, the responsibilities of the future Transition Council were laid out so that councillors could prepare for the upcoming tasks. As part of the transition preparations, the Council approved the resolution as contained in paper C80- with a proposed change and suggested to convene the first meeting of the Transition Council online on 22 August 2024 and the second meeting at the IALA HQ on 18-19 September 2024.
The Council noted the 2023 Audited Financial Statements, approved the proposed appropriation of the 2023 result and approved the reappointment of RSM France as Statutory Auditors.
The Council approved the revised budget for 2024.
The Council approved the membership contributions rates for 2025 as follows:
– National members: €19,680
– Industrial members: €6,730
– Associate members: €3,250
The Council decided to appoint Thomas Arculus from Trinity House, UK as Vice Chair of the LAP.
The Council approved the revised Committee work programme for 2023-2027.
The Council approved the following documents:
Revised R1019 on provision of Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation in the domain of IALA, Ed2.0.
New G1182 on Cyber Security specifics from an IALA perspective, Ed1.0.
Revised G1141 Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS, Ed3.0.
Revised G1177 Portrayal of VTS information, Ed2.0.
Revised Model Course C0103-4 VTS On-the-Job Training Instructor, Ed3.0.
New G1183 on Provision of MCP identities, Ed1.0.
Revised R1007 The VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) for Shore Infrastructure, Ed2.0.
Revised G1128 Specification of e-Navigation Technical Services, Ed1.5.
The Council approved the proposed protocol for Product Specifications and Technical Service versioning and approval and the proposal of a Workshop on Future Radionavigation and Radiocommunication systems.
The Council decided to appoint Ms Catherine Mulvihill as a new board member of the IALA World-Wide Academy.
The Council noted the report on the WWA Board and agreed that the seconded officer in Singapore could be referred to as the IALA World-Wide Academy office in Singapore, for the duration of the MoU.
The Council noted the update on the IALA Disaster Recovery Fund and Councillors agreed to consider ways of facilitating sponsorships for the urgent needs of the SHSU.
The Council approved the following liaison notes:
S-100 operational interaction diagram to IHO NIPWG.
Technical Service Specification to IHO NIPWG.
Update of RTCM 10402.3 Standard to RTCM.
Proposed change to IEC 63173-1 to IEC TC80 WG17.
Request to use elements of IEC 63173-2 in IALA document to IEC.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to IMO ITU EG.
Update of IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to 3GPP TSGs.
IALA Task for Marine AtoN over IMT-2030 to ITU-R SG5.
The Council approved National membership for:
- Faroese Maritime Authority, Faroe Islands (late submission)
The Council approved Industrial membership for:
- Technomar Engenharia Ltda, Brazil
- Ocean King marine Services Ltd, Cyprus
- Brasal Marine Services CY Ltd, Cyprus
- Full Oceans, France
- Aqua-Module, France
- PT Jaya Admiral, Indonesia
- Prodar, Mexico
- Tidalis BV, The Netherlands
- Sonarsea Kara Ve Deniz, Türkiye
- GS Marine Valve & Ship Supply, Türkiye
- Geoseas Marine Protection and Demarcation Products, United Arab Emirates
- Aselsan A.S, Türkiye
- Shenzhen Green Source Light Equipment Co. Ltd, People’s Republic of China (late submission)
The Council approved Associate membership for:
- DSA Ocean, Canada
- Colegio Oficial Nacional de Prácticos de Puerto de España, Spain
The Council approved Honorary membership for:
- Mr. André Châteauvert, Manager of Land-Based Electronics, E&I, Integrated Technical in the Canadian Coast Guard Staff.
- Mr. William (Bill) Cairns, formerly of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) and the American Pilots Association (APA).
The Council noted the resignations from:
- OMC International Pty Ltd, Australia
- Alsic BVBA, Belgium
- Combustion and Energy, Italy
- The Canadian Pilot’s Association, Canada
- Seahow by Arctia, Finland
The Council noted the following changes:
- Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service of the Navy, in the Dominican Republic is transferred from the Associate category to National category.
- The membership from the Ministry of Communication, Maritime Transport Department, in Kuwait is transferred to the Coast Guard in the Ministry of Interior.
- HIS Markit, in the United States of America is renamed IHS Global Inc.
- General Dynamics Mission Systems, in Italy is renamedPage Europa.
The Council decided to suspend industrial membership for:
- Beijing Caton Global Technology Co. ltd, People’s Republic of China
- Shanghai Space Earth Net Information, Technology Co., Ltd., People’s Republic of China
- Jiangsu Koropp Maritime Technology Co., Ltd, People’s Republic of China
- Navmoor Limited, United Kingdom
- Woori Haeyang Co. Ltd, Republic of Korea
- Tridel Technologies Private Ltd., India
- BC Cuerpo Construction Corporation, Philippines
- Tecotrex Welding Marine, Qatar
- Safe Sea Services FZCO, The United Arab Emirates
The Council decided to suspend Associate membership for:
- Port Autonome de San Pedro, Côte d’Ivoire
- STC B.V, the Netherlands
- TWL Logistics Ltd., Papua New Guinea
- Rosmorport, Russia
The Council noted the update on suspended membership from:
- Office National de Signalisation Maritime, Algeria
- Direction Générale de la Marine Marchande, Rep of Congo
- Instituto Nacional de Canalizaciones, Venezuela
The full report is available at .