
E-Bulletin December 2024

Preparatory Diplomatic Conference

IALA, supported by the French Government as IALA host country, proposes that a two-day Preparatory Diplomatic Conference be held in Paris on 18 – 19 April, 2017 to address the planned change of status of IALA to that of an intergovernmental organization (IGO). We hope that the conference will help build a momentum that would ensure the success of a subsequent Diplomatic Conference for the adoption of the new IALA Convention.

The conference programme will centre on a number of presentations on the planned change of status, taking account of the great amount of preparatory work already completed by the Secretariat with respect to the four pillars identified in the IGO action plan. These pillars are the draft Convention, diplomacy, finance, and communication. All participants will be encouraged to express their views or comment on the aspects that appear the most critical. We therefore expect the widest possible participation in order to have the most relevant basis for the work.

This preparatory conference will be of critical importance for the effective and efficient progress of the diplomatic process. It is therefore essential that each National member that has not yet done so provides two points of contact (via e-mail to, one within the maritime administration of their country and one within their Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the authority responsible for the diplomatic process. Please click here to see the letter sent to IALA National Members and the annexes in English, French and Spanish.


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