PAP - 35

Date: 14/02/2018 to 16/02/2018
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 18 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
35.9 9. Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP35-9 Arctic Seminar
Originator: Secretariat
35.8.1 8. Port call message S2XX
Document title: PAP35.8.1 Port call message
35.7.1 7. MRN (maritime resource number)
Document title: PAP35-7.1 MRN
Originator: Secretariat
35.6.5 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.5 Meeting dates 2018
Originator: Secretariat 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.2.4 Draft VTS work plan 2018-2022
Originator: VTS Committee 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.2.3 ENAV (WG3) work plan 2018 2022
Originator: ENAV
12 Feb 2018 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.2.2 Draft ENG work plan 2018-2022
Originator: ENG Committee
13 Feb 2018 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.2.1 Draft ARM work plan 2018-2022
Originator: ARM Committee
35.6.1 6. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP35-6.1 Committee structure
Originator: Council 65
35.5.3 5. Management documents
Document title: PAP35-5.3 Standards, Recommendations and Guidelines forward plan
Originator: Secretariat
12 Feb 2018
35.5.2 5. Management documents
Document title: PAP35-5.2 Structure of technical operations documents
Originator: Secretariat
35.4.2 4. Report of Council 65
Document title: PAP35-4.2 Position on the development of AtoN services
Originator: Council 65
35.4.1 4. Report of Council 65
Document title: PAP35-4.1 Strategic vision
Originator: Council 65
35.4.0 4. Report of Council 65
Document title: PAP35-4.0 PAP planning to 2018-06
Originator: Secretariat
35.4 4. Report of Council 65
Document title: PAP35-4 Report of Council 65
Originator: Secretariat
35.18.1 18. Approval of report
Document title: PAP35-18.1 Draft Report PAP35_V1
Originator: Secretariat
35.10.1 10. Maritime Connectivity Platform
Document title: PAP35.10.1 Maritime Connectivity Platform seminar
Originator: Secretariat
35.1.1 1. Opening of meeting
Document title: PAP35-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
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