Maritime Authority of Suriname

The Maritime Authority Suriname (MAS) is established by the “Law of March 30, State Gazette 1998 no. 37, on the establishment of the Maritime Authority Suriname”. The company is a legal entity Sui Generis, which means that the legislature has given certain rules, adapted to the nature of business of the company.

The MAS is the designated Authority within Suriname responsible for inter alia:
• managing the aids to navigation;
• conduct hydrographic surveys;
• provide timely marine safety information by publishing notices to mariners;
• port- and flag state control; and
• marine accident and incident investigations.

The MAS is an ISO 9001-2015 certified company and is specialized in conducting several hydrographic services in accordance with the applicable IHO and other international standards.

Contact info

Name Mr. Michel Amafo

Position Director




Cornelis Jongbawstraat no. 2



Telephone +597-476733 ext 258

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