1. Brief Description (PP Pres or 1-2 page info paper)

Display in ECDIS of information received by onboard NAVTEX





2. Functional Capabilities (types of data à information content)


Automatic Chartering of Warning Symbol if position is “Readable”

Warning symbol gives direct access to detailed info in text box (by cursor) or link via INFO Cursor to NAVTEX Information panel.

Indicates when warning has been examined by operator


3. Intended Purpose (including benefits)

To visualize NAVTEX warning

Highlight NAVTEX warnings in the vicinity of the vessel or the vessels route


4. Portrayal examples (means or methods of portrayal)


Easy to understand well proven during more than 20 years

Similar method and symbols can be used for e-Nav MSIpresentation

The drawback is that there is no accuracy control or verification of the broad casted NAVTEX information.