PAP - 33

Date: 05/04/2017 to 07/04/2017
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 66 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
33.1.1 1. Opening of meeting
Document title: PAP33-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.1.1 Committees 2018-2022
Originator: Secretariat C1 10. Committee structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.1.1 C1 Comment on Committees 2018-2022
Originator: Chair, VTS Committee 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.1.2 Proposal on Future Committee Structure and Work Programme
Originator: ARM Committee 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.1.3 Proposed 2018-2022 Work Items
Originator: ARM Committee 10. Committee structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.1.4 Liaison note on ENAV Roadmap and coordination of IALA's activities on e-navigation
Originator: ENAV Committee 10. Committee structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33- Liaison note on the roadmap for e-navigation
Originator: ENAV Committee
33.10.2 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2 Recommendations Plans for Standards
Originator: Secretariat
33.10.2 C1 10. Committee structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2 C1 Comments on Recommendations plan for Standards
Originator: Chair, VTS Committee 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.1 New Draft Recommendations for Early Completion
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.2 Draft Recommendation on the Maritime Buoyage System
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.3 Draft Recommendation on the VHF Data Exchange System
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.4 Draft Recommendation on Protection of the built heritage of lighthouses and other aids to navigation
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.5 Draft Recommendation on Risk management for aids to navigation and related services
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017 10. Committee Structure for 2018-2022
Document title: PAP33-10.2.6 MBS Agreement
Originator: Secretariat
23 Feb 2017
33.12.1 12. IALA Technical Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP33-12.1 Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: Secretariat
33.12.1 C1 12. IALA position on the development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP33-12.1 C1 Comment 1 on Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: Chair, VTS Committee
33.12.1 C2 12. IALA position on the development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP33-12.1 C2 Comment 2 on Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: Chair, ENAV Committee
33.12.1 C2A1 12. IALA position on the development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP33-12.1 C2A1 Annex 1 to Comment 2 on Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: ENAV Committee
33.12.1 C2A2 12. IALA position on the development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP33.12.1 C2A2 Annex 2 to Comment 2 on Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: ENAV Committee
33.13.1 13. IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP33-13.1 IALA Arctic Seminar 2017 Plan
Originator: Secretariat
33.13.2 13. IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP33-13.2 Arctic Seminar flyer
Originator: Secretariat 17. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP33-17.2.1 Presentation on EfficienSea 2
Originator: Nick Ward 17. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP33-17.2.2 Report on EfficienSea 2
Originator: Nick Ward
33.17.3 17. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP33-17.3 Liaison notre from VTS on Model Courses
Originator: VTS Committee 17. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP33-17.3.1 Proposed Incheon Declaration
Originator: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Republic of Korea
33.18.1 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.1 Draft IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning and Service Requirements
Originator: PAP33
33.18.10 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.10 Draft Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: PAP33
33.18.2 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.2 Draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: PAP33
33.18.3 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.3 Draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: PAP33
33.18.4 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.4 Draft IALA Standard 1040 Veseel Traffic Services
Originator: PAP33
33.18.5 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.5 Draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification
Originator: PAP33
33.18.6 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.6 Draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: PAP33
33.18.7 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.7 Draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services
Originator: PAP33
33.18.8 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.8 Report of PAP33
Originator: Secretariat
33.18.9 18. Output papers
Document title: PAP33-18.9 Draft preamble for IALA Standards
Originator: PAP33
33.5.1 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP33-5.1 Draft Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: Secretariat
33.5.1 C1 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP33-5.1 C1 Comments on draft Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: LAP and ENG Chairs
33.5.1 C2 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP33-5.1 C2 Strategic Vision 2018-2026 LAP comments
Originator: LAP
33.5.2 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP33-5.2 Definition of Marine Aids to Navigation
Originator: LAP 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33-6.2.1 (C63-8.4.1) IALA Standards
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33-6.2.1 C1 Draft IALA Standards - Comments by ENAV
Originator: ENAV Committee C2 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33-6.2.1 C2 Draft Preamble for IALA Standards
Originator: LAP C3 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33-6.2.1 C3 VTS laison note to PAP on draft IALA Standards - Revised by LAP
Originator: VTS and LAP 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirement
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standards 1010 AtoN Planning - comments by ENAV
Originator: ENAV Committee C2 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C2 Draft IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Comment on draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: Chair, VTS Committee C2 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C2 Draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- (C63- Draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services
Originator: Secretariat C1 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33- C1 Draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services - Comments by ENG
Originator: ENG Committee 6. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP33-6.3.1 Discussion regarding Recommendations and Guidelines
Originator: ARM Committee
33.7.1 7. Coordination ENAV and VTS
Document title: PAP33-7.1 Liaison note from VTS on work on VDES
Originator: VTS Committee 8. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP33-8.4.1 Policy regarding definitions in IALA documents
Originator: Secretariat 8. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP33-8.4.2 Proposed Dictionary Working Group ToRs - Introductory note
Originator: Secretariat 8. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP33- Proposed Dictionary Working Group ToRs
Originator: Secretariat 8. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP33-8.4.3 Liaison note to PAP on DWG definitions
Originator: VTS Committee
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