VTS Intersessional Group on Task 1.4.3 – Prepare a “living document” on “Future VTS
VTS Intersessional Group on Task 1.4.3 – Prepare a “living document” on “Future VTS
Prepare a “living document” on “Future VTS
Prepare a “living document” on “Future VTS
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
Opening meeting of Working Group 2 "Technical Knowledge and Sustainability" chaired by Peter Schneider and Jörg Unterderweide. Further information on ENG15-Workprogramm for WG2 is available at https://nextcloud.iala-aism.org/index.php/apps/files/?dir=/Committees/ENG/ENG15/WG2%20-%20Technical%20Knowledge%20and%20Sustainability&fileid=152229
Opening session of WG3 - a chance to review our work for the period and key dates.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Implications of MASS from a VTS perspective
WG3 close out session - meeting to review Guidelines, liaison notes and other documents that are due to be finalised and submitted for silent assent. Also review the WG3 report and to raise discussion topics. As the deadline for silent assent is midday I have opted to bring the start of this meeting forward. I […]
What constitutes a good marine AtoN solar panel - Meeting 1: This is the first of three meeting during ENG15, where the current working paper will be reviewed for editorial changes, input and alignment with the IALA style guide. The goal is to finalise this guideline for silent approval at the end of ENG15.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Review of Input Papers Allocation of tasks Correction to G1135 Review of work plan.
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
Draft Guideline on AtoN Equipment and Structures Exposed to Extreme Conditions: This document aims to reinforce the most relevant information associated with environment variables if they occur under extreme conditions and their incidence on the Aids to Navigation.
Augmentation Services DGNSS Guidance: First session on Tasks 3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Develop Guideline on meteorological and oceanographical data dissemination: Further developement of the existing draft.
2.5.1. Develop guidance quantifying characteristics to meet nautical and operational requirements and ways to verify them
This session is to allow interested members to consider content of Input papers 3.2.6 and and to provide feedback to ENAV as appropriate.
Develop new guideline on radar reflector (reflection) properties: Further development of the darft guideline.
What constitutes a good marine AtoN solar panel - Meeting 2: This is the second of three meeting during ENG15, where the current working paper will be reviewed for editorial changes, input and alignment with the IALA style guide. The goal is to finalise this guideline for silent approval at the end of ENG15.
High accuracy systems: to review the last changes and pending notes on the guideline G1127 aiming for silent approval
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
MONDAY 7TH MARCH 2022 Time (UTC) Topic Presenter 10.00 Measurement and Calculation of Luminous Intensity of Aids to Navigation Light Wang Lingyan (China MSA) 10.20 Oceanographic and Tsunami monitoring buoys Samir Benouda (Mobilis) 10.40 AtoN distribution adjustment practice of the main channel in Tianjin port, China Li Ang (China MSA) 11.00 Introduction to the tests […]
Draft Guideline on AtoN Equipment and Structures Exposed to Extreme Conditions: This document aims to reinforce the most relevant information associated with environment variables if they occur under extreme conditions and their incidence on the Aids to Navigation.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
3rd party AtoN provider quality control. (Joint ARM cooperation): Review ARM liaison note, update document and finalise. ARM had no significant comments, but more detailed reference to the IALA World Wide Academy AtoN model courses in section 3.1.4
Proposed meeting to review the comments to the updated G1129 guidelines with a view to providing updated GL for approval at end of this meeting.
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
It has been proposed by PAP that ENG run a workshop on Sustainability in the provision of AtoN. This meeting willbe chaired by Simon MIllyard, ENG Chair. The objective of […]
Discussion on Cuba input paper regarding lighthouse personnel: discussion about the content of the input paper / refer to the appropriate presentation during ENG14
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
2.5.1. Develop guidance quantifying characteristics to meet nautical and operational requirements and ways to verify them
What constitutes a good marine AtoN solar panel - Meeting 3: This is the third of three meeting during ENG15, where the current working paper will be reviewed for editorial changes, input and alignment with the IALA style guide. The goal is to finalise this guideline for silent approval at the end of ENG15.
Review input papers. Finalize G1147 on ERPS. Discuss future standardization of racons and radars. Discuss how ERPS can contribute to resilient PNT. Discuss IMO information paper that came out of ERPS Workshop.
Develop new guideline on radar reflector (reflection) properties: Further development of the draft guideline
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
The World-Wide Academy has reviewed IALA Recommendation R0141 (E-141) on the training and certification of aids to navigation personnel. It is proposed to update the Recommendation and remove the current annex and publish it as a separate guideline. (see inputpapers ENG15-3.2.7 and ENG15-
At ENG14, relevant content was collected in a brainstorming session. These are to be supplemented and further developed. For this task, a TG leader has not yet been appointed. This task will be continued after ENG16.
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
Draft Guideline on AtoN Equipment and Structures Exposed to Extreme Conditions: This document aims to reinforce the most relevant information associated with environment variables if they occur under extreme conditions and their incidence on the Aids to Navigation.
Develop new guideline on radar reflector (reflection) properties: Further development of the draft guideline
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
WG3 closure meeting to finalise the WG3 deliverables and report. Change to talk about common discussion points as time permits.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Final session Tasks 3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance
The silent approval assessment could start at any time after the opening plenary and no later than 11 March – 12.00 UTC.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
First meeting to discuss the plan for working group 3 for ARM15. All past and new group participants very welcome to join us Thanks, Roger Barker WG3 Chair and Ed Rogers WG3 Vice Chair
Closing meeting of Working Group 2 "Technical Knowledge and Sustainability"
WG3 consideration of input documents ENG15-3.2.10 on impact of solar farms to visual and radio systems. The aim of this meeting is to understand what we need to do as a WG. I have scheduled this for an hour but anticipate we may not need this long.
Agenda: Welcome & Introductions Review of Task Plan & Action Items Review of Input Papers Review Draft Response to ENAV Committee - Fred Pot Review of Draft G1105 - Dave Lewald Review of Schedule
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
I'd like to review where we are and how we move this GL forward between now and ENG16. Due to start at 1315 (GMT) as I'm aware there are other WG3 meetings due to finish at 1300.
Review of work carried out to date on the review of PAWSA Guideline G1124, with purpose to finalize before presenting to WG3 on Thursday 17th March.
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
In this meeting, the work plan of WG1 will be introduced to the participants and TGs will be coordinated.
Provisional Agenda: approve provisional agenda which is as follows: actions from ENAV28 Report screen inputs decide upon work tasks for the meeting Task 3.3: develop strategy around revision of ITU-R […]
AUGMENTATION SERVICES + RTCM 2.4 discussion Final session Tasks 3.4.2 / 3.4.4 Augmentation Services: DGNSS Guidance
Mtg 1 (15 Mar) S-201 - Review Improvements + S-125 Vision Outline 1200-1500UTC Mtg 2 (18 Mar) S-201 & S-125 Review 1200-1500UTC Mtg 3 (21 Mar) S-125 Vision Outline (part 2) 1200-1500UTC Mtg 4 (23 Mar) S-125 (continued) 1200-1500UTC
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Initial meeting to commence scoping the task, to see what documentation to include in the review.
To review WG2 activities expected during ENAV29, go through input papers and identify any additional items for discussion that may need to be included in the schedule.
Review input papers. Finalize G1147 on ERPS. Discuss future standardization of racons and radars. Discuss how ERPS can contribute to resilient PNT. Discuss IMO information paper that came out of ERPS Workshop.
Task 3.2: revision of G1117 consider input from intersessional consider all other inputs (homework) * revise chapter 2.6: Johan -> Ross * revise chapter 2.2: Stefan P. * draft how […]
Review G1058 incorporating G1097 & review G1018
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Initial meeting to commence scoping the task, to see what documentation to include in the review.
Technology Presentation – Qualcomm: a presentation of the use of Qualcomm on a port environment from Guest Presenters Jean-Michel Rousseau and Shyamal Rmachandran of Qualcomm
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
develop strategy around revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 at ITU, and communication with IMO Liasion with IMO: INF paper input for issues E (power indication) and F (VDE/ASM capabilities indication)
To commence and progress the revision of R O-113 Marking of Bridges to become a guideline. And discuss input papers ARM15 7.3.5, ARM15 7.3.6 and ARM15 7.3.10
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Ship Reporting Task Group to address ENAV Committee Liaison Note
status of 2092 future og G1139: consider creating an input paper to ITU in November from the list of agreed changes we are having decide upon the existing open and […]
Review the working papers from last session, any input received, including the task identified for ENAV from PAP. We will look at MASS in 2 sessions.
work on INPUTS AIS/VDES VDL integrity monitoring ENAV29- and VDES resource sharing ENAV29- G1117 cont.
Mtg 1 (15 Mar) S-201 - Review Improvements + S-125 Vision Outline 1200-1500UTC Mtg 2 (18 Mar) S-201 & S-125 Review 1200-1500UTC Mtg 3 (21 Mar) S-125 Vision Outline (part 2) 1200-1500UTC Mtg 4 (23 Mar) S-125 (continued) 1200-1500UTC
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
propose virtual meeting to gather all stakeholders and start work on the RTCM standard strategy update towards WRC-23 and WRC-27: what do we need at ITU to make R-mode happen […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
In this meeting, the current status of the TGs and other activities of WG1 will be discussed. Review of underlying Risk Toolbox documentation – G1138 The Use Of The Simplified IALA Risk Assessment Method (SIRA) (part of task 1.2.1)
Task 3.2: revision of G1117 consider input from intersessional consider all other inputs (homework) * revise chapter 2.6: Johan -> Ross * revise chapter 2.2: Stefan P. * draft how […]
To commence and progress the revision of R O-113 Marking of Bridges to become a guideline. And discuss input papers ARM15 7.3.5, ARM15 7.3.6 and ARM15 7.3.10
Mtg 1 (15 Mar) S-201 - Review Improvements + S-125 Vision Outline 1200-1500UTC Mtg 2 (18 Mar) S-201 & S-125 Review 1200-1500UTC Mtg 3 (21 Mar) S-125 Vision Outline (part 2) 1200-1500UTC Mtg 4 (23 Mar) S-125 (continued) 1200-1500UTC
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
New Work Proposals; Tech developments in maritime; Review of input papers not covered in other sessions
Convenor: China MSA, Yi Jiang. Walk through the draft new recommondation on VDE Integrity Monitoring, collect feedback.
Having completed G1018 we will look at the development of the OPRA simple form
Discussion related to possible work items for next work period.
Finalize MBS, with last comments. The style guide scrub has been completed, content review only. There are two files in the fileshare: 1) ARM 15 version with style guide edits applied & 2) Full edit tracking version
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Initial meeting to commence scoping the task, to see what documentation to include in the review.
Update on IMT / 3GPP; review liaison to IMO/ITU; other liaison notes as may be required
Mtg 1 (15 Mar) S-201 - Review Improvements + S-125 Vision Outline 1200-1500UTC Mtg 2 (18 Mar) S-201 & S-125 Review 1200-1500UTC Mtg 3 (21 Mar) S-125 Vision Outline (part 2) 1200-1500UTC Mtg 4 (23 Mar) S-125 (continued) 1200-1500UTC
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Initial meeting to commence scoping the task, to see what documentation to include in the review.
Continue discussion of Artificial Intelligence, review input on this and develop documents Session 1
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
Review edits and proposed changes for new version Proposed editing and publishing cycle
This TG continues the work on a technical service specification for an AtoN information service (using the S-125 data model). This is a joint inter-committee task between ENAV and ARM.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Final meeting, things to discuss, things to remember To do things for ARM16
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
The silent approval assessment could start at any time after the opening plenary and no later than 25 March – 17.00 UTC.
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
In this meeting, the current status of the TGs and other activities of WG1 will be discussed. Furthermore, the draft of the WG report will be reviewed.
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Develop a Guideline on Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation relating to VTS (merged with task 1.2.7) Go through the examples, add/change (Merged to one service and have the main categories of functions as IN, NA,TO) Best practice (additional) Taskregister. including the delivery of product specifications for MS; (Jointly work with WG2) Review the […]
For VTS 52, 5 presentations are planned; Anders Johannesson, SMA, STM Balt Safe Project Tang Yao, CMSA, Inland VTS in China Sangwon Park, KMI, IVEF expansion with radar and VHF digital information Minsu Jeon, IALA, IALA dictionary and questionnaire Kevin Gregory, IALA, WWA update
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Kick-off meeting for task 3.3.1d - Review/Update Model Course V-103/3 On the Job Training
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
Joint ARM/ENAV task group on the development of technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information. First day is expected to be on high level, and second day on […]
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