IALA in London
Representation at London International Shipping Week 2023
From 11-15 September, London welcomed the maritime world at London International Shipping Week, providing networking opportunities for leaders, industries, and all players in the maritime community.
Amongst other maritime events throughout the week, key stakeholders were invited to attend the Trinity House (THLS) evening on 13 September on board THV Galatea, one of the THLS’s multi-function support vessels, berthed alongside HMS Belfast on the Thames.
Once again, IALA was present with a well-stocked stand including the 2023 Navguide and the newly revised Maritime Buoyage System. We extend our thanks to our host, Captain Ian McNaught, Deputy Master of Trinity House, for giving us the great opportunity to be there to promote IALA and its work.
This event was attended by many prestigious visitors to whom we would like to express our gratitude for visiting the IALA Stand: Mrs Cynthia Robinson, President of the Royal Institute of Navigation, Mr John O’Farrell from UK Department for Transport, Mr Tim Horsler, Publishing Consultant, Mr James Landon, Researcher at the University of East London, and those we cannot name here.
IALA was also able to attend the following events:
12 September:
A Session on Geopolitics of Shipping, with Richard Wilcox, as keynote speaker. Richard is a UN Diplomat who helped establish A Beacon of Hope, the Black Sea Grain initiative to solve the current crisis of the shipment of Ukraine grain through the Black Sea due to the war. He raised the difficulty in making progress on negotiations, and the importance to avoid escalation of conflict in the Black Sea area, to ensure that food security is preserved, He also stressed the importance of maintaining food shipment worldwide despite geopolitical conflicts with: ‘When sanctions are imposed, reputation is engaged.’
14 September:
Netherlands Day at the Prospero Housewith a Session on Business and Technology innovation Showcase and awelcome by His Excellency, JG Van Oosterom, Ambassador of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom. By participating in this this event, The Netherlands reaffirms its partnership with the United Kingdom and their common desire to develop a sustainable maritime sector in the North Sea, the parties being among the main trade and investments partners in the region. Presentations on use cases and best practices from Dutch innovative companies were made and an exhibition was provided.
The same day delegates heard the Session on Navigating the Maritime Future hosted by the UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO; IALA Associate Member). The panel opening address was provided by UKHO head of partnerships Paul Marks and the session was moderated by Alistair Pettigrew.
The discussion panel comprised representatives from regulators, port operators and industry service suppliers who participated in an informative discussion on the role of geospatial data in helping shipping reduce its carbon footprint.

Trinity House Vessel Galatea was moored outboard of HMS Belfast in the Pool of London.

The IALA stand. From left to right: Mr Alwyn Williams, newly nominated Chair of the ENG Committee, Ms Sarah Robinson, Advisor to the WWA Academy, Mrs. Lorraine Mbong, International Relations and Membership Officer and Mr. Kevin Gregory, Head of Planning and Commercial for THLS, and former Advisor to the WWA.
Rapporteur: Paul Ridgway