Members News – DIMAR Colombia
In September the Secretary General sent a message of congratulation and goodwill to Vicealmirante José Joaquín Amézquita García, Director General Marítimo, es la Autoridad Maritima Colombiana, the General Maritime Directorate, DIMAR, of Colombia.
The occasion was the 69th anniversary of the establishment of DIMAR, a unique achievement, and one in which IALA was proud to be part.
There are not many states that embrace maritime operations extending to two oceans, from the Caribbean to the Pacific, with all that entails of being responsible for nearly a million square kilometres, 2,900 km of coastline, the nation’s rivers and the provision of marine aids to navigation to ensure the protection of the marine environment.
All this is achieved with dedicated staff and a portfolio that includes hydrography, oceanography, meteorology, scientific research, monitoring and surveillance and more.
At IALA we have been most pleased to count DIMAR as a valued member of IALA since 2012.
The year 2021 delivered challenges for DIMAR that, amid the growing reactivation of the country after Covid-19, it continues to be committed to strengthening the economy through the nation’s waterways.
As a Maritime Authority, the safe transit of national and international ships has been guaranteed with the provision of 346 aids to navigation such as buoys, lighthouses and beacons, guaranteeing that Colombia has excellent connections with around 7,000 ports and 3,700 maritime trade routes of America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. No less than 96.92% of its aids to navigation comply with IALA recommendations.
It is important to highlight that during the Covid-19 emergency maritime transport was essential for the supply of food, energy, raw materials, goods and manufactured components of basic necessity, including medical supplies and equipment, through ports such as Cartagena, Buenaventura Barranquilla and Santa Marta.
With the opening of maritime borders, the 2021-2022 cruise season saw the arrival of the Bahamian-flagged Star Breeze cruise ship from the port of Willemstad (Curaçao), to reactivate tourism.
In celebration of its 69th anniversary DIMAR reaffirmed its commitment to safety of navigation, the protection of human life at sea and the preservation of the marine environment. Moreover, it will continue to contribute its knowledge in the development, technology, research, innovation, and protection of the oceans through the work of the more than 1,500 men and women who from the eighteen port captains, two research centres in the Caribbean and the Pacific, eight maritime traffic stations, the marine meteorological service and its afloat units to allow Colombia to continue to strengthen the maritime State.
One must echo for a moment DIMAR’s motto:
Consolidemos nuestro país marítimo
Let us consolidate our maritime country
Picture captionColombia, through the National Tsunami Warning Center of DIMAR continues to verify its tsunami warning protocols with activities involving the national tsunami warning centres of Chile, Ecuador and Peru.