
E-Bulletin December 2024

Webinar Series

In the first half of 2021, two series of webinars were held covering topics of interest for the maritime community. One series provided background information on the recommendations and guidelines that were approved at Council 72 in December 2020. The purpose of this series was to provide an opportunity to committee participants to highlight the work they have undertaken and to describe the content of the documents that were produced during the technical committee meetings. The development of guidance documents is key to IALA and these webinars were an opportunity to spread more knowledge about IALA documents both to members and non-members.

The second series of webinars consideredsome of the challenges that Marine Aids to Navigation Service Providers are facing. The following topis were addressed:
-AtoN Remote Monitoring – Effective performance monitoring during COVID-19 and after
-Buoy Moorings – Results of recent buoy mooring trials in Belize waters.

-AtoN Light Characters – Selecting a suitable light character.
-AtoN Maintenance – Reducing total cost of ownership.

There was also a webinar conducted in French entitled ‘Cardinal Points n°2 – The benefits of Risk Management’ with good attendance from French speaking countries in Africa.

All of the very valuable, interesting and interactive presentations made during these webinars can be watched at your convenience on the IALA YouTube Channel

Commencing on the 6th of May, a new series of webinars led by the World-Wide Academy concerning Vessel Traffic Services will be launched covering the following topics:

-Thursday 6 May: VTS Implementation;

-Thursday 20 May: VTS Training;

-Thursday 3 June: VTS Assessment;

If you are interested in contributing to these webinars, possibly by giving a presentation with respect to one of these topics, please contact Ms Gerardine Delanoye

A further series of webinars will take place in June 2021 providing information on the guidance documents approved at Council 73 on Thursday 17 June 2021. An overview of the documents will be presented throughout the day.

All IALA webinars are available on the IALA YouTube Channel.

More information about the programme and schedule of the IALA webinars will be disseminated by newsletter announcement approximately a week before and the event and available on the dedicated page on the IALA website:

An announcement will also be made on our social media a few days before the event so don’t hesitate to follow us and come and meet with us during these very interesting webinars.

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