
E-Bulletin December 2024

Workshop on Marine Aids to Navigation in the Autonomous World

The International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), in association with Japan Coast Guard, is hosting a Workshop on Marine Aids to Navigation in the Autonomous World, to be held virtually from 24 to 28 May, 2021.

The workshop will focus on on-going developments within autonomous technologies that may have an impact on marine aids to navigation including VTS with regard to MASS. This will include a range of topics, such as:

  • AtoN/VTS requirements,
  • AtoN/VTS operations,
  • Technologies.

The objective of the workshop is to discuss and exchange experiences on how emergence of MASS can affect Marine AtoN services including VTS in their area of responsibility and to propose a roadmap of future IALA activities.

The workshop will consist of presentations from a range of expert speakers covering topics of MASS including plans, technologies and other transport sectors and the general sharing of views and opinions.

Registration and a dedicated website for the event will be available shortly.

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