IMG (prior to the IGO) - 1

Date: 12/10/2015 to 16/10/2015
Venue: Incheon, Korea

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This meeting contains 23 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
0.1 0. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: IMC1-0.1 Agenda
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
0.2 0. Approval of minutes from the last meeting and from the IALA General meeting
Document title: IMC1-0.2 IALA IMC Meeting Report March 2015
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
1.1 1. Financial report prepared by the IMC Treasurer
Document title: IMC1-1.1 Financial Report March 2015
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
1.2 1. Financial report prepared by the IMC Treasurer
Document title: IMC1-1.2 Financial Report October 2015
Originator: IMC
06 Oct 2015
1.3 1. Financial report prepared by the IMC Treasurer
Document title: IMC1-1.3 Accounts October 2015
Originator: IMC
06 Oct 2015
3.1 3. Malaysian Council meeting, comments from IMC Observer
Document title: IMC1-3.1 C60 Report
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
4b.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4b.1 Support from IALA Secretariat to IMC
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4c.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4c.1 Note on Convention text and related documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4c.2 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4c.2 Draft Convention Text
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4c.3 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4c.3 IALA Membership Advice
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4d.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4d.1 IALA Basic Documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4e.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4e.1 IALA Standards and hierarchy of documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
06 Oct 2015
4e.2 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4e.2 IALA Standards and hierarchy of documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
06 Oct 2015
4e.3 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4e.3 IALA Standards and hierarchy of documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
06 Oct 2015
4e.4 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4e.4 IALA Standards and hierearchy of documents
Originator: IALA Secretariat
06 Oct 2015
4f.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4f.1 New Technical Solutions at IALA HQ
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
4g.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4g.1 Visual Image Project
Originator: IALA Secretariat General
02 Oct 2015
4h.1 4. IALA General Secretary update
Document title: IMC1-4h.1 Website and IM pages
Originator: IALA Secretariat
02 Oct 2015
7a.1 7. Korea 2018, an update from the IMC President
Document title: IMC1-7a.1 Venue details and update
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
7a.2 7. Korea 2018, an update from the IMC President
Document title: IMC1-7a.2 Venue details and update
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
7c.1 7. Korea 2018, an update from the IMC President
Document title: IMC1-7c.1 Discuss preliminary ideas for the IM evening
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
7d.1 7. Korea 2018, an update from the IMC President
Document title: IMC1-7d.1 Exhibition partners and financial cost
Originator: IMC
02 Oct 2015
_ Minutes
Document title: IMC1-Minutes from Incheon meeting Oct 2015
Originator: IMC
21 Oct 2015
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