ARM - 11

Date: 09/03/2020 to 13/03/2020
Venue: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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This meeting contains 50 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.4.1 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM11-1.4.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: IALA Secretariat
24 Feb 2020
1.6.1 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM11-1.6.1 Programme for the Week
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2020
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM11-3.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 Feb 2020
7.1 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM11-7.1 ARM Task Plan
Originator: ARM10
05 Mar 2020
8.1 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.1 WP Liaison Note to All Committees on Tidal Display Signal System (ARM10-13.2.7)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.10 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.10 Liasion note to ARM From LAP20 on IALA Regions at the Poles
Originator: LAP20
03 Mar 2020
8.2 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.2 WP R1001 Ed1 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System_XXX (1) (ARM10-13.2.8)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.3 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.3 WP 1078 - The use of AtoN in the design or fairways (ARM10-13.2.9)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.4 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.4 WP Draft IALA Guideline on Mobile AtoN 16 Oct clean copy (ARM10-13.2.10)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.5 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.5 WP WG1 Marking of man made offshore structure (ARM10-13.2.11)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.6 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.6 WP 1116-Ed.1-Selection-of-Rhythmic-Characters-and-Synchronisation-of-Lights-for-AtoN (ARM10-13.2.12)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.7 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.7 WP 1052-Ed.3-Quality-Management-Systems-for-Aids-to-Navigation-Service-Delivery (ARM10-13.2.13)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.8 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.8 WP Annex 1 IMSAS - IHO-IALA GD20191016 (ARM10-13.2.14)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.9 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.9 WP G1081 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation (ARM10-13.2.15)
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
9.10 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.10 2020-GENDIST-0002 MEJ RTCM WRC19
Originator: GRAD
03 Mar 2020
9.1 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.1 WP ARM Maritime Service Guideline development V1.0 (ARM10-13.3.5)
Originator: ARM10
14 Feb 2020
9.11 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.11 Input Paper to ITU on AMRD (C70-11.2.4 (ARM10-3.19))
Originator: C70
03 Mar 2020
9.12 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.12 Input Paper to ITU preliminary draft revision of ITU-R M.1371-5 (C70-11.2.5 (ARM10-3.20))
Originator: C70
03 Mar 2020
9.13 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.13 ITU Liaison Notes from Council 70
Originator: IALA Secretariat
05 Mar 2020
9.2 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.2 WP Draft Guideline producting an e-Nav Operational Service Description (ARM10-13.3.6)
Originator: ARM10
14 Feb 2020
9.3 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.3 WP DRAFT_1143 Ed.2 Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources_EMLG edits (ARM10-13.3.7)
Originator: ARM10
14 Feb 2020
9.4 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.4 WP MRN GuidelineTrackingSheet (ARM10-13.3.8)
Originator: ARM10
14 Feb 2020
9.5 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.5 WP SRTG ARM10 Report v1.6 (ARM10-13.3.9)
Originator: ARM10
14 Feb 2020
9.6 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.6 On the IALA governance of MRN
Originator: KRISO / OFFIS
15 Feb 2020
9.7 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.7 Input paper for draft OSD guideline
Originator: Rijkswaterstaat
17 Feb 2020
9.8 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.8 Proposal for MRN Management by National Authorities
Originator: NGA
17 Feb 2020
9.9 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.9 Service spec S124 - with annexes
Originator: KRISO / OFFIS
17 Feb 2020
10.1 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.1 WP Guideline_1018_RiskMan_work (ARM10-13.4.1)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.10 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.10 WP Guideline G1058 Ed.2 (ARM10-13.4.10)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.11 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.11 WP Draft Guideline 1097 Ed.1.1 Technical Features and Technology Relevant for Simulation of AtoN (ARM10-13.4.11)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.2 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.2 WP Guideline 1123 Ed1 The use of IWRAP MKII-June 2017 (ARM10-13.4.2)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.3 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.3 WP Guideline 1124 Ed1 The use of PAWSA MKII June 2017 (ARM10-13.4.3)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.4 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.4 WP PAWSA Work Group Summary 14-18 October (ARM10-13.4.4)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.5 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.5 WP Guideline 1138 Ed.1 The use of SIRA Dec2017 V (ARM10-13.4.5)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.6 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.6 WP IALA_SIRA_Reccomendations (ARM10-13.4.6)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.7 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.7 WP IMO_FSA_IALAToolBox_Schematic (ARM10-13.4.7)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.8 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.8 WP 1086 Ed1 Global Sharing of Maritime Data_22Jun2012 (ARM10-13.4.8)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
10.9 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM11-10.9 WP Recommendation RO138 (O-138) Use of GIS and Simulation by AtoN Authorities (ARM10-13.4.9)
Originator: ARM10
15 Feb 2020
14.1 14. Review of session report
Document title: ARM11-14.1 Report of ARM11
Originator: IALA Secretariat
30 Apr 2020
2.1.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ARM11-2.1.1 Action Items from ARM10
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 Feb 2020
3. Review of input papers 3.1
Document title: ARM11-3.1 List of Input Papers to ARM11
Originator: IALA Secretariat
06 Mar 2020 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM11- MASS Workshop Proposal post PAP39 (PAP39-
Originator: PAP39
05 Mar 2020 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM11- Report of PAP39 (PAP39-8.1)
Originator: IALA Secretariat
05 Mar 2020
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM11-4.3.1 ENUW NA 2019 Conclusion and Recomendations
Originator: ENUW NA
03 Mar 2020
8.1.1 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.1.1 WP Annex 1 - Draft Guideline on Tidal Current Signal System (ARM10-
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.2.1 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.2.1 WP _WG1_Task Team_MBS_V3 (ARM10-
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
8.2.2 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM11-8.2.2 WP MBS Review gap analysis initial (ARM10-
Originator: ARM10
13 Feb 2020
9.7.1 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.7.1 Draft Guideline on producting an e-Navigation Operational Service Description
Originator: Rijkswaterstaat
17 Feb 2020
9.8.1 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.8.1 IALA_MRN_NationalAuthority
Originator: NGA
17 Feb 2020
9.8.2 9. WG2 - Information Services and Portrayal
Document title: ARM11-9.8.2 ISO-IALANationalAuthorities
Originator: NGA
17 Feb 2020
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