Agenda No.
1. Introduction
Document title: ARM13-1.2.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
1. Introduction
Document title: ARM13-1.4.2 IALA Virtual Committee Working Arrangements Feb 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
1. Introduction
Document title: ARM13-1.4.3 IALA Style Guide Ed 1.0 January 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.1.1 Liaison Note to PAP on draft ENAV MASS Rec. and Gl
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13- Draft MASS Rec-ENAV WG2 review (ENAV27-12.2.1) ARM comments
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13- Draft MASS Guideline- ENAV WG2 review (ENAV27-12.2.2) ARM comments
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.1.2 ARM Task Plan
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.1.3 WP Draft ARM Task Plan 2022 - 2026 post ARM13
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.2.1 R0143 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation (O-143)
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.2.2 Draft revised guideline G1054 Preparing for an IMO audit on aids to navigation service delivery
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.2.5 Liaison note to all committees on the final draft revision of MBS R1001
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13- draft WP The IALA Maritime Buoyage System
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13- draft WP The IALA Maritime Buoyage System
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.3.2 Draft Guideline on Management Of Maritime Resource Name Organisation Identifiers
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
11. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ARM13-11.3.3 Revised G1143 Unique Identifiers For Maritime Resources
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.1.1 List of Input Papers
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12 Apr 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.6 Liaison Note to ARM for the response to ITU on the revision of ITU-R M.1371-5_Rev1 (VTS50-
Originator: VTS50
04 Apr 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.7 Draft IALA response to WP 5B TD 73 on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 20210318 (ENAV27-12.3.1)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.11 Draft MASS Guideline- ENAV WG2 review (ENAV27-12.2.2)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.10 Draft MASS Rec-ENAV WG2 review (ENAV27-12.2.1)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.8 Marking of Breakwaters
Originator: Korea Institute of Aids to Navigation
18 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.5.1 R0143 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation (O-143) Ed1.3 March 2021
Originator: Intersessional Group
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.2.2 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)- Guideline_WG2 review-rev2 (ENAV27-12.2.4)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.2.1 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)_Reco-WG2 review-rev2 (ENAV27-12.2.3)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.11 Liaison Note to ARM on technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information (ENAV27-12.1.3)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.10 Liaison note to ARM and Sec. on Maritime Services post plenary (VTS50-
Originator: VTS50
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.5.3 Liaison to ARM from ENAV re Ship Reporting-WG2 rev (ENAV27-12.2.5)
Originator: ENAV27
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.5.2 Liaison Note to ARM on ship reporting guideline (VTS50-
Originator: VTS50
04 Apr 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM-8.7.2 Liaison Note to ARM ENAV on Cyber Security (VTS50-
Originator: VTS50
04 Apr 2021
12. Report of meeting
Document title: ARM13-12.1 Report of ARM13
Originator: ARM13
26 Oct 2021
2. Review of action items
Document title: ARM13-2.1.1 Action Items from ARM12
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
2. Review of action items
Document title: ARM13-2.1.2 Report of ARM12
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.1 Liaison note to ARM on 3rd party Quality Control
Originator: ENG12
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13- WP Task 1.2.1 Draft Guideline QC for 3rd Party AtoN Service Providers
Originator: ENG12
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.2 IALA Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13- IALA Current drivers and trends ed1.2
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13- IALA Position Document on the Development of Marine AtoN Services 2019
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.3 Technical documents Catalogue 12 Fev 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.4 Cross-committee work on ITU matters (PAP41-4.4.1)
Originator: Chair, ENAV Committee
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13- Liaison to IMO IALA CIRM on revision Rec ITU-R M1371-5 (PAP41-
Originator: Chair, ENAV Committee
15 Mar 2021
3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM13-3.2.5 Automated Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems Service
Originator: Jarle Hauge & Todd Schuett
17 Mar 2021
4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM13- Report Council 72 Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM13- Report of PAP41
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.1.1 ARM Task Plan (ARM12-11.1.1)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.1.2 Committee Work Programme for 2018-2022 (PAP41-
Originator: PAP41
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.1.3 Cross-committee Work 1st half 2021
Originator: PAP41
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.3.1 WP Draft ARM Task Plan 2022 - 2026 (ARM12-11.1.2)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.3.2 Proposed tasks ARM 2022-2026_Sweden
Originator: STA & SMA Sweden
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.1 Draft revision S1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.2 Draft revision S1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.3 Draft revision S1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.4 Draft revision S1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.5 Draft revision S1050 Training and Certification
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.6 Draft revision S1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
6. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM13-6.4.7 Draft revision S1070 Information Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.1.1 WP Draft Preparing for a voluntary IMO audit on Aids to Navigation Service delivery (ARM12-
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.1.2 Report from Int.sess. Group on the review of IMSAS Manual
Originator: Chair, VTS Committee
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.1.3 Proposals for revision of Guideline G1054 --Report of the intersessional work on the task 1.1.2
Originator: China MSA
17 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13- Draft revised guideline G1054 Preparing for an IMO audit on aids to navigation service delivery
Originator: China MSA
17 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.2.1 WP draft Guideline G1052 Quality-Management-Systems-for-AtoN-Service-Delivery (ARM12-11.2.2)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.2.2 Proposals on the revision of IALA Guideline 1052 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR AIDS TO NAVIGATION SERVICE DELIVERY
Originator: China MSA
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.1 WP Draft Recommendation 0-139 Marking of man made offshore structures (ARM12-
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.2 WP for ARM12 Draft guideline on man made structures (ARM12-7.3.4)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.3 WP Gap analysis Guideline 1078 The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways (ARM12-
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13- WP G1078 - The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways (ARM12-
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.4 WP Task 1.5.3 - Descriptions for IALA Dictionary (ARM12- )
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.5 WP R1001 Ed1 The IALA Maritime Buoyage System_XXX (1) - new track changes only (ARM12-7.3.5)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.6 Liaison Note to ARM on IALA regions at the Poles
Originator: LAP21
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.3.7 WP G1078 The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways and Channels
Originator: James Collocott
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13- WP G1078 - The Use of AtoN in the Design of Fairways_20210312
Originator: James Collocott
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13- WP Task 1.5.3 - Descriptions for IALA Dictionary_20210312
Originator: James Collocott
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.4.1 WP Guideline G1081 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.4.2 WP R0143 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation (O-143) Ed1.3 March 2021
Originator: ARM12
12 Apr 2021
7. Establish WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM13-7.6.4 WP NAVGUIDE 2022 publication plan ARM 11 ARM WG 1 - ARM 12 working doc
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.1 WP ARM Maritime Service Guideline development V1.3 (ARM12-8.4.6)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.2 Response on IALA Liaison paper on S-125_FINAL
Originator: IHO
16 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.4 - S-201 Implementation Guideline(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13- - S-201 Implementation guideline - Annex C
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.5 Update and Plan of S-201 test bed(fin)
Originator: KRISO
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.6 - Service scenario for the provision of AtoN information(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.7 Proposed amendments for S-201 from ARM12-8-5-1_v3
Originator: CCG, KRISO
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.8 - Drafting the S-125 data model(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13- Drafting the S-125 data model(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.4.9 Proposed permitted values for the S-201 data model(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13- Proposed permitted values for the S-201 data model(fin)
Originator: KRISO, CCG, MOF/ROK
17 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.5.1 Draft Guideline on Ship Reporting from a shore-based perspective (C72-11.2.6)
Originator: C72
16 Mar 2021
8. Establish WG2 - Information services and portrayal
Document title: ARM13-8.7.1 Liaison note Cyber Security
Originator: ENAV26
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.1 WP Risk Management Toolbox Questionnaire - 211020
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.2 WP_Guideline_1018_Risk_Management (ARM12_9.1.1)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.3 WP Guideline 1123 Ed1 The use of IWRAP MKII-Oct 2020_with TC_20201023 (ARM12-9.1.2)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.4 WP Guideline 1138 Ed.1 The use of SIRA Dec2017 (ARM12-9.1.4)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.5 WP Draft Guideline 1097 Ed.1.1 Technical Features and Technology Relevant for Simulation of AtoN
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.6 WP Guideline 1124 Ed1 The use of PAWSA MKII June 2017 (ARM12-9.1.3)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.7 WP Recommendation RO138 (O-138) Use of GIS and Simulation by AtoN Authorities (ARM12-9.1.6)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.8 WP Guideline G1058 Ed.2 (ARM12-9.1.7)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021
9. Establish WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM13-9.1.9 WP 1086 Ed1 Global Sharing of Maritime Data_22Jun2012 (ARM12-9.1.8)
Originator: ARM12
16 Mar 2021