LAP - 16

Date: 11/04/2016 to 13/04/2016
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 25 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
16.1.1 1. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: LAP16-1.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
08 Apr 2016
16.10.1 10. Data protection
Document title: LAP16-10.1 Draft IALA record retention policy
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016
16.10.2 10. Data protection
Document title: LAP16-10.2 Draft IALA Data Protection Policy
Originator: Secretariat
04 Apr 2016
16.11.1 11. AIS data used as evidence at court cases
Document title: LAP16-11.1 Report on AIS data used as evidence at court cases
Originator: LAP Working Group
31 Mar 2016
16.12.1 12. World VTS Guide
Document title: LAP16-12.1 Information to IMO on the closure of World VTS Guide
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016
16.13.1 13. Review of IALA Risk Register
Document title: LAP16-13.1 IALA Risk Register
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016
16.19.1 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.1 Report LAP16
Originator: Secretariat
09 May 2016
16.19.2 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.2 Draft IALA Basic Documents
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.3 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16.19.3 Revised LAP Terms of Reference
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.4 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.4 Draft General Regulations for IALA as an IGO
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.5 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.5 Draft GA Resolution on One China Policy
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.6 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.6 IALA Risk Register
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.7 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.7 WWA Risk Register
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.8 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.8 IALA Record Retention Policy and Procedure
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.19.9 19. Output papers
Document title: LAP16-19.9 IALA Data Protection Policy and Procedure
Originator: LAP16
03 May 2016
16.2.1 2. Review of action items from LAP15
Document title: LAP16-2.1 Review of action items from LAP15
Originator: Secretariat
04 Apr 2016
16.4.1 4. Report of IALA Council 61
Document title: LAP16-4.1 Report of IALA Council 61
Originator: Secretariat
14 Dec 2015
16.4.2 4. Report of IALA Council 61
Document title: LAP16-4.2 Revised draft IALA Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016 7. IALA change os status project
Document title: LAP16-4.2.1 Revised Basic Documents - Submission to Council 62
Originator: Secretariat
11 Apr 2016
16.6.1 6. LAP Terms of Reference
Document title: LAP16-6.1 Draft revised LAP ToRs
Originator: Secretariat
25 Mar 2016 7. IALA change of status project
Document title: LAP16-7.1.1 Report of LAP inter-session meeting January 2016
Originator: Secretariat
25 Mar 2016 7. IALA change of status project
Document title: LAP16- Draft General Regulations for IALA as IGO
Originator: LAP inter-session meeting
25 Mar 2016 7. IALA change of status project
Document title: LAP16-7.2.1 One China Policy - draft GA Resolution text
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016 7. IALA change of status project
Document title: LAP16-7.3.1 Draft Convention text as agreed at Council 61
Originator: Council
31 Mar 2016
16.8.1 8. Review of IALA Constitution
Document title: LAP16-8.1 Draft revised IALA Constitution
Originator: Secretariat
31 Mar 2016
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