ENAV - 16

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This meeting contains 170 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV16-1.2 draft Agenda ENAV16 20150420
Originator: IALA secretariat
20 Apr 2015
1.4.1 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV16-1.4.1 Programme for the week 20150420
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Apr 2015
1.4.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV16-1.4.2 Changes to ENAV work progamme for the week
Originator: IALA Secretariat
30 Mar 2015
10.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.1 (ENAV15-14.2.1) WP on Testbed Analysis and Lessons Learned
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
10.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.2 (ENAV15-14.2.2) Discussion Paper on Effective Communication of Information concerning Testbeds
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
10.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.3 (ARM1-11.1.8) Liaison note to all committees on ways of working for the NAVGUIDE update
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
10.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.4 Submission MSC 95-19-e-nav - Proposal six outputs for inclusion in the High-level Action Plan
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 Mar 2015
10.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.5 Proposal for a workshop on Digital Infrastructures of e-Navigation - FINAL 150331
Originator: Anders Brojde
02 Apr 2015
10.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.6 U.S. Coast Guard
Originator: Robert Dave Lewald
02 Apr 2015
10.7 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV16-10.7 Information on e-Navigation testbeds - European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP)
Originator: Maria Mota
10 Apr 2015
11.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.1 (ENAV15-14.2.45) Revision to IALA Guideline 1082
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.10 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.10 output 10_tokyo_workshop_report(editorial_changed)
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.11 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.11 output 1_last official PDNR submitted to ITU_R12-WP5B-C-0761!N08!MSW-E
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.12 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.12 output 2_VDES channel select document_R12-WP5B-C-0761!N13!MSW-E 17-20-2015
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.13 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.13 output 3_WD_Annex 3 VDE_TER v0.1
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.14 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.14 output 4_WD_VDES Satellite downlink v1 Haugli
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.15 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.15 output 5_IALA-1082_AIS_Overview_Ed2_WD150222
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.16 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.16 output 6_R12-WP5B-C-0695!!MSW-E(1) Canada study regarding VDES channel plan
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.17 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.17 output 7_WD_Comms WG-SG-Feb-2015-UserRequirements-WD01-Use Case Studies-Brainstorm
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.18 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.18 output 8_WD_Comms WG-SG-Feb-2015-User Requirements-WD03-rev1-Use Case-Requirements
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.19 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.19 output 9_WD_Comms WG-SG-Feb-2015-User Requirements-WD02-rev1-Use Case_Requirements
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.2 (ENAV15-14.2.43) Draft IALA guideline VDES
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.20 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.20 output 11_DRAFT INF PAPER on VDES for MSC95
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.21 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.21 output 12_WD_PDNR-M-VDES Annex 2
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.22 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.22 output 13 Report on Comms Intersessional Feb 2105 after plenary
Originator: Peggy Browning
30 Mar 2015
11.23 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.23 Proposal for IALA Workshop on VDES
Originator: Hideki Noguchi
02 Apr 2015
11.24 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.24 US GMDSS Task Force Next Meeting
Originator: Jack Fuechsel
19 Apr 2015
11.25.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.25.1 Cover Note for ENAV16-11.25.2 - VDES Waveform Study
Originator: Jan Safar
19 Apr 2015
11.25.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.25.2 GLA R
Originator: Jan Safar
19 Apr 2015
11.26 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.26 The Result of CPM15-2 WRC-15 AI1.16
Originator: Yoshio Miyadera
20 Apr 2015
11.27 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.27 Additional substance for PDNR-M-VDES Annex 2
Originator: Yoshio Miyadera
20 Apr 2015
11.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.3 (ENAV15-14.2.44) Draft IALA Recommendation for VDES
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.4 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.4 (ENAV15-14.2.46) Design considerations for ASM
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.5 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.5 (ENAV15-14.2.47) design considerations for vdes
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.6 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.6 (ENAV15-14.2.48) guidance on AIS vulnerability
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.7 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.7 (ENAV15-14.2.42) Toward a preliminary draft new recommendation itu r m vdes
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
11.8 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.8 (ARM1-11.1.3) Liaison note to ENAV on Guideline 1081, Rec A-126 and O-143
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
11.9 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV16-11.9 Call for interest EGNOS over AIS VDES 20150414
Originator: Manuel Lopez-Martinez
14 Apr 2015
12.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.1 PAME-IALA Cooperation - agreed next steps from 19 March 2015 20150410
Originator: Peter Oppenheimer
11 Apr 2015
12.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.2 e-Navigation Services Progress Report WP4
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10 Apr 2015
12.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.3 WG4 Task Register on MSP
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10 Apr 2015
12.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.4 MSP5 Maritime Safety Information Service
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10 Apr 2015
12.5 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.5 MSP15 Real-Time Hydrographic and Environmental Information Services
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10 Apr 2015
12.6 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV16-12.6 MSP11 Nautical Chart Service
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
10 Apr 2015
13.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.1 (ENAV15-14.2.4) Draft guideline on eloran service provision wg2 review up to chapter 4 at e-nav14
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.10 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.10 (ENAV15-14.2.6) Procedures for managing dgnss information
Originator: ENAV15
13 Mar 2015
13.11 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.11 WWA L1 Model Course 1.4 on GNSS and e-Navigation 2015 (Rev 0)
Originator: WWA
30 Mar 2015
13.12 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.12 Cover note re WWA L1 Model Course 1.4 on GNSS and e-Navigation
Originator: WWA
02 Apr 2015
13.13 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.13 Plan for WG5 for ENAV16
Originator: Alan Grant
02 Apr 2015
13.14 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.14 Call for interest EGNOS corrections over radiobeacons
Originator: Manuel Lopez-Martinez
14 Apr 2015
13.15.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.15.1 INF Resilient PNT
Originator: Evelin Engler
15 Apr 2015
13.15.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.15.2 INF Resilient PNT Annex NCSR 2-7-1
Originator: Evelin Engler
15 Apr 2015
13.16 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.16 Progress on the development of S-240 for DGNSS Station Almanac
Originator: Yonghun CHO
19 Apr 2015
13.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.2 (ENAV15-14.2.5) Statement of work for a Task Group on IALA DGNSS and eLoran databases
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.3 (ENAV15-14.2.7) Proposal for extending sbas coverage using vdes
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.4 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.4 (ENAV15-14.2.41) vdes user requirements to technical requirements template v2
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.5 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.5 (ENAV15-14.2.3) draft r-121 amended following ENAV14 2014-09-20 ajg rev@ENAV15 final
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.6 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.6 (ENAV15-14.2.40) Suggested approach for analsying different combinations of radionavigation systems
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.7 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.7 (ENAV15-14.2.39) Existing IALA documents related to PNT 16 October 2014
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.8 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.8 (ENAV15-14.2.6) Procedures for managing dgnss information
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
13.9 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV16-13.9 (ARM1-11.1.1) Liaison note to ENAV on A 915
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
14.1.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.1 Proposal for a workshop on Digital Infrastructures of e-Navigation - FINAL 23APR15
Originator: WG2
24 Apr 2015
14.1.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.10 IALA recommendation on Product Specification Development and Management
Originator: WG1
23 Apr 2015
14.1.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.11 Draft Revision of IALA Recommendation eNav140 on the Architecture for Shore Based Infrastructure fit for e-Navigation 20150423
Originator: WG1
23 Apr 2015
14.1.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.12 Draft IALA Guideline on the IALA common Shore Based System Architecture CSSA 1-10a 20150423
Originator: WG1
05 May 2015
14.1.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.13 WWA L1 Model Course 1-4 on GNSS and e-Navigation 2015 rev 0
Originator: WG5
23 Apr 2015
14.1.14 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.14 Briefing note to IALA Sec Gen on IACS input MSC95
Originator: WG1
23 Apr 2015
14.1.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.15 Liaison note from eNAV to ARM
Originator: WG1
23 Apr 2015
14.1.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.16 Liaison to PAP and LAP on the urgent need for a Patent Policy 20150423
Originator: ENAV16
23 Apr 2015
14.1.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.17 draft Guideline on Patent Policy and Procedures 20150423
Originator: ENAV16
23 Apr 2015
14.1.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.18 Proposal for IALA Workshop on VDES
Originator: WG3
23 Apr 2015
14.1.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.19 ENAV work plan-revised at ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
23 Apr 2015
14.1.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.2 LiaisonNote from ENAV to VTS Cttee re Dev of MSPs for VTS
Originator: WG4
23 Apr 2015
14.1.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.20 ENAV_Work Programme Task Register - revised at ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
23 Apr 2015
14.1.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.21 ENAV Terms of Reference - revised at ENAV16
Originator: ENAV16
23 Apr 2015
14.1.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.3 draft Recommendation R-121 on DGNSS update final V1
Originator: WG5
23 Apr 2015
14.1.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.4 draft Guideline on On the Performance and Monitoring of DGNSS Services in the Frequency Band 283.5 – 325 kHz -final v1
Originator: WG5
23 Apr 2015
14.1.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.5 Liaison note ENAV to ENG committee on WWA model course on GNSS and e-Navigation
Originator: WG5
23 Apr 2015
14.1.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.6 Draft Guideline on Design and Implementation Principles for Harmonized System Architecture of Shore Based Infrastructure 1-03 20150423
Originator: WG1
23 Apr 2015
14.1.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.7 Liaison note to IEC on AIS Status Bits
Originator: WG3
23 Apr 2015
14.1.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.8 ITU Liaison and ITU VDES channel select document_R12-WP5B-C-0761!N13!MSW-E 17-20-2015
Originator: WG3
23 Apr 2015
14.1.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.1.9 Proposal Workshop on Shore Based Maritime Services from Theory to Practical Use v2
Originator: WG4
23 Apr 2015
14.2.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.1 WG2 draft Guideline on Planning an e-Navigation Testbed v0.1
Originator: WG2
29 Apr 2015
14.2.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.10 WG1 Draft IALA Guideline on the Application Note on Support of CSSA for MSPs Maritime Cloud 20150423
Originator: WG1
05 May 2015
14.2.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.15 WG1 Questions on a digital infrastructure framework for e-navigation
Originator: WG1
29 Apr 2015
14.2.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.16 WG1 draft IALA Recommendation for NUID
Originator: WG1
29 Apr 2015
14.2.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.17 WG3 PDNR with Annexes 2 - 6 added 2015-04-23
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.18 WG3 PDNR Annex 2 v5
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.19 WG3 PDNR Annex 3 WD v0.2
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.2 WG5 Task Group statement of work to develop a Guideline on eLoran service provision
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.20 WG3 PDNR Annex 4 Satellite downlink
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.21 WG3 PDNR Annex 5 Satellite uplink
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.22 WG3 PDNR Annex 6 v0
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.23 WG3 CPM 1 16 output v2 rev1
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.24 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.24 WG3 Information paper on vdes v1
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.25 WG3 Info paper on tech guidelines for implenetation of vdes v1
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.26 WG3 Design considerations for vdes
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.27 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.27 WG3 Demonstration objectives for vdes
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.28 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.28 WG3 VDES user reqs to technical requirements template v2
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.29 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.29 WG3 VDES waveform study
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.3 WG4 MSP5 Maritime Safety Information Service wp1
Originator: WG4
29 Apr 2015
14.2.30 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.30 WG3 Guidance on ais vulnerability
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.31 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.31 WG3 Innovative use of AIS St Germain sep 2014 wd 05
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.32 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.32 WG3 IALA A-126 Status bits edited 20150423
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.33 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.33 WG3 IALA 1082 AIS Overview Ed2 WD150422
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.34 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.34 WG3 AIS17-FAQ update 2015-04-23
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.35 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.35 WG3 Report on GMDSS enav16
Originator: WG3
29 Apr 2015
14.2.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.4 WG4 MSP15 Real-Time Hydrographic and Environmental Information Services vf1 wp2
Originator: WG4
29 Apr 2015
14.2.40 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.40 WG5 Draft Guideline on eLoran service provision
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.41 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.41 WG5 Draft Recommendation on PNT relevant services and systems
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.42 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.42 WG5 SBAS discussion comments from ENAV16
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.43 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.43 WG5 Draft Guideline on use of SBAS
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.44 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.44 WG5 Draft Guideline on techniques used for on-board PNT data processing
Originator: WG5
29 Apr 2015
14.2.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.5 WG4 MSP11 Nautical Chart Service wp3
Originator: WG4
29 Apr 2015
14.2.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.6 WG1 S-100 and CMDS Definitions
Originator: WG1
02 May 2015
14.2.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.7 WG1 Draft revision Guideline on producing IALA S100 PS
Originator: WG1
29 Apr 2015
14.2.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.8 WG1 S-100 Appendix 4a - Service Orientation
Originator: WG1
29 Apr 2015
14.2.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV16-14.2.9 WG1 draft Risk Assessment Plan
Originator: WG1
29 Apr 2015
2 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV16-2.1 Action items from ENAV15
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Jan 2015
16.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV16-16.1 Report ENAV16 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 May 2015
17.1 17. - Date and venue of next meeting-
Document title: ENAV16-17.1 2015-04-08 eNav17 Scope and Content
Originator: ENAV17 SG
10 Apr 2015
3.1.1 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV16-3.1.1 Input paper Committee template July 2014
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Jan 2015
4.1.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.1.1 Council 59 report 2015-12-09
Originator: IALA Secretariat
03 Mar 2015
4.2.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.2.1 IALA IMO MSC94 Report rev2
Originator: IALA Secretariat
03 Mar 2015
4.3.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.3.1 US National GMDSS Task Force TFSR-79 Meeting 2014-10-09 report
Originator: Jack Fuechsel
03 Mar 2015
4.3.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.3.2 USA National GMDSS Task Force - Report of meeting of 2015-01-08 TFSR-80
Originator: Jack Fuechsel
03 Mar 2015
4.4 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.4 e-Navigation Underway 2015 Report 20150211
Originator: IALA Secretariat
19 Apr 2015
4.5 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.5 (C60-12.1.4) IMO NCSR2 Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Apr 2015
4.6 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV16-4.6 (C60-12.2.1) ITU-R WP5B
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Apr 2015
5.3 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV16-5.3 Rapporteur report on GMDSS
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
21 Apr 2015
5.4 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV16-5.4 Report from VTS39
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
21 Apr 2015
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.1 Presentation on a maritime infrastructure framework
Originator: Jens Kristian Jensen
21 Apr 2015
6.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.2 Presentation on ACCSEAS testbed on tactical route exchange Intended and Suggested route services
Originator: Thomas Porathe
21 Apr 2015
6.3 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.3 Presentation on Safer Seas 2015 Overview
Originator: Pierre-Yves Martin
21 Apr 2015
6.4 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.4 Presentation on R-Mode demonstrator
Originator: Michael Hoppe
21 Apr 2015
6.5 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.5 Presentation on IALA Plenary - GSA Call for interest EGNOS over IALA beacons and AIS-VDES 16042015
Originator: Manuel Lopez Martinez
21 Apr 2015
6.6 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV16-6.6 ENAV16 IALA WWA brief Apr 20 Rev 3
Originator: WWA
21 Apr 2015
7.1 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV16-7.1 (ENAV15-14.1.2
Originator: ENAV15
11 Apr 2015
7.2 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV16-7.2 (ENAV15-14.2.51) ENAV Work Programme Task Register - All WG
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
8.1 8. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV16-8.1 (ENAV15-14.1.6) ENAV Committee WG Terms of Reference 20150302
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.1 MSC 95-21-6 - Format for electronic exchange and standard reports (International Association of Classification Societies)
Originator: Bill Cairns
15 Apr 2015
9.10 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.10 (ARM1-11.1.5) Liaison note to ENAV on PUI
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
9.11 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.11 (ARM1-11.1.6) Liaison note to ENAV on PS numbering scheme
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
9.12 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.12 (ARM1-11.1.12) Liaison note to ENAV on CSSA
Originator: ARM1
03 Mar 2015
9.13 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.13 CSSA-Correspondence-Group_Report_20150306 final
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
13 Mar 2015
9.14 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.14 Draft Revision of IALA Recommendation e-NAV140 On the Architecture for the Shore based Infrastructure 'Fit_for_e-Navigation' 20150304
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
10 Apr 2015
9.15 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.15 Draft IALA guideline on Design and Implementation Principles For Harmonized System Architecture Of Shore-based Infrastructure 1-02 20150304
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
05 Mar 2015
9.16 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.16 Draft IALA guideline on the iala common shore based system architecture cssa 1-07c 20150204
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
05 Mar 2015
9.17 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.17 Guideline on generic service engineering model - Main Body 0-07 20150409
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
10 Apr 2015
9.18 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.18 Appendices to Guideline GenericServiceModel@CSSA (2015-03-12)
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
11 Apr 2015
9.19 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.19 (ENAV15-14.2.28) CSSA Generic Service Model WorkPlan 1-00
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
05 Mar 2015
9.20 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.20 Guideline M2M Interfacing@CSSA (2015-04-09)
Originator: Jan-Hendrik Oltmann
10 Apr 2015
9.21 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.21 draft risk assessment plan
Originator: Yves Desnoës
30 Mar 2015
9.22 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.22 A Federated Approach to Distributed Service Interaction in Sea Traffic Management
Originator: Jens Kristian Jensen
30 Mar 2015
9.23 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.23 How the Maritime Cloud supports e-navigation
Originator: Jens Kristian Jensen
30 Mar 2015
9.24 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.24_A maritime infrastructure framework
Originator: Jens Kristian Jensen
30 Mar 2015
9.25 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.25 S-200 - Status and Way Forward 20150419
Originator: Nick Ward
19 Apr 2015
9.26 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.26 20150325 S-100 CMDS definitions DRAFT 0.2
Originator: Edward Hosken
02 Apr 2015
9.27 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.27 (VTS39-12.1.4) Liaison note from VTS to e-NAV regarding Proposed Product Specification Numbering Scheme
Originator: VTS39
19 Apr 2015
9.28 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.28 Comments on shore-based architecture documents
Originator: Yves Desnoës
19 Apr 2015
9.29 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.29 Comments on ENAV-16-9.10 by the IHO Standardization of Nautical Publications WG
Originator: Eivind Mong
19 Apr 2015
9.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.3 (ENAV15-14.2.34) (e-nav14-12.3.1) harmonisation of msps considerations 20130917
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.30.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.30.1 Cover note for ENAV16-30.2
Originator: Bill Cairns
21 Apr 2015
9.30.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.30.2 MSC 95-INF.13 - Format for electronic exchange and standard reports (IACS)
Originator: Bill Cairns
21 Apr 2015
9.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.4 (ENAV15-14.2.35) architecture wg - wg5_intersessionalmeeting 20121204 06 v1 00
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.5 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.5 (ENAV15-14.2.36) draft document the structure of maritime service portfolios msp 1 04 20121206
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.6 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.6 (ENAV15-14.2.37) standalone document implementation of msp strategic perspective
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.7 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.7 (ENAV15-14.2.38) s-100 appendix 4a service
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.8 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.8 (ENAV15-14.2.49) iala workshop on employing the e-navigation common shore based system architecture cssa report
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
9.9 9. - WG 1 - Harmonization
Document title: ENAV16-9.9 (ENAV15-14.2.50) 1087 Ed2 Procedures for the Management of the IALA Domains under the IHO GI Registry_Oct2014
Originator: ENAV15
03 Mar 2015
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