ENAV - 18

Date: 14/03/2016 to 18/03/2016
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 223 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
0.1 0. - General Information
Document title: ENAV18-0.1.1 General Information Leaflet
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Mar 2016
0.1 0. - Hotel
Document title: ENAV18-0.1 Hotel accomodation
Originator: IALA Secreteriat
20 Jan 2016
1.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV18-1.2 draft Agenda ENAV18 20160309
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Mar 2016
1.4 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV18-1.4 Programme for the week 20160111
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Feb 2016
10.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.1 ACCSEAS Legacy Report for IALA Committees ENAV17 and VTS40 and ARM3
Originator: Pieter Paap
24 Feb 2016
10.10 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.10 (ENAV17-10.7) ACCSEAS Legacy Report v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.11 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.11 (ENAV17-10.8) Liaison Note on Outcomes of the ACCSEAS Legacy Report
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.12 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.12 Draft e-NAV Road Map 2016025 MA
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
01 Mar 2016
10.13 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.13 Future Work Items from ACCSEAS for ENAV Committee
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
06 Sep 2016
10.13 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.13 Future Work Items from ACCSEAS for ENAV Committee
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
13 Sep 2016
10.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.2 ACCSEAS Legacy Report, including a sustainable plan for future Work, final version 1.8, issued 13th May 2015
Originator: Pieter Paap
24 Feb 2016
10.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.4 (ENAV17-14.2.1) WG2 Draft guidelines on planning testbeds and reporting of testbed results - MA work as on 14 Jan 2016
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
24 Feb 2016
10.4.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.4.1 Alan Grant comments on draft e-navigation testbed guideline (covernote)
Originator: Alan Grant
24 Feb 2016
10.4.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.4.2 (ENAV17-14.2.1) WG2 draft Guidelines on Planning Testbeds and Reporting of Testbed Results - ajg
Originator: Alan Grant
24 Feb 2016
10.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.5 (ENAV17-14.2.2) WG2 Roadmap for e-navigation
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
10.5.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.5.1 Alan Grant comments on draft e-navigation roadmap (covernote)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
10.5.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.5.2 (ENAV17-14.2.2) WG2 roadmap for e-navigation -ajg
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
10.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.6 Final public summary of FAROS Project
Originator: ENAV18
24 Feb 2016
10.7 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.7 20160129 Projects and testbeds relevant to EfficienSea2 v16
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
10.8.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.1 (ENAV17-10.4.1) ACCSEAS Documents for IALA Committees ENAV17 and VTS40 and ARM3
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.8.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.2 (ENAV17-10.4.2) ACCSEAS e-Navigation Architecture Report v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.8.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.3 (ENAV17-10.4.3) ACCSEAS Route Topology Model Report
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.8.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.4 (ENAV17-10.4.4) ACCSEAS Training Needs Analysis Report
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.8.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.5 (ENAV17-10.4.5) ACCSEAS Final Report v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.8.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.8.6 (ENAV17-10.4.6) ACCSEAS Final Conference Report
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.1 (ENAV17-10.5.1) ACCSEAS Service Description Documents for ENAV17
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.10 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.10 (ENAV17-10.5.10) ACCSEAS Service Description - VOCT Vessel Operations Coordination Tool v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.2 (ENAV17-10.5.2) ACCSEAS S-100 Product Description - MSI-NM Maritime Safety Information - Notice to Mariners v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.3 (ENAV17-10.5.3) ACCSEAS Service Description - IVEF Inter-VTS Exchange Format v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.4 (ENAV17-10.5.4) ACCSEAS Service Description - Maritime Cloud v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.5 (ENAV17-10.5.5) ACCSEAS Service Description - MSI-NM Maritime Safety Information - Notice to Mariners v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.6 (ENAV17-10.5.6) ACCSEAS Service Description - MSPS Multi-source Positioning System v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.7 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.7 (ENAV17-10.5.7) ACCSEAS Service Description - No-Go Area v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.8 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.8 (ENAV17-10.5.8) ACCSEAS Service Description - Tactical Exchange of Intended Routes v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
10.9.9 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV18-10.9.9 (ENAV17-10.5.9) ACCSEAS Service Description - Tactical Route Suggestion v1
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
11.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.1 IEC WG15 MTG19-O-011 Liason to IALA on certain clarifications to ITU-R-M1371-5-2016-01-15
Originator: Stefan Bober
24 Feb 2016
11.1.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.1.1 ITU WRC-15 Provisional Final Acts R-ACT-WRC.11-2015-PDF-E
Originator: Stefan Bober
24 Feb 2016
11.1.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.1.2 R15-WRC15-C-0347!!MSW-E - VDES Appendix 18
Originator: Stefan Bober
24 Feb 2016
11.10 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.10 Integrity monitoring and authentication for VDES
Originator: Antti Kukkonen
07 Mar 2016
11.11 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.11 Report from Dublin 2016 Intersessional Meeing of ENAV WG3 February 2016 v1
Originator: Peggy Browning
07 Mar 2016
11.12 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.12 Draft revision Guideline 1082 AIS Overview Ed2 WD160121
Originator: Peggy Browning
07 Mar 2016
11.13 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.13 Proposal on Facilitation of VDES testbeds
Originator: Jens K Jensen
08 Mar 2016
11.14 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.14 SBAS experts revision of Draft Guidelines on User Requirements for VDES
Originator: Maria Mota
08 Mar 2016
11.15 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.15 IALA A-124 Appendix 14 Ed 2 FATDMA Start Slot Corrections 20160111
Originator: Peggy Browning
08 Mar 2016
11.16.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.16.1 GLA-ITR VDES Waveform Technical Requirements Study input
Originator: Jan Safar
11 Mar 2016
11.16.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.16.2 GLA
Originator: Jan Safar
11 Mar 2016
11.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.2 R-REC-M.2092-0-201510-I!!PDF-E
Originator: Stefan Bober
24 Feb 2016
11.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.3 (ENG3-11.1.11) Liaison note ENG to ENAV on VDES user requirements
Originator: ENG3
24 Feb 2016
11.4 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.4 (VDES1-12.1.1) draft input to IMO - New planned output on development of performance standards standards for VDES - post plenary
Originator: VDES Workshop
01 Mar 2016
11.4.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.4.1 Annexes of the draft input to IMO – New planned output on development of performance standards for VDES
Originator: Hideki Noguchi
09 Mar 2016
11.5 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.5 (VDES1-12.2.1) Draft FAQ regarding VDES 20160218 post plenary
Originator: VDES Workshop
01 Mar 2016
11.6 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.6 (VDES1-12.3.1) Draft IALA Guideline on VDES - User Requirements - post plenary
Originator: VDES Workshop
01 Mar 2016
11.7 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.7 (VDES1-12.3.2) draft Guideline on VDES - Technical Annex - post plenary
Originator: VDES Workshop
01 Mar 2016
11.8 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.8 INF Paper on VDES for MSC96
Originator: Hideki Noguchi
08 Mar 2016
11.9.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.9.1 Structure of IALA Documentation on VDES
Originator: Antti Kukkonen
07 Mar 2016
11.9.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV18-11.9.2 Draft IALA Guideline on VDES related applications-2016-03-01
Originator: Antti Kukkonen
07 Mar 2016
12.10 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.10 (ENAV17-12.2) WG4 MSP15 Real-Time Hydrographic and Environmental Information Services vf1 wp2
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
12.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.1 20160210 letter IHB IALA-ENAV MSP final
Originator: IHO Giles Bessero
24 Feb 2016
12.11 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.11 (ENAV17-12.3) WG4 MSP11 Nautical Chart Service wp3
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
12.12 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.12 Automated Ship Reporting v1.1
Originator: Fred Pot
29 Feb 2016
12.13.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.13.2 Designing A New Way To Deliver Marine Weather Data
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
29 Feb 2016
12.14.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.14.1 Cyber threats
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
12.14.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.14.2 ABS Cyber Security v1 GN e
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
12.14.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.14.3 Guidelines on cyber security onboard ships version 1-0
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
12.14.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.14.4 USCG Cyber stragety - ref1
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
12.14.5 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.14.5 2011 ENISA Analysis of cyber security aspects in the maritime sector 1 0 - Ref2
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
12.15 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.15 Draft IALA Guidelines on MSPs
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.16 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.16 MSC96-new input 6 (MSPs)-05feb-v15
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
07 Mar 2016
12.17 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.17 IALA Comment on input document MSC 96-23-xx New planned output on harmonized Maritime Service Portfolios
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Mar 2016
12.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.2 MSP11 Nautical Chart Service
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.3 MSP15 Real-Time Hydrographic and Environmental Information Services
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.4 MSP12 Nautical Publications Service
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.5 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.5 MSP13 Ice Navigation Service
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.6 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.6 MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.7 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.7 MSP5 Maritime Safety Information Service
Originator: Ulrich Tagne
01 Mar 2016
12.8 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.8 (ENAV17-14.2.26) Maritime Service Portfolios (MSP) descriptions v2 151102
Originator: ENAV17
01 Apr 2016
12.9 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV18-12.9 (ENAV17-14.2.27) Progress on e-navigation Services incl List of Relevant Organisations for MSPs
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.1 (ENAV17-14.2.8) WG5 Draft Recommendation on eloran service provision
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.10 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.10 (ENAV17-14.2.22) WG5 Draft Maritime Operational Requirements (rev.291015)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.11.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.11.1 Status of the development of the guideline on eLoran service provision
Originator: Jiwon Seo
29 Feb 2016
13.11.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.11.2 (ENAV17_13_15_3) draft Guideline on eLoran Service Provision-V0.7
Originator: Jiwon Seo
29 Feb 2016
13.12 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.12 R-Mode intersessional report
Originator: Alan Grant
29 Feb 2016
13.13 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.13 WG5 plan for ENAV18
Originator: Alan Grant
01 Mar 2016
13.14.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.14.1 WG5 Cover note for Draft Guideline on Port and Harbour High Accuracy Systems
Originator: Thoralf Noack
01 Mar 2016
13.14.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.14.2 WG5 Draft Guideline on High Accuracy Systems and Services in Ports and Harbours
Originator: Thoralf Noack
01 Mar 2016
13.15 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.15 True Heading patent on positioning using AIS data
Originator: Jesper Bäcksted
01 Mar 2016
13.16 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.16 Transmission of SBAS corrections over AIS
Originator: Maria Mota
08 Mar 2016
13.17.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.17.1 Status Update PNT Guideline development f
Originator: Evelin Engler
10 Mar 2016
13.17.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.17.2 NCSR 3-8 - Draft guidelines for shipborne Position, Navigation and Timing (data processing) unit (Finland and Germany)
Originator: Evelin Engler
10 Mar 2016
13.18.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.18.1 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification - Working Draft 0.0.2
Originator: Cho Yonghun
10 Mar 2016
13.18.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.18.2 20160201 - S-240 comment form
Originator: Cho Yonghun
10 Mar 2016
13.18.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.18.3 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification - Working Draft 0.0.1
Originator: Cho Yonghun
10 Mar 2016
13.18.4 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.18.4 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification - Working Draft 0.0.1_Nick Ward comments
Originator: Cho Yonghun
10 Mar 2016
13.19 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.19 Update of S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac
Originator: Cho Yonghun
10 Mar 2016
13.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.2 (ENAV17-14.2.9) WG5 Draft Guideline on eLoran service provision (rev.291015)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.20 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.20 Transmission of SBAS corrections over IALA beacons
Originator: Maria Mota
10 Mar 2016
13.21 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.21 160209 Development Status of Korea eLoran
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.22 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.22 160209-IALA-V0.1
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.23 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.23 PSD-R-Mode-WG5-Interference Considerations
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.24 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.24 R-Mode-Baltic proposal project preparation INTERREG DLR
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.25 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.25 R-Mode-Status-WG5-IM
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.26 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.26 Testbed of AIS R-mode in China
Originator: ENAV18 WG5
17 Mar 2016
13.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.3 (ENAV17-14.2.10) WG5 eLoran Almanac format (V1.0)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.4 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.4 (ENAV17-14.2.11) WG5 Coordination of PNT Development Activities
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.5 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.5 (ENAV17-14.2.12) WG5 R-Mode Intersessional aims and objectives
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.6 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.6 (ENAV17-14.2.13) WG5 Draft Guideline on Use of SBAS (rev.291015)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.7 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.7 (ENAV17-14.2.14) WG5 Draft Guideline on Techniques Used for on-board PNT data processing (rev.291015)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.8 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.8 (ENAV17-14.2.15) WG5 Draft contents of a coverage prediction guideline
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
13.9 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV18-13.9 (ENAV17-14.2.15) WG5 Draft contents of a coverage prediction guideline
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
14.1.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.1 Liaison Note to ARM on NAVGUIDE Chapter 4 amendment
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.10 S-240 Comments Form (NW)
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.11 IALA Comment on input document MSC 96-23-7
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Mar 2016
14.1.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.12 Change Proposal S-100
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.13 CP annex A Session Oriented Services
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.14 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.14 CP annex B change matrix S-100
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.15 CP annex C exercise output documents
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.16 draft Guideline 1087
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.17 Draft IALA Guideline 1106
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.18 Liaison note to VTS Committee on S-200 product specification for the IVEF service
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.19 Liaison Note to PAP on Maritime Resource Names MRN post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.2 Guidelines on Planning Testbeds and Reporting of Testbed Results - Final Draft
Originator: WG2
16 Mar 2016
14.1.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.20 Draft Guideline on Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.21 Liaison note to PAP on portrayal of sector lights
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.22 Liaison note to ARM on Portraylal of Sector Lights
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.23 Liaison note to ARM on pictograms
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.24 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.24 Liaison Note to all IALA Committees and PAP post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.25 Liaison to ITU from IALA concerning revision to ITU-R M.2092 post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.26 Liaison to ITU from IALA for AI 1.9.2
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.27 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.27 Guideline 1082 AIS Overview ed2 post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.28 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.28 Information paper on VDES to IMO for MSC96
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.29 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.29 Draft input to IMO new planned output on development of performance standards for VDES
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.3 Liaison Note to VTS ARM on Future Work identified in Accseas
Originator: WG2
17 Mar 2016
14.1.30 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.30 draft IALA e-navigation Road Map post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.31 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.31 Liaison note to ITU-R regarding cooperation with IALA
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.4 Liaison Note to VTS ARM on the FAROS project version 2 post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.5 Liaison note to IHO on MSPs
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.8 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification draft 0.0.2 TC on
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.1.9 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.1.9 S-240 DGNSS Station Almanac Product Specification draft 0.0.2
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: EANV18-14.2.1 ENAV Work Plan revised at ENAV18 post plenary.docx
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.10 S-200 Status Report
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.11 S-201 AtoN Information Product Specification Draft 0.0.1
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.12 WG1 Draft Risk Assessment Plan
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.13 draft_recommendation_on_eloran_service_provision
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.14 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.14 Draft Recommendation on PNT relevant services and systems
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.15 WG5 draft Guideline on systems for high accuracy positioning services in critical areas
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.16 WG5 draft guideline on use of SBAS rev 17032016
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.17 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.17 WG5 Draft guideline on marine beacon coverage prediction (ENAV18)
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.18 WG5 Draft R-Mode Roadmap
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.19 WG5 R-Mode Mindmap (PDF format - updated 20160316)
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: EANV18-14.2.2 ENAV work programme task register revised at EANV18 post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.20 WG5 R-Mode Mindmap (Mindmap format - updated 20160316)
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.21 WG3 R-REC-M.2092
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.22 WG3 Draft IALA guideline on VDES operational
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.23 WG3 ITU Draft Report on VDE-SAT
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.24 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.24 WG3 Draft IALA guideline on VDES technical
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.25 WG3 Map to compare VDES with AIS documentation Structure
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.26 WG3 Draft IALA road map WG3
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.27 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.27 WG3 Transmission of sbas corrections over ais
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.28 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.28 WG3 USCG input on FATDMA issue
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.29 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.29 WG3 Comms interference on new VDES Channels - Testbed Issue
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.30 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.30 WG3 Finland Input - Structure of IALA documentation on vdes
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.31 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.31 WG3 Draft FAQ regarding VDES
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.32 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.32 WG3 Liason to IALA on certain clarifications to ITU R M1371-5
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.33 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.33 WG3 Finland Input Draft IALA guideline on VDES related applications
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.4 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.4 Revised Navguide updated at EANV18
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
14.2.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.5 Draft IALA Guideline on MSPs v-4
Originator: ENAV18
04 Apr 2016
14.2.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV18-14.2.6 - e-Loran service provision Guideline (draft)
Originator: ENAV18
19 Mar 2016
2.1 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV18-2.1 Action items from ENAV17 20160214
Originator: IALA Secretariat
14 Feb 2016
3.1 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV18-3.1 Input paper Committee template January 2016
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Mar 2016
4.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.1 (C61-22.1) Council 61 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
07 Mar 2016
4.10 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.10 Report IALA Workshop on Development of VHF Data Exchange System (VDES) final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
27 Feb 2016
4.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.2 (PAP30-18.1) Report PAP30
Originator: IALA Secretariat
07 Mar 2016
4.3 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.3 Report on IALA Seminar on Maritime Digital Infrastructure and Testbeds Gothenburg 2015
Originator: IALA Secretariat
27 Feb 2016
4.4 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.4 Report e-Navigation Underway International 2016 Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
24 Feb 2016
4.5 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.5 Report of ITU WRC-15 Geneva 2nd to 27th November 2015
Originator: Stefan Bober
07 Mar 2016
4.6 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV18-4.6 IMO NCSR3 report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Mar 2016
5.2.1 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.2.1 (DWG2-2 2) IALA Dictionary Working Group for Committees 20160301
Originator: DWG
07 Mar 2016
5.2.2 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.2.2 Dictionary amendment proposal form
Originator: DWG
07 Mar 2016
5.3 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.3 Report from Rapporteur on GMDSS january 2016
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
07 Mar 2016
5.4.1 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.4.1 Liasion note on joint ENAV
Originator: Tuncay Cehrel
07 Mar 2016
5.4.2 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.4.2 Rapporteur Report from VTS41
Originator: Jon Leon Ervik
13 Mar 2016
5.6 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV18-5.6 IHO Rapporteur report to IALA ENAV18
Originator: Edward Hosken
09 Mar 2016
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.1 WWA brief to ENAV18 March 2016
Originator: WWA
24 Mar 2016
6.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.2 R
Originator: Young Sup Kim
24 Mar 2016
6.3 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.3 VTS Symposium 2016 Website - Registration Flow - A
Originator: Hairizam Albukhari
24 Mar 2016
6.4 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.4 RTCM Annual Assembly 2016
Originator: Bill Cairns
24 Feb 2016
6.4.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.4.1 RTCM 2016 Presentation to IALA ENAV 18
Originator: Bill Cairns
24 Mar 2016
6.5 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.5 IALA file sharing web site and ftp server 20160314a
Originator: Jeffrey van Gils
24 Mar 2016
6.6 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.6 NCC Group - Maritime Cyber Security Threats and Opportunities
Originator: Brendan Saunders
24 Mar 2016
6.7 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.7 Usability Evaluation of e-Navigation MSP 2(NAS)_YU
Originator: Yung Ho YU
24 Mar 2016
6.8 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.8 Maritime Cloud update ENAV18
Originator: Thomas Christensen
24 Mar 2016
6.9 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV18-6.9 Radar Trials in Singapore for resilient positioning draft4
Originator: Takuo Kashiwa
24 Mar 2016
7.1 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV18-7.1 ENAV Work Plan revised at ENAV17
Originator: ENAV17
27 Feb 2016
7.2 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV18-7.2 ENAV Work Programme Task Register revised at ENAV17
Originator: ENAV18
24 Feb 2016
8.1 8. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENAV18-8.1 ENAV Terms of Reference revised at ENAV17
Originator: ENAV18
24 Feb 2016
9.1.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.1.1 S-201 AtoN Information Product Specification Covering note
Originator: Nick Ward
24 Feb 2016
9.1.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.1.2 S-201 AtoN Information Product Specification - draft 0.0.1
Originator: Nick Ward
24 Feb 2016
9.10 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.10 (ARM3-11.1.2) Liaison note to IALA Members on Use of Pictogram
Originator: ARM3
24 Feb 2016
9.11 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.11 (ARM3-11.1.3) Liaison note to ENAV on portrayal of sector lights
Originator: ARM3
24 Feb 2016
9.13 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.13 WG1 work programme
Originator: Edward Hosken
29 Feb 2016
9.14 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.14 Report of Inter-Sessional meeting of WG1 Sub Group on S-100
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.15.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.15.1 IHO S100 Change Proposal form and Annexes
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.15.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.15.2 Change Proposal S100
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.15.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.15.3 CP Annex A Session Oriented Services
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.15.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.15.4 CP Annex B Change Matrix S100
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.15.5 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.15.5 CP Annex C exercise output documents
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.16.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.16.1 Exercise on the dev of S-100 PS for stream data service infDoc IVEF DraftPS GA RC
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
01 Mar 2016
9.16.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.16.2 IALA Draft Product Specification IVEF v0.0.4 20160104
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.16.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.16.3 IALA S100 Gap Analyse v0.1.1 20160104
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
01 Mar 2016
9.16.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.16.4 IALA S100 Recommendation Gap v0.1.1 20160104
Originator: Peter Hooijmans
29 Feb 2016
9.17 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.17 Comments on ENAV17-14.1.5 on MRN Unique Identifiers
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
08 Mar 2016
9.18 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.18 Proposed action on establishing maritime resource namespace v0.0
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
08 Mar 2016
9.19 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.19 (VTS41-12.1.10) Liaison to ENAV on M2M interfaces
Originator: VTS41
11 Mar 2016
9.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.2 (ENAV17-14.2.3) WG1 Streaming Data Service draft 4
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.3 (ENAV17-14.2.4) WG1 Draft Risk Assessment Plan
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.3.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.3.1 (ENAV17-14.2.4) WG1 draft Risk Assessment Plan 1 revised
Originator: Yves Desnoës
29 Feb 2016
9.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.4 (ENAV17-14.2.5) WG1 draft IALA Guideline on the Application Note on Support of CSSA for MSPs maritime cloud 20150423
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.5 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.5 (ENAV17-14.2.6) WG1 Questions on a Digital Infrastructure Framework for e-navigation (rev3)
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.6 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.6 (ENAV17-14.2.7) WG1 International Standard for M2M Interfaces v1.1
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.7 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.7 (ENAV17-14.1.2) Guideline 1087 on Procedures for the Management of the IALA Domains under the IHO GI Registry rev2 QC
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.8 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.8 (ENAV17-14.1.3) Guideline 1106 on Producing an IALA S-200 series Product Specification rev2 QC
Originator: ENAV17
24 Feb 2016
9.9 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV18-9.9 S-200 Status Report
Originator: Nick Ward
27 Feb 2016
16.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV18-16.1 Report 18th Session IALA ENAV Committee - ENAV18 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13 May 2016
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