LAP - 19

Date: 16/04/2019 to 17/04/2019
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 33 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
19.10.1 10. Guidance document on maritime law with regard to AtoN
Document title: LAP19-10.1 Maritime law with regard to AtoN
Originator: ARM Committee
19.11.1 11. Liabilities with regard to satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS)
Document title: LAP19-11.1 Consideration of SBAS as AtoN and the IALA Competent Authority Role
Originator: European GNSS Agency and Secretariat 11. Liabilities with regard to satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS)
Document title: LAP19-11.1.1 EMRF-SPWG 2018 Workshop Report
Originator: EMRF 11. Liabilities with regard to satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS)
Document title: LAP19-11.1.2 EGNOS Service Provision Schemes
Originator: EMRF 11. Liabilities with regard to satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS)
Document title: LAP19-11.1.3 EGNOS Maritime and IWW Safety Information
Originator: EMRF 11. Liabilities with regard to satellite based augmentation systems (SBAS)
Document title: LAP19-11.1.4 EGNOS Working Arrangements Liabilities Scheme
Originator: EMRF
19.12.1 12. Disclaimers for the IALA Dictionary
Document title: LAP19-12.1 Disclaimers for the IALA Dictionary
Originator: LAP Chair 12. Disclaimers for the IALA Dictionary
Document title: LAP19-12.1.1 LAP8-output-02 IALA Dictionary disclaimer
Originator: LAP8
19.13.1 13. Proposed changes to IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: LAP19-13.1 Review of IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Originator: VTS Committee 13. Proposed changes to IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: LAP19-13.1.1 Draft revised IMO Resolution A.857(20) - Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: VTS Committee 14. Advice on guidance documents under development or under review
Document title: LAP19-14.1.1 Draft Recommendation on Governance of AtoN Service Delivery_tracked changes
Originator: ARM Committee 14. Advice on guidance documents under development or under review
Document title: LAP19-14.1.2 Draft Recommendation on Governance of AtoN Service Delivery_clean version
Originator: ARM Committee 14. Advice on guidance documents under development or under review
Document title: LAP19-14.2.1 Draft Guideline on the Governance of AtoN Service Provision_tracked changes
Originator: ARM Committee 14. Advice on guidance documents under development or under review
Document title: LAP19-14.2.2 Draft Guideline on the Governance of AtoN Service Provision_clean version
Originator: ARM Committee 14. Advice on guidance documents under development or under review
Document title: LAP19-14-3.1 Guidelines with topics that are outside of IALA's remit
Originator: Secretariat
19.15.1 15. Review of IALA Risk Register
Document title: LAP19-15.1 IALA risk register
Originator: Secretariat
19.16.1 16. Review of World-Wide Academy risk register
Document title: LAP19-16.1 WWA risk register
Originator: Secretariat
19.2.1 2. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: LAP19-2.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
19.21.1 21. Approval of the report
Document title: LAP19-21.1 Report LAP19
Originator: Secretariat
21 Oct 2019
19.3.1 3. Review of action items from LAP18
Document title: LAP19-3.1 Review of action items from LAP18
Originator: Secretariat
19.5.1 5. Reports of IALA Council sessions 65 to 68
Document title: LAP19-5.1 Report of Council 65
Originator: Secretariat
19.5.2 5. Reports of IALA Council sessions 65 to 68
Document title: LAP19-5.2 Report of Council 66
Originator: Secretariat
19.5.3 5. Reports of IALA Council sessions 65 to 68
Document title: LAP19-5.3 Report of Council 67
Originator: Secretariat
19.5.4 5. Reports of IALA Council sessions 65 to 68
Document title: LAP19-5.4 Report of Council 68
Originator: Secretariat
19.6.1 6. Reports of PAP sessions 33 to 37
Document title: LAP19-6.1 Report of PAP 33
Originator: Secretariat
19.6.2 6. Reports of PAP sessions 33 to 37
Document title: LAP19-6.2
Originator: Report of PAP 34
19.6.3 6. Reports of PAP sessions 33 to 37
Document title: LAP19-6.3 Report of PAP 35
Originator: Secretariat
19.6.4 6. Reports of PAP sessions 33 to 37
Document title: LAP19-6.4 Report of PAP 36
Originator: Secretariat
19.6.5 6. Reports of PAP sessions 33 to 37
Document title: LAP19-6.5 Report of PAP 37
Originator: Secretariat
19.8.1 8. Review of IALA Constitution
Document title: LAP19-8.1 IALA Constitution May 2018
Originator: Secretariat
19.9.1 9. Review of Basic Documents
Document title: LAP19-9.1 Review of Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat 9. Review of Basic Documents
Document title: LAP19-9.1.1 Draft IALA Basic Documents Ed4 June 2019 (Tracked changes)
Originator: Secretariat 9. Review of Basic Documents
Document title: LAP19-9.1.2 Draft IALA Basic Documents Ed4 June 2019 (Clean copy)
Originator: Secretariat
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