PAP - 31

Date: 06/04/2016 to 07/04/2016
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 23 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
31-1.1 1. Opening of Meeting
Document title: PAP31-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016
31-14.1 14. IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP31-14.1 IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Originator: Secretariat
05 Apr 2016 15. IALA communication means
Document title: PAP31-15.1.2/3 IALA Wiki and File sharing system
Originator: Secretariat
04 Apr 2016
31.16.3 16. Any other business
Document title: PAP31-16.3 Draft note to Council requesting delegation of Authority to DWG
Originator: Secretariat
29 Mar 2016
31.16.3 INF1 16. Any other business
Document title: PAP31-16.3 INF1 Note on Dictionary PAP Working Group
Originator: Secretariat
23 Mar 2016
31.16.3 INF2 16. Any other business
Document title: PAP31-16.3 INF2 Dictionary PAP Working Group Terms of Reference
Originator: Secretariat
23 Mar 2016
31.21.1 21. Output papers
Document title: PAP31-21.1 Report of PAP31
Originator: Secretariat
29 Apr 2016
31.3.1 3. Update on action items from PAP30
Document title: PAP31-3.1 Update on action items from PAP30
Originator: Secretariat
05 Apr 2016 4. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP31-4.1.1 Draft IALA Standard structure
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016 4. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP31-4.1.2 Mapping Standards to documents
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016 4. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP31-4.1.3 Mapping documents to Standards
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016 4. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP31-4.1.4 Note on IALA Standard document mapping
Originator: Secretariat
05 Apr 2016
31.5.1 5. Coordination ENAV and VTS
Document title: PAP31-5.1 Agenda for joint VTS ENAV meeting
Originator: Secretariat
23 Mar 2016
31.6 6. IALA Technical Policy
Document title: PAP31-6 Note on IALA Techncial Policy
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016
31.6.1 6. IALA Technical Policy
Document title: PAP31-6.1 IALA Technical Policy
Originator: Secretariat
23 Mar 2016
31.6.2 6. IALA Technical Policy
Document title: PAP31-6.2 VTS Policy
Originator: Secretariat
23 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31-7.1.1 Note on draft Guideline for Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ENAV Committee
24 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31- Draft Guideline on Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ENAV Committee
23 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31-7.1.2 Portrayal of AtoN on electronic charts
Originator: ENAV Committee
24 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31-7.1.3 Conclusions of the IALA Seminar on Maritime Digital Infrastructure and Testbeds
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31- Note on Draft IALA e-Navigation road map
Originator: ENAV Committee
24 Mar 2016 7. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP31- Draft IALA e-Navigation road map
Originator: ENAV Committee
24 Mar 2016 9. IALA Basic Documents
Document title: PAP31-9.2.1 Committee Rules of Procedure
Originator: Secretariat
24 Mar 2016
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