PAP - 36

Date: 19/09/2018 to 21/09/2018
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 36 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
36.1.2 1. Opening of meeting
Document title: PAP36-1.2 Agenda v4
Originator: Secretariat
36.10.3 10. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP36-10.3 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Originator: Secretariat
36.10.5 10. Any Other Business
Document title: PAP36-10.5 Proposed meeting dates 2019
Originator: Secretariat
36.13.1 13. Output papers
Document title: PAP36-13.1 Position on the development of AtoN services
Originator: Secretariat
36.13.2 13. Output papers
Document title: PAP36-13.2 Meeting dates for 2019
Originator: Secretariat
36.13.3 13. Output papers
Document title: PAP36-13.3 Committee responsibilities in Information services
Originator: Secretariat
36.3.1 3. Update on action items from PAP35
Document title: PAP36-3.1 Update on action items from PAP35
Originator: Secretariat
36.5.1 5. Revision of "Position on the Development of AtoN Services"
Document title: PAP36-5.1 Draft revised "Position on the Development of AtoN Services"
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.1.1 Committee responsibilities - Information services
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- Draft plan for joint IHO-IALA submission to HGDM2
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- Draft joint IHO-IALA submission to HGDM2
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- Joint submission of draft Template for maritime services to the IMO
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- New Chair for IPCDMC 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- IPCDMC and IHMA re. S-211
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.3.1 The progress of VDES and the influence of AIS and mandatory carriage
Originator: DSG 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.3.2 Draft proposal for VDES operational test-bed
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.3.3 Maritime connectivity via 3GPP
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- echnical report by 3GPP
Originator: 3GPP 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.3.5 Draft report on ENAV-WG3/ARM meeting on AMRD/MAtoN in response to ITU
Originator: Jillian Carson-Jackson
36.7.4 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.4 Draft Work Plan for the review and amendment of A.857
Originator: VTS Committee 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.5.1 Sea Traffic Management and IALA
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- Sea Traffic Management and IALA
Originator: Secretariat 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36- Concept note #16 on PortCDM
36.7.6 7. Committee responsibilities and coordination
Document title: PAP36-7.6
Originator: Secretariat
36.8.1 8. Work programme for the Committees
Document title: PAP36-8.1 Work programme for the Committee
Originator: Council 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36-9.1.1 IALA-IHO Technical Coordination Meeting 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36- Report on IMO MSC99
Originator: Secretariat 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36- Report on IMO NCSR5
Originator: Secretariat 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36-9.2.2 Report on IMO Council120
Originator: Secretariat
36.9.3 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36-9.3 Report on meetings of ITU-R WP5B
Originator: Stefan Bober 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36- Liaison statement to IMI, IALA, WMO, CIRM and Inmarsat on AMRD
Originator: ITU 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36- Note to the report on 14th Joint IMO-ITU experts group on Maritime Communications Matters
Originator: Secretariat 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36- Report on 14th Joint IMO-ITU Experts Group on Maritime Communications Matters
Originator: Stefan Bober 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36-9.4.1 New PIANC working groups
Originator: PIANC
36.9.5 9. International organizations
Document title: PAP36-9.5 IHMA Data definitions 240518 follow up
13. Output papers
Document title: PAP36-11.1 Report of PAP36
Originator: Secretariat
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