VTS - 38

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This meeting contains 73 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS38-1.2 Agenda
02 Oct 2014
1.4 1 - Introduction
Document title: VTS38-1.4 programme for the week
23 Sep 2014
10.1.1 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS38-10.1.1 Authenticity, validation and security of certification
15 Sep 2014
10.1.2 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS38-10.1.2 VTS CBT
06 Oct 2014
10.3.1 10. TD 3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS38-10.3.1 Develop Guidance on Human Factor Management in VTS (Rev 1)
19 Sep 2014
12.1.1 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.1 Liaison Note to Council on Guideline 1055
13 Oct 2014
12.1.10 12. Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.10 Draft Guideline on Decision Support Tools -final
23 Oct 2014
12.1.11 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.11 WG1 - Draft Terms of Reference_09Oct-14
13 Oct 2014
12.1.12 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.12 VTS Manual revision - Terms of Reference
13 Oct 2014
12.1.13 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.13 WG3 - Draft Terms of Reference Oct 2014
13 Oct 2014
12.1.2 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.2 Liaison Note to Council on Workshop Human Factors and Ergonomics in VTS
13 Oct 2014
12.1.3 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.3 Liaison Note to Council on updates of VTS Work Programme (2014-2018)
13 Oct 2014
12.1.4 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.4 Liaison note on VDES to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_5
13 Oct 2014
12.1.5 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.5 Liaison note on VDES implementation to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_6
13 Oct 2014
12.1.6 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.6 Liaison note on CSSA to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_7
13 Oct 2014
12.1.7 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.7 Liaison note on e-NAV-140 to e-NAV regarding VTS38 9_2_8
13 Oct 2014
12.1.8 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.8 TNO draft responseV1
13 Oct 2014
12.1.9 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS38-12.1.9 WG2 - Draft Terms of Reference_VTS38
13 Oct 2014
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.1 V-128 v8 edited_ output for intersessional work
13 Oct 2014
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.2 (vts38_8_4_1_vts37_14_2_1_2)_iala_vts_strategy_WG1-WPXX
13 Oct 2014
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.3 (VTS38_8.4.1_VTS37-8.12.4)_IALA VTS Strategy matrix_WG1-WPXX
13 Oct 2014
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.4 (VTS38-1.4.3)_ IALA Questionnaire_no_track_changes_WG1-WPXX
13 Oct 2014
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.5 draft guideline VTS Revalidation Process for VTSO_2014 10 10
13 Oct 2014
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.6 VTS Manual Revision Status VTS38-WG1-WPXX_final
13 Oct 2014
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.7 (VTS38_1.1.3) Draft Guideline_Incident-Accident_Reporting_WG1-WPXX
13 Oct 2014
12.2.8 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS38-12.2.8 Draft Guideline - IMSAS
13 Oct 2014
2.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS38-2.1 Action items from VTS37
08 Aug 2014
2.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS38-2.2 (VTS37-16) Report VTS37
16 Sep 2014
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: Template input papers
16 Sep 2014
11.1 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS38-11.1 Work programme Summary Report (rev2)
13 Oct 2014
11.2 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS38-11.2 2014-18 Work Programme Task Register v5master
13 Oct 2014
14 14. Review of session report
Document title: VTS38-14 Report VTS38
03 Nov 2014
3.1.1 3 - Review of input papers
Document title: VTS38-3.1.1 (ANM21- Liaison note to VTS-Response on Disaster Recovery
28 Sep 2014
3.1.2 3 - Review of input papers
Document title: VTS38-3.1.2 IALA Strategic Vision 2012-2026
28 Sep 2014
3.1.3 3 - Review of input papers
Document title: VTS38-3.1.3 IALA Committee Structure 2014-2018
28 Sep 2014
3.1.4 3 - Review of input papers
Document title: VTS38-3.1.4 (e-NAV14- Liaison note e-NAV to ANM, EEP
28 Sep 2014
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.1.1 C56 Report 2013-12-13
08 Aug 2014
4.1.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.1.2 C57 final report
08 Aug 2014
4.1.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.1.3 C58 final report
08 Aug 2014
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.2.1 (PAP26-16) report of PAP26
16 Sep 2014
4.2.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.2.2 (PAP27-9) report of PAP27
16 Sep 2014
4.2.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.2.3 (PAP28-14.1) Report of PAP28
11 Oct 2014
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.3.1 18th IALA Conference 2014 report final
18 Sep 2014
4.3.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.3.2 18th IALA conference conclusions
16 Sep 2014
4.4.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.4.1 Draft Report of the Singapore Forum on VTS Oct.2013
16 Sep 2014
4.4.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.4.2 Report Kandla Forum on VTS final
16 Sep 2014
4.4.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.4.3 Pre-18th IALA Conference Seminar Report Rev 1
16 Sep 2014
4.5.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.5.1 IMO Report of IMO MSC 93-22
08 Aug 2014
4.5.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.5.2 IALA Report of IMO NCSR1
16 Sep 2014
4.6.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.6.1 Report of MonaLisa 2
19 Sep 2014
4.7.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS38-4.7.1 IALA Workshop on Employing the e-Nav Common Shore-Based System Architecture (CSSA) - Report
28 Sep 2014
6.2.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS38-6.2.1 IALA WWA brief Oct 14 Rev 1
06 Oct 2014
6.3.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS38-6.3.1 VTS in Russia
06 Oct 2014
8.1.1 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.1 (VTS37- Draft Guideline on Decision Support Tools ver1 13.03_19Sept2013
08 Aug 2014
8.1.2 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.2 (VTS37- Development Rec and Guidl AIS service as sub-basic VTS
08 Aug 2014
8.1.3 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.3 Close-quarter reporting by VTS
15 Sep 2014
8.1.4 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.4 Close-quarter reporting by VTS information
15 Sep 2014 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.5a Close-quarter reporting by VTS technical and legal issue (English)
16 Sep 2014 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.5b Close-quarter reporting by VTS technical and legal issue (French)
16 Sep 2014
8.1.6 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.1.6 Measuring the effectivness of VTS (Rev.1)
19 Sep 2014
8.4.1 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.4.1 IALA VTS Strategy
08 Aug 2014
8.4.2 8. TD 1 - Operations
08 Aug 2014
8.4.3 8. TD 1 - Operations
Document title: VTS38-8.4.3 Comments on the IALA VTS Strategy paper
29 Sep 2014
9.2.1 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.1 (VTS37- Draft Revised Recommendation V-128_rev_4_0 with comments
08 Aug 2014
9.2.2 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.2 V-128 Comment sheet
08 Aug 2014
9.2.3 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.3 TNO - CARPET VTS
19 Sep 2014
9.2.4 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.4 Information Paper on e-NAV14 documents
22 Sep 2014
9.2.5 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.5 (e-NAV14- Information Paper on VDES v1
22 Sep 2014
9.2.6 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.6 (e-NAV14- Information Paper on Technical Guidelines for implementation of VDES v1
22 Sep 2014
9.2.7 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.7 IALA Recommendation on the IALA Common Shore-based System Architecture (CSSA) 20130925d_EditoriallyFixed-1
06 Oct 2014
9.2.8 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.8 (e-NAV14- Draft Revision Of Rec e-NAV-140 on e-Navigation Architecture-Shore Perspective(Ed2)a
22 Sep 2014
9.2.9 9. TD 2 - Technology
Document title: VTS38-9.2.9 Proposed Revision of V-128 Draft
06 Oct 2014
Document title: VTS38 Committee photo
13 Oct 2014
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