IMG (prior to the IGO) - 4

Date: 25/06/2020
Venue: Video Conference

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This meeting contains 9 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.1 1. President and S-G opening remarks
Document title: 1.1 Report by Secretary-General
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
1.2 1. President and S-G opening remarks
Document title: 1.2 WWA Update
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
1.3 1. President and S-G opening remarks
Document title: 1.3 Status of the IGO Project
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
1.4 1. President and S-G opening remarks
Document title: 1.4 Membership status and evolution
Originator: Secretariat
23 Jun 2020
3.1 3. Approval of the agenda
Document title: 3.1 Provisional agenda
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
8.1 8. Planning of the virtual mid-term meeting
Document title: 8.1 Planning of mid-term meeting
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
8.2 8. Planning of the virtual mid-term meeting
Document title: 8.2 Draft new Terms of Reference (IMC-IMG)
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
9.1 9. Finance - Follow up from Council meeting
Document title: 9.1 Financial arrangements (Paper from 2019)
Originator: Secretariat
22 Jun 2020
12.1 12. Report
Document title: 12.1 IMC 2020-06-25 Meeting Report
Originator: Secretariat
28 Jul 2020
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