ENG - 4

Date: 11/04/2016 to 15/04/2016
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 123 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
9.1.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.1.2 S-201 AtoN Information Product Specification - draft 0.0.1
Originator: Nick Ward
10 Dec 2015
0.1 0. - Hotel
Document title: ENG4-0.1 Hotel accomodation
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Jan 2016
9.1.3 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.1.3 S-201 Product Specification - draft 0.0.1 formatted
Originator: Nick Ward
14 Feb 2016
9.1.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.1.1 S-201 AtoN Information Product Specification Covering note
Originator: Nick Ward
14 Feb 2016
9.1.4 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.1.4 S-201 Product Specification - draft 0.0.1 Annex A DCEG_rev5 formatted
Originator: Nick Ward
14 Feb 2016
1.4 1. - Opening
Document title: ENG4-1.4 Programme for week 20160107
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Mar 2016
7.1 7. - Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ENG4-7.1 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 - updated at ENG3
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
7.2 7. - Review of Work Programme and WG expectations
Document title: ENG4-7.2 ENG Work Programme Task Register - updated at ENG3
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
8.1 8. - Establish Working Groups
Document title: ENG4-8.1 ENG Committee TOR Wiki - updated at ENG3
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
4.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG4-4.2 (PAP30-18.1) Report PAP30
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Mar 2016
5.8.2 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG4-5.8.2 Dictionary amendment proposal form
Originator: IALA Dictionary Working Group (DWG)
11 Mar 2016
4.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG4-4.1 (C61-22.1) Council 61 Final Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Mar 2016
2.1 2. - Review of action items from ENG3
Document title: ENG4-2.1 Action items from ENG3
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Mar 2016
5.8.1 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG4-5.8.1 (DWG2-2 2) IALA Dictionary Working Group for Committees 20160301
Originator: IALA Dictionary Working Group (DWG)
11 Mar 2016
9.10 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.10 Workshop on Sustainable Light
Originator: WS Steering Group
11 Mar 2016
9.6 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.6 (ENG3-11.2.17) WG1 Draft Guideline 1038 Revision
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
9.11.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.11.1 Revision of E-200 Luminous Range - ENG3 action item 29 Fernando
Originator: Fernando Romero
11 Mar 2016
9.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.2 (ENG1-9.4.6) Need for harmonizing requirements to leading line dayboard dimensions in IALA documentation (Guideline 1023)
Originator: ENG1
11 Mar 2016
9.3 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.3 (ARM3-11.1.2) Liaison note to IALA Members on use of pictogram
Originator: ARM3
11 Mar 2016
9.5 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.5 (ENG3-11.2.16) WG1 Draft Guideline on Selection of Rhythmic Characters of Lights on AtoN 20151119
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
9.4 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.4 (ENG3-11.2.15) WG1 Rec E-110 Ed4 Draft Rythmic characters of lights on AtoN ENG2 notes 20150521
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
9.12 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.12 Revision of IALA documents on leading lines - ENG3 action 32
Originator: Frank Hermann
11 Mar 2016
9.11 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.11 Revision of E-200 Luminous Range - ENG3 action item 29
Originator: Frank Hermann
11 Mar 2016
9.16 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.16 Comments on the Present IALA Guidelines on Design of Leading Lines
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
11 Mar 2016
9.15 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.15 Aspects of leading lines from Finnish Guidelines
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
11 Mar 2016
9.13 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.13 Viewing Trial of Group Flashing Lights
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
11 Mar 2016
9.14 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.14 Aspects of leading lines from Russian Guidelines
Originator: Pärtel Keskküla
11 Mar 2016
10.8 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.8 (ENG3-11.2.12) WG2 sub working group - Buoys and Moorings
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.9 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.9 (ENG3-11.2.13) WG2 Draft Guideline on Use of Modern AtoN Equipment in Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.7 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.7 (ENG3-11.2.10) WG2 Revised Guideline 1006 Plastic Buoys
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.10 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.10 (ENG3-11.2.14) WG2 Draft Guideline on Commissioning
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.5 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.5 (ENG3-11.2.8) WG2 Solar model comparison
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.3 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.3 (ENG3-11.2.6) WG2 Review of IALA documents - maintenance of AtoN Structures
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.4 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.4 (ENG3-11.2.7) WG2 NAVGUIDE Update Plan - updated at ENG3
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.1 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.1 (ENG3-11.2.4) WG2 Guideline 1036 ed2 On Environmental Management 20151118 from ENG3
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.6 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.6 (ENG3-11.2.9) WG2 Review of IALA documents - Power Systems
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.2 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.2 (ENG3-11.2.5) WG2 Draft Guideline Maintenance of AtoN Structures
Originator: ENG3
11 Mar 2016
10.18 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.18 (EEP21- WWA Model Course L2.1.5 buoy handling Rev 0 September 2013
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.17 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.17 (EEP20-output-9) Draft L2 Model Course Module 1.9 on an Introduction to buoy positions
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.13 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.13 (EEP19-output-20) L2 Model Course Module 1.8 Buoy Cleaning Oct 12
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.14 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.14 (EEP19-output-21) L2 Model course Module 1.12 Maintenance of Plastic Buoys
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.12 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.12 WWA liason note to ENG4
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.16 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.16 (EEP19-output-23) L2 Model course Module 1.14 Power sources on Buoys - Technicians
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.15 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.15 (EEP19-output-22) L2 Model course Module 1.13 Maintenance of steel buoys
Originator: WWA
11 Mar 2016
10.11 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.11 Monitoring and Modelling Rock Lighthouses April 2015
Originator: Alison Raby
11 Mar 2016
9.8.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.8.1 Revision of IALA Recommendation E-106
Originator: Jørgen Royal Petersen
12 Mar 2016
5.8.3 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENG4-5.8.3 Liaision Note to ENG4 from DWG
Originator: DWG
12 Mar 2016
9.8.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.8.2 Proposal for Revision of IALA ENG4 on Retroreflecting material on AtoN Marks 20160304
Originator: Jørgen Royal Petersen
12 Mar 2016
10.19 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.19 (ENAV18-14.1.24) Liaison Note to all IALA Committees and PAP post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
24 Mar 2016
9.7.3 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.7.3 RPT-06-IT-AW-16 Visual Perception of Non-rectangular - Flashes at Supra-threshold
Originator: Alwyn Williams
24 Mar 2016
9.7.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.7.2 RPT-04-IT-AW-16 Visual Perception of Non-rectangular - Flashes at Threshold
Originator: Alwyn Williams
24 Mar 2016
10.20 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.20 (ENAV18-14.1.30) draft IALA e-navigation Road Map post plenary
Originator: ENAV18
24 Mar 2016
10.22 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.22 Liaison note WWA to ENG re Level 1 training
Originator: WWA
24 Mar 2016
10.21 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.21 Impact of hot climates on human performance and task maintenance of aids to navigation
Originator: Mariano Marpegan
24 Mar 2016
9.7.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.7.1 Cover note for the R
Originator: Alwyn Williams
29 Mar 2016
3.1 3. - Review of input papers
Document title: ENG4-3.1 Input paper Committee template January 2016
Originator: IALA Secretariat
01 Apr 2016
9.9.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.9.2 IALA Guideline 1094 Ed.1 Daymarks for Aids to Navigation December 2012
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
9.9.3 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.9.3 IALA Guideline 1097 Ed.1 Technical Features and Technology Relevant for Simulation of AtoN May 2013
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
10.23.1 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.23.1 Queries re Guidelines 1098 and 1099
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
10.23.3 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.23.3 IALA Guideline 1099 Ed.1 on the Hydrostatic design of buoys May 2013
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
10.23.2 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.23.2 IALA Guideline 1098 Ed.1 the Application of AIS - AtoN on Buoys May2013
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
9.9.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.9.1 Queries re Guidelines 1094 and 1097
Originator: Mike Hadley
01 Apr 2016
10.24 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.24 Lighthouse heritage significance evaluation Australia
Originator: David Jeffkins
01 Apr 2016
10.25 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.25 Considerations of the impact of temperature and relative humidity on AtoN in the Tropics
Originator: Mariano Marpegan
01 Apr 2016
0.1.1 0. - General Information
Document title: ENG4-0.1.1 General Information
Originator: IALA Secretariat
04 Apr 2016
9.18 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.18 Update E111 for Port Traffic Signals South Africa JamesC
Originator: James Collocott
07 Apr 2016
9.19 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.19 Report-Development of Compatible Flashing Control System for LED lantern
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
07 Apr 2016
10.26 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.26 Report-Development in AtoN Simulation Systems-JongUk KIM
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
07 Apr 2016
9.17.1 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.17.1 FTAs leading line calculator software
Originator: Sami Lasma
07 Apr 2016
9.17.2 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.17.2 FTA Leading Line Calculator
Originator: Sami Lasma
07 Apr 2016
10.27 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.27 NAVGUIDE 2014 amendments
Originator: Stephen Bennett
09 Apr 2016
4.3 1. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENG4-4.3 IMO NCSR3 report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
09 Apr 2016
9.20 9. - WG 1 - Visual
Document title: ENG4-9.20 Guideline 1038 AIS detection for visual AtoN
Originator: Sigge Gustafsson
09 Apr 2016
10.28 10. - WG 2 - Knowledge
Document title: ENG4-10.28 Report-Sea Test of plastic buoys - juseopHan
Originator: Ju-Seop Han
09 Apr 2016
1.2 1. - Introduction
Document title: ENG4-1.2 Draft Agenda 20160411
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Apr 2016
6.3.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG4-6.3.1 Wave Loading of Lighthouses
Originator: Alison Raby
11 Apr 2016
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG4-6.1 WWA brief to ENG-4 March 20160407
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Apr 2016
6.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG4-6.2 VTS Symposium 2016 Website - Registration Flow - A
Originator: Mohamad Halim Bin Ahmed
11 Apr 2016
6.3.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENG4-6.3.2 Summary Wave loading at lighthouses
Originator: Alison Raby
11 Apr 2016
11.1.3 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.3 Model Course Module 1.13 Maintenance of Steel Buoys post plenary
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.2 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.2 Model Course Module 1.12 Maintenance of Plastic Buoys post plenary
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.5 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.5 Model Course Module 1.9 on an Introduction to Buoy Positions
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.4 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.4 Model Course Module 1.14 Power Sources on Buoys Technicians
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.6 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.6 Model Course l2.1.5 Buoy Handling rev 1 June 2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.8 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.8 Draft IALA Guideline 1041 on Sector Lights
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.9 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.9 Dictionary amendment from Guideline on Sector lights post plenary
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.7 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.7 Draft IALA Guideline 1094 ed1 Daymarks for Aids to Navigation December 2012 post plenary
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.10 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.10 IALA Guideline 1099 ed 1 on the Hydrostatic Design of Buoys May 2013
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.1 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.1 Model Course Module 1.8 Buoy Cleaning
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.15 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.15 Liaison Note to IMC on Use of Temporary Colour Boundaries in AtoN lights
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.16 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.16 Liaison note ENG4 to ARM4 on Draft Guideline on Selection of Rhythmic Charatcers review
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.12 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.12 Liaison Note to ENAV re NAVGUIDE
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.13 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.13 Liaison Note to ARM re NAVGUIDE
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.14 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.14 Liaison Note to ARM re use of Retroreflecting Material on AtoN Marks in the MBS post plenary
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.11 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.11 IALA Guideline 1098 ed 1 on the Application of AIS Aton on Buoys May 2013
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.1.17 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.1.17 Liaison Note to PAP on Dictionary referencing of terms
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.5 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.5 WG2 Task Group 4 (Heritage) Report April 2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.6 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.6 Strategy for ENG Task Group 4 (formerly Heritage Forum)
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.7 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.7 Draft Guideline 1036 ed2 on Environmental Management
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.8 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.8 Draft Guideline on Commissioning
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.10 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.10 Draft Guideline on the Challenges of Providing AtoN Services in Hot Climates
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.9 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.9 WG2 draft Guideline Maintenance of AtoN Structures
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.1 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.1 ENG Committee Workplan 2014-18 Updated at ENG4
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.2 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.2 ENG Work Programme Task Register Updated at ENG4
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.4 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.4 WG2 Draft Guideline on Use of Modern AtoN Equipment in Heritage Lighthouses
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.3 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.3 - WG2 Sub Working Group Buoys and Moorings - Report
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.15 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.15 Draft Guideline 1067-2 Ed2 Power Sources_April2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.17 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.17 Draft Guideline 1067-3 Ed2 Electrical Energy Storage for Aids to Navigation Apr2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.16 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.16 Draft Guideline 1038 on Methods and Ambient Light Levels for the Activation of AtoN lights
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.19 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.19 WG2 Navguide Update Plan updated at ENG4
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.13 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.13 Draft Guideline 1067-0 Ed2 on Selection of Power Systems for AtoN and Associated Equipment Apr2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.11 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.11 WG2 Sub Working Group Solar Model Comparison - Report
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.18 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.18 Draft Guideline 1092 Ed1 Safety Management for AtoN Activities 7Dec2012
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.12 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.12 WG2 Sub Working Group Review of IALA Documents Power Systems - Report
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.14 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.14 Draft Guideline 1067-1 Ed2 Total Electrical Loads of Aids to Navigation Apr 2016
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.20 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.20 Proposal re E106 on Retroreflecting material on AtoN Marks
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.24 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.24 Frame for Draft Guideline on Marine Signal Lights
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.25 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.25 Draft Guideline on Selection of Rhythmic Characters of Lights on AtoN
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.22 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.22 Draft Recommandation on Marine Signal Lights Colours
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.26 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.26 Draft Recommandation E-106
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.23 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.23 Draft Recommendation on Luminous Range
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
11.2.21 11. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENG4-11.2.21 Draft Guideline on Leading Lines
Originator: ENG4
19 Apr 2016
13.1 13. - Review of session report
Document title: ENG4-13.1 Report 4th Session IALA ENG Committee - ENG4 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 May 2016
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