VTS - 40

Date: 19/10/2015
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 72 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
0.1 0. General information
Document title: 0.1 Hotel information
Originator: Secretariat
06 Jul 2015
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS40-1.2 Agenda
05 Oct 2015
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS40-1.4 Programme for the week
04 Sep 2015
10.1.1 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.1 Intersessional V-103-5 VTS Revalidation Model Course CLEAN
16 Oct 2015
10.1.2 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.2 (VTS39-12.2.2) WG3 VTS Manual Chapters
04 Sep 2015
10.1.3 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.3 (VTS39-12.2.3) WG3 Authenticity, validation and security of certification
04 Sep 2015
10.1.4 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.4 VTS MANAGER training need
05 Oct 2015
10.1.5 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.5 WG3 VTS Manual Chapters - NL contribution
05 Oct 2015
10.1.6 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.6 IALA dictionary update 1 doc1110 v20151018 v2
21 Oct 2015
10.1.7 10. TD3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS40-10.1.7 Revision of VTS HFE Framework 171015 (2) (3)
19 Oct 2015
2.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS40-2.1 Action Items VTS39
04 Sep 2015
2.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS40-2.2 (VTS39-14) Report VTS39
04 Sep 2015
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: 3.0 Input paper template
Originator: Secretariat
05 Jun 2015
11.1 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS40-11.1 (VTS39-11.3) Update - Work Programme Summary Report (Rev1)
04 Sep 2015
11.2 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS40-11.2 (VTS39-11.4) Update - 2014-18 work programme task register update VTS39 (Rev1)
04 Sep 2015
11.3 11. Review of current Work Programme (2014-2018)
Document title: VTS40-11.3 vts40-update_work_programme
26 Oct 2015
12.1.1 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.1 Draft Guideline IMSAS
26 Oct 2015
12.1.2 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.2 Draft INF Document from IALA to NCSR-3 on VTS developments - version 5 - 22-Oct-2015 - in IMO Template
26 Oct 2015
12.1.3 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.3 Liaison to Council61 ref INF doc to NCSR-3 version 2, 22oct2015
26 Oct 2015
12.1.4 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.4 IALA dictionary update 20151023
26 Oct 2015
12.1.5 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.5 Liaison to Council on Draft_Guideline_IMSAS
26 Oct 2015
12.1.6 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.6 Liaison to ARM on disaster recovery planning WG2 response
26 Oct 2015
12.1.7 12.1 Review of output papers
Document title: VTS40-12.1.7 Liaison Note to Council onname change task 1.1.3 VTS Work Programme (2014-2018)
26 Oct 2015
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.1 WG3 Recommendation V-103 - Draft Version 2.2 Oct 2015
26 Oct 2015
12.2.10 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.10 (VTS40-10.1.5) WG3 VTS Manual Chapters - NL contribution
26 Oct 2015
12.2.11 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.11 (VTS40-10.1.4) WG3 VTS MANAGER training need
26 Oct 2015
12.2.12 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.12 (VTS40-10.1.3) WG3 Authenticity, validation and security of certification
26 Oct 2015
12.2.13 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.13 WG1 task 1_1_4_MSP-work_sheet (3)
26 Oct 2015
12.2.14 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.14 WG1-WPX IALA VTS Manual 2016 Draft 22_Oct15 rev4 no photos
26 Oct 2015
12.2.15 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.15 (VTS40-9.2.1) WG2_djt_thoughts_on_acceptance_of_vts_system
26 Oct 2015
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.2 (VTS40-10.1.1) WG3 Model Course V-103-5 Revalidation Process for VTS Personnel
26 Oct 2015
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.3 (VTS40-10.1.5) WG3 vts_manual_chapters_working version
26 Oct 2015
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.4 WG1 task 1_1_3_draft_guideline_incident_accident_reporting_jcc_v1.3
26 Oct 2015
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.5 WG1 task 1_1_4_Questions NAS VTS 40- MSP 2
26 Oct 2015
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.6 WG1 task 1.3.1 draft_guideline_on_vts_communications
26 Oct 2015
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.7 WG2 151022_Portrayal_of_VTS_Info_and_Data_outline
26 Oct 2015
12.2.8 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.8 WG2 wip_vts_manual_2016_chapter_11 v1022 b
26 Oct 2015
12.2.9 12.2 Working papers
Document title: VTS40-12.2.9 (VTS40-10.1.2) WG3 VTS Manual Chapters
26 Oct 2015
14 14. Session report
Document title: VTS40-14 Report VTS40
23 Nov 2015
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.1 (ARM2-11.1.4) Liaison Note to ENAV on e-Navigation developments
04 Sep 2015
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.2 (ARM2-11.1.5) Liaison Note to IALA members on Disaster Recovery planning Rev 1
04 Sep 2015
3.1.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.3 (ARM2-11.1.7) Liaison Note to all committees on navguide update
04 Sep 2015
3.1.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.4 (ENAV16-14.1.2) LiaisonNote from ENAV to VTS Cttee re Dev of MSPs for VTS
04 Sep 2015
3.1.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.5 VTSO and VTS manager exchange programme
05 Oct 2015
3.1.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.6 Proposal to host workshop on SMCP for VTS
09 Oct 2015
3.1.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.7 Workhop HFE in VTS draft report v0.4 comments 20151113
16 Oct 2015
3.1.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS40-3.1.8 2015-10-15 VDES workshop tokyo flyer final
18 Oct 2015
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.1.1 C60 Report
04 Sep 2015
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.2.1 (PAP29-10.1) Report of PAP29
04 Sep 2015
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.1 ACCSEAS Project Output Reports
04 Sep 2015
4.3.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.2 ACCSEAS Route Topology Model Report
04 Sep 2015
4.3.3 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.3 ACCSEAS Training Needs Analysis Report
04 Sep 2015
4.3.4 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.4 ACCSEAS e-Navigation Architecture Report v1
04 Sep 2015
4.3.5 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.5 ACCSEAS Final Conference Report
04 Sep 2015
4.3.6 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.6 ACCSEAS Final Report v1
04 Sep 2015
4.3.7 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.7 ACCSEAS Legacy report
04 Sep 2015
4.3.8 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS40-4.3.8 ACCSEAS Legacyplan Final v1 8 (3)
04 Sep 2015
5.1 5. Reports from rapporteurs
Document title: VTS40-5.1 Usage of World VTS Guide presentation
21 Oct 2015
6.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS40-6.1 IALA WWA brief 20150929
21 Oct 2015
6.2 6. Presentation
Document title: VTS40-6.2 Ervik IALA VTS 2015
26 Oct 2015
8.1.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.1.1 (VTS39-12.2.6) WG1 WP1.1.3 Draft guideline incident accident reporting JCC-V1
04 Sep 2015
8.1.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.1.2 (VTS39-12.2.7) WG1 WP1.1.5 Draft guideline imsas-rev.1
04 Sep 2015
8.1.3 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.1.3 Irregular mixed migration
05 Oct 2015
8.1.4 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.1.4 MSC 95 report p. 80-83
05 Oct 2015
8.1.5 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.1.5 MSC 95-21-4-Rev.1 - Outcome of the inter-agency High-level meeting to address unsafe mixed migration by sea (Secretariat)
05 Oct 2015
8.3.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.3.1 (VTS39-12.2.8) WG1 WP1.3.1 Draft Guideline on VTS Communications
04 Sep 2015
8.4.1 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.4.1 (VTS39-12.2.9) WG1 WP1.4.4 Draft Guideline zero accident campaign April-2015
04 Sep 2015
8.4.2 8. TD1 - Operations
Document title: VTS40-8.4.2 IALA VTS Strategy Paper
05 Oct 2015
9.1.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS40-9.1.1 (VTS39-12.2.4) WG2 2015 04 16 WIP VTS Manual 2016 Chapter 11
04 Sep 2015
9.2.1 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS40-9.2.1 (VTS39-12.2.5) WG2 DJT thoughts on Acceptance of VTS System
04 Sep 2015
9.2.2 9. TD2 - Technology
Document title: VTS40-9.2.2 (ARM2-11.2.1) WG1_WP1_ disaster recovery
15 Oct 2015
Document title: VTS40 Committee photo
26 Oct 2015
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