VTS - 47

Date: 23/09/2019 to 27/09/2019
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 94 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.1 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS47-1.1 VTS 47 General information
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Oct 2019
1.3 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS47-1.3.1 Provisional Agenda
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Sep 2019
1.5 1. Introduction
Document title: VTS47-1.5.1 Programme of the week
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Sep 2019
10.2.1 10. WG3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS47-10.2.1 WP Draft Guideline on VTS awareness for Navigation Officers rev1 (VTS46-13.3.10)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
10.2.2 10. WG3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS47-10.2.2 WP WG3 Draft guideline managing a VTS - getting started (VTS45-12.2.9)
Originator: VTS46
17 Sep 2019
10.2.3 10. WG3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS47-10.2.3 WP WG3 VTS Management Questionnaire (VTS45-12.2.10)
Originator: VTS46
17 Sep 2019
10.2.4 10. WG3 - VTS Training
Document title: VTS47-10.2.4 WP WG3 The Human Factor in VTS (VTS45-12.2.8)
Originator: VTS46
17 Sep 2019
13.2.1 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.1 Draft Assembly Resolution on Guidelines For Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.2 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.2 Liaison Note to Council on IALA VTS documents post adoption of revised A.857(20)
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47- Enclosure to Council Liaison Note - IALA Docs Post Adoption
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.3 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.3 Liaison VTS to LAP on VTS Manual
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex VTS Manual Chapter 4 - Regulatory and Legal Framework_draft-190925
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.4 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.4 Liaison note on IALA Cyber Security Workshop
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.5 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.5 Liaison note to ENAV24 on a lay persons description of e-Navigation
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.6 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.6 Guideline on VTS Training for Deck Officers
Originator: VTS47
05 Dec 2019
13.2.7 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.7 Draft Recommendation on VTS Implementation R0119
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47- Draft Guideline on Establishment of VTS GXXXX
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.2.8 13.2. Output papers
Document title: VTS47-13.2.8 Input to Council on proposed changes to the VTS Committee work programme
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.1 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.1 WP Draft G1141 Operational Procedures for VTS
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47- WP Proposed Time Line for the Revision of Res. A.857(20)
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.10 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.10 WP Draft Guideline on Maritime Services (VTS46-13.3.1)
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47- WP Appendix 1 MS 1-3_merged revised WG 1 (VTS46-
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.11 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.11 WP draft Guideline on VTS Voice Communications Phraseology task 1.3.1
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.2 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.2 WP VTS product specification v060
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47- WP ANNEX A - VTS-INS Product Specification_final
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47- WP ANNEX B - description_VTS-INS v0.5.2
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47- WP WG1-WG2 Joint Session Notes about VTS Product Specification version 0.6....
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.4 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.4 WP 1111 Ed.2 Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.5 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.5 WP Task 2.2.3 Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems-draft
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.6 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.6 WP 1105 Ed.1 Shore-side portrayal ensuring harmonisation with e-Navigation related information
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.7 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.7 WP Request for input - VTS Human Factors and Ergonomics
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.8 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.8 WP WG3 VTS Management Questionnaire
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
13.3.9 13.3. Working papers
Document title: VTS47-13.3.9 WP 1105 Ed.1 Shore-side portrayal ensuring harmonisation with e-Navigation
Originator: VTS47
01 Oct 2019
5.1 5.1. Revision of the IMO Res. A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1 Revision of the IMO Res. A.857(20)
Originator: Chair A.857(20) ICG
08 Oct 2019
6.1 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS47-6.1 IALA WWA VTS 47 Briefing
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Oct 2019
6.2 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS47-6.2 Dynamic hot-spot and near miss detection
Originator: MPA Singapore & Fujitsu
08 Oct 2019
6.3 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS47-6.3 A tool for cooperation
Originator: Barbara Magro / Carlos Salinas
09 Oct 2019
6.4 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS47-6.4 Nautical Institute VTS Accreditation Audit Services
Originator: The Nautical Institute
08 Oct 2019
6.5 6. Presentations
Document title: VTS47-6.5 Coping with complexity in VTS
Originator: Trond Ski / Tore Relling
08 Oct 2019
14.1 14. Review of session report
Document title: VTS47-14.1 Report of VTS47
Originator: IALA Secretariat
21 Oct 2019
2.1.1 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS47-2.1.1 VTS46 Action Items
Originator: IALA Secretariat
20 Sep 2019
2.1.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: VTS47-2.1.2 Report of VTS46
Originator: IALA Secretariat
03 Aug 2019
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.1 Liaison to ARM and VTS - Maritime Services in the context of e-Navigation (ENAV23-12.1.3)
Originator: ENAV23
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- a lay-persons description of e-Navigation (ENAV23-12.1.4)
Originator: ENAV23
03 Aug 2019
3.1.10 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.10 Proposal on the Recommendation on Cyber-Security related to VTS
Originator: China MSA
27 Aug 2019
3.1.11 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.11 NI Comments on Draft Guideline VTS awareness for Navigation Officers
Originator: The Nautical Institute
27 Aug 2019
3.1.12 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.12 NI update on VTS training audit support for accreditation
Originator: The Nautical Institute
27 Aug 2019
3.1.13 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.13 Detection of near-miss risk and dynamic hotspot in near future
Originator: MPA Singapore
27 Aug 2019
3.1.14 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.14 Review of IALA VTS Model Courses
Originator: IALA Secretariat
30 Aug 2019
3.1.15 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.15 Draft Guideline on VTS Phraseology - Cover Note
Originator: AMSA Australia & IHMA
10 Sep 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Draft Guideline on VTS Phraseology
Originator: AMSA Australia & IHMA
10 Sep 2019
3.1.16 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.16 VTS-INS product specification
Originator: Korean Register
10 Sep 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- VTS-INS product specification Annex 1 - VTS-INS product specification.
Originator: Korean Register
10 Sep 2019
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.2 Liaison Note to ARM and VTS on R-Mode (ENAV23-12.1.13)
Originator: ENAV23
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- R-Mode Stakeholder Requirements (ENAV23-12.1.15)
Originator: ENAV23
03 Aug 2019
3.1.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.3 JCG Digital Communication Technology in VTS Expert Meeting
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Report of Expert Meeting
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 1 List of participants
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 2 Presentation of Australia
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 3 presentation of Norway
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 4 presentaion of Singapore
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 5 presentation of US
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47- Annex 6 presentation of Japan
Originator: Japan Coast Guard et al
03 Aug 2019
3.1.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: IALA Workshop on Harmonising VTS Voice Communication Draft Report
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Aug 2019
3.1.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.5 IALA Workshop on Cyber Security
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Aug 2019
3.1.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.6 Martime Services - review of tasks 1.24 & 1.27
Originator: IHMA
27 Aug 2019
3.1.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.7 Proposal for new task - revision of Guideline 1089 on VTS
Originator: IHMA
27 Aug 2019
3.1.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.8 Proposal for the Amendment of VTS Awareness for Navigation Officers
Originator: China MSA
27 Aug 2019
3.1.9 3. Review of input papers
Document title: VTS47-3.1.9 Proposal for the Amendment to the draft Guideline on VTS Voice Communications Phraseology relating to emergency scenarios
Originator: China MSA
27 Aug 2019
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS47-4.1.1 Report Council 69 Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
03 Aug 2019
4.2.2 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: VTS47-4.2.2 IALA report on MSC101
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Aug 2019
5.1.1 5.1. Revision of the IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1.1 Report from IALA Correspondence Group (A.857 Revision) to VTS47
Originator: Chair A.857(20) ICG
11 Sep 2019
5.1.2 5.1. Revision of the IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1.2 Revised-New Resolution - Version 3
Originator: Chair A.857(20) ICG
11 Sep 2019
5.1.3 5.1. Revision of the IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1.3 ICG Response to Collated Comments on Draft Resolution (26 Aug)
Originator: Chair A.857(20) ICG
11 Sep 2019
5.1.4 5.1. Revision of the IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1.4 LAP Liaison Note to VTS47 re VTS Guidelines
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Sep 2019
5.1.5 5.1. Revision of the IMO Resolution A.857(20)
Document title: VTS47-5.1.5 Report of the IALA Seminar on the Revision of IMO Resolution A.857(20) Guidelines for VTS
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Sep 2019
7.1.1 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: VTS47-7.1 Committee Work Programme for 2018-2022
Originator: IALA Secretariat
03 Aug 2019
7.1.2 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: VTS47-7.1.2 VTS Task Plan 2018-2022 20190912 Rev 1
Originator: Vice Chair post VTS46
12 Sep 2019
7.1.3 7. Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: VTS47-7.1.3 VTS Task Register 2018-2022 20190311
Originator: Vice Chair post VTS46
30 Aug 2019
8.2.1 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47-8.2.1 WP Draft Guideline on Maritime Services (VTS46-13.3.1)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47- WP Appendix 1 MS 1-3_merged revised WG 1 (VTS46-
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
8.2.2 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47-8.2.2 WP Guiding Principles for drafting the revised-new resolution A.857(20) (VTS46-5.1.4)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47- WP Work programme for completing the revision of resolution A.857(20) (VTS46-5.1.5)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47- WP Draft Revised Resolution - Guidelines for VTS (VTS46-13.2.5)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
8.3.1 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47-8.3.1 WP draft Guideline on VTS Voice Communications Phraseology task 1.3.1 (VTS46-13.3.2)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
8.4.1 8. WG1 - Operations
Document title: VTS47-8.4.1 WP Terms of Reference - VTS Manual (VTS46-13.3.11)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
9.1.1 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47-9.1.1 WP 1105 Ed.1 Shore-side portrayal ensuring harmonisation with e-Navigation related information December 2013 (VTS46-13.3.3)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47- WP Gap analysis G1105 (VTS47-13.3.4)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
9.2.1 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47-9.2.1 WP 1111 Ed.1 Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (VTS46-13.3.5)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
9.2.2 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47-9.2.2 WP Task 2.2.3 Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems-draft (VTS46-13.3.6)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
9.2.3 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47-9.2.3 WP Draft Guideline on Acceptance of VTS Systems Complex Sub Systems (VTS46-13.2.7)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
9.3.1 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47-9.3.1 WP Report on task 231 during VTS46 (VTS46-13.3.8)
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019 9. WG2 - Technology
Document title: VTS47- WP Report on task 231 during VTS46 (VTS46-13.3.9) ANNEX A
Originator: VTS46
03 Aug 2019
Document title: 3.0 Input paper template
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12 Jul 2019
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