COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 57

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This meeting contains 26 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
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Document title: C57 - Final Report
15 Jul 2014
6.1 6 - Financial Matters
Document title: C57-6.1 2013 Financial Statements
23 May 2014
6.2 6 - Financial Matters
Document title: C57-6.2 2013 Audit Report
23 May 2014
5.1 5 - Report by the Secretary General
Document title: C57-5.1 Report Secretary General
15 May 2014
12.1 12 - Any Other Business
Document title: C57-12.1 PAME working group arctic council
14 May 2014
12.2 12 - Any other Business
Document title: C57-12.2 MOU with RNT
14 May 2014
11.2 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57-11.2 GA arrangements
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX A resolution text
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX B draft resolution
14 May 2014
11.1.3 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57-11.1.3 Council paper resolution
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX B council paper to GA - constitution
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX A constitution
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX C change of status FAQ
14 May 2014
11.1.2 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57-11.1.2 Council Paper changes to IALA Constitution
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX B change of status - case for change
14 May 2014 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57- ANNEX A GA invitation
14 May 2014
11.1.1 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57-11.1.1 Letter of Invitation
14 May 2014
11.1 11 - IALA General Assembly
Document title: C57-11.1 Council papers for GA
14 May 2014
10.2 10 - Membership
Document title: C57-10.2 membership resignation
14 May 2014
10.1 10 - Membership
Document title: C57-10.1 membership application
14 May 2014
9.1 9 - IALA World Wide Academy
Document title: C57-9.1 Report 6th WWA Board
14 May 2014
8.1 8 - Other IALA Groups
Document title: C57-8.1 Report LAP extraordinary
14 May 2014
7.2 7 - IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C57-7.2 liaison ITU for e-Navigation communication
14 May 2014
7.1 7 - IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C57-7.1 Report PAP extraordinary
14 May 2014
4.1 4 - Action Items
Document title: C57-4.1 C56 Action items
14 May 2014
3.1 3 - Approval of Agenda
Document title: C57-3.1 draft agenda
14 May 2014
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