ARM - 6

Date: 24/04/2017 to 28/04/2017
Venue: Seattle, WA, USA

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This meeting contains 130 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM6-1.2 Agenda
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: ARM6-1.4 Programme for the week
10.2.1 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.1 Updated draft of the PAWSA Implementation Guide
10.2.10 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.10 (ARM5-12.2.20) WG3 Notes to Draft Guideline on PAWSA
10.2.2 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.2 PAWSA Implementation Guide 20170103
10.2.3 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.3 Annex 1 - Book 1 Team Expertise
10.2.4 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.4 Annex 2 - Book 2 Risk Factor Rating Scales
10.2.5 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.5 Annex 3 - Book 3 Baseline Risk Levels
10.2.6 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.6 Annex 4 - Book 4 Mitigation Effectiveness
10.2.7 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.7 Annex 5 - Book 5 Additional Mitigations
10.2.8 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.8 Annex 6 - PAWSA Software
10.2.9 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.2.9 (ARM5-12.2.19) WG3 draft IALA Guideline #### Ed.1 Use of PAWSA Rev 0
10.3.1 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.3.1 (ARM5-12.2.18) WG3 draft IALA Guideline #### Ed.1.01 Use of SQUART
10.3.2 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.3.2 SPC Aids to Navigation Risk Assessment in Kiritimati for ARM 6
10.4.1 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.4.1 Guideline xxx IWRAP_ Draft
10.7.1 10. WG3 - Risk management
Document title: ARM6-10.7.1 (PAP33-10.2.5) Draft Recommendation on Risk management for aids to navigation and related services
11.1.1 11.1 Current Work Programme (2014 - 2018)
Document title: ARM6-11.1.1 (ARM5-11.3) ARM Work Programme 2014-2018 revised ARM5
11.1.2 11.1 Current Work Programme (2014 - 2018)
Document title: ARM6-11.1.2 Overall status of the ARM work programme 2014-18 after ARM5
11.1.3 11.1 Current Work Programme (2014 - 2018)
Document title: ARM6-11.1.3 (ARM6-11.1) ARM Work Programme 2014-2018 revised ARM6
11.2.1 11.2 Future Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM6-11.2.1 Proposal 2018-2022 new working item from Korea
11.2.2 11.2 Future Work Programme (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ARM6-11.2.2 ARM Work Programme 2018-2022 revised ARM6
12.1.0 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.10 Recommendation on MSP
12.1.1 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.1 Recommendation on the MBS
12.1.11 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.11 Guideline on Navigational Safety within MSP
12.1.12 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.12 Liaison ARM to ENG on Marking of Mobile AtoN
12.1.14 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.14 Liaison ARM to ENAV on MSP guideline
12.1.15 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.15 Liaison ARM to ENG on disparity between editions of guideline 1041_v2
12.1.16 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.16 Guideline on uses of pictogram
12.1.17 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.17 Liaison to all committees and Secretariat - reminder on the NAVGUIDE 02
12.1.18 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.18 (ARM6-9.4.1) WG2-navguide_2015_tracking_table 02
12.1.19 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.19 Recommendation O-130 Categorisation and Availability Objectives for Short Range Aids to Navigation
12.1.2 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.2 Liaison ARM to Secretariat on IALA Questionairre
12.1.20 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.20 Guideline 1004 Ed.3 on Level of Service
12.1.21 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.21 Dictionary amendment proposal on_Light Float - Rev1_FR
12.1.22 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.22 Dictionary amendment proposal on_Fog Signal_ Audible Signal - Rev1_FR
12.1.23 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.23 Liaison ARM to all Committees on mobile AtoN
12.1.3 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.13 Liaison ARM to VTS on MAtoNs
12.1.3 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.3 Liaison ARM to Secretariat on Navguide
12.1.4 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.4 Liaison ARM to Council on draft Recommendations and Guidelines
12.1.5 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.5 Recommendation on Risk Management for Marine Aids to Navigation
12.1.6 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.6 Guideline on the use of IWRAP MKII
12.1.7 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.7 Guideline on the use of PAWSA MKII
12.1.8 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.8 Recommedation on Disaster Recovery
12.1.9 12.1 Output papers
Document title: ARM6-12.1.9 Guideline on Disaster Recovery
12.2.1 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.1 (ARM6-9.4.1) WG2-navguide_2015_tracking_table 02
12.2.2 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.2 (ARM6-9.3.1) WG2-Draft Guideline on EPA 2017-04-27 01
12.2.3 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.3 WG3 Working Paper 1 Draft Guideline on the use of RAMS
12.2.4 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.4 (ARM6-8.4.5) WG1 IALA Recommendation on Marking Drifting Wreckage ARM6 - April 2017
12.2.5 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.5 (ARM6-9.8.8) WG2 IALA Guideline 1046 Ed.2 Response Plan for Marking New Wrecks December 2005 ARM6 - April 2017
12.2.6 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.6 (ARM6-8.5.1) WG1 IALA Recommendation MAtoN ARM6 - 26 April 2017
12.2.7 12.2 Working papers
Document title: ARM6-12.2.7 (ARM6-8.5.2) WG1 IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM6 - April 26 2017
2.1 2. Review last meeting
Document title: ARM6-2.1 Action Items ARM5
2.2 2. Review last meeting
Document title: ARM6-2.2 (ARM5-14) Report ARM5
3.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
14 14. Review of Session Report
Document title: ARM6-14 Report ARM6
3.1.0 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.0 Draft IALA Standards
3.1.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.1 (PAP33-18.1) IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements draft
3.1.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.2 (PAP33-18.2) IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery draft
3.1.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.3 (PAP33-18.3) IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services draft
3.1.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.4 (PAP33-18.4) IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services draft
3.1.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.5 (PAP33-18.5) IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification draft
3.1.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.6 (PAP33-18.6) IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies draft
3.1.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.7 (PAP33-18.7) IALA Standard 1070 Information Services draft
3.1.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.1.8 (PAP33-10.2) Recommendations Plans for Standards
3.2.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.1 Revision of Working Papers
3.2.10 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.10 Divergence in guidance to sector lights
3.2.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.2 (ENAV19-14.1.12) ITU liaison letter to WP 5B for ARMD
3.2.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.3 R15-WP5B-160510-TD-0024!!MSW-E-IMO+IALA_Liaison
3.2.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.4 ITU R15-WP5B.AR-C-0040!!MSW-E Report Joint IMO-ITU EG 12 meeting
3.2.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.5 R15-WP5B-C-0071!N04!MSW-E Workplan AMRD
3.2.6 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.6 R15-WP5B-C-0071!N21!MSW-E WD PDNR AMRD
3.2.7 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.7 Report IALA Workshop on AIS AtoN developments
3.2.8 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.8 AIS AtoN Workshop - Seoul - Oct 2016 - WG2-rev1
3.2.9 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.2.9 AIS AtoN Workshop VDES & AtoN-mind map vs2
3.3.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.3.1 (ENAV20-4.9) MTCAS- An e-Navigation Assistance System for Cooperative Collision Avoidance at Sea
3.3.2 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.3.2 (ENAV20-14.1.13) Liaison from ENAV to ARM re MSPs post plenary
3.3.3 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.3.3 (ENAV20-14.1.20) Liaison to ENG-ANM-VTS On Use of Racons in Busy Harbours
3.3.4 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.3.4 (ENAV20-13.11) On Racons in Busy Harbours 24 February 2017
3.3.5 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.3.5 (ENG6-11.1.24) The 19th IALA Conference Incheon Declaration Purpose, Content and Ac_v170329_second draft
3.4.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ARM6-3.4.1 PIANC-WG 202
4.1.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM6-4.1.1 (C63-19-2) Approved report of Council 63
4.2.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM6-4.2.1 (C63-8.1) Report PAP32
4.3.1 4. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ARM6-4.3.1 IMO NCSR 4 report final
5.1 5. Reports from rapporteurs
Document title: ARM6-5.1 Status Report on S-200 and S-201
5.2 5. Reports from rapporteurs
Document title: ARM6-5.2 IHO liaison report
6.1 6. Presentations
Document title: ARM6-6.1 Smart Buoy System
6.2 6. Presentations
Document title: ARM6-6.2 AIS-AtoN Antartico 2011 - 2016
6.3 6. Presentations
Document title: ARM6-6.3 Uses of MAtoN in Korea
6.4 6. Presentations
Document title: ARM6-6.4 Risk Management in the Pacific
6.5 6. Presentations
Document title: ARM6-6.5 19th IALA Conference Promotional Presentation
8.3.3 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.3.3 (ARM5-12.2.2) WG1-WP1 draft Guideline on Disaster Recovery
8.3.4 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.3.4 (ARM5-12.2.2) WG1-WP1 draft Guideline on Disaster Recovery rev MH 31Oct16
8.3.5 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.3.5 (ARM5-12.2.5) WG1 Dictionary amendment proposal form 20161025 MSP
8.3.6 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.3.6 Input paper on ARM6-8.3.3
8.4.1 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.1 (ARM5-12.2.3) WG1-Draft Recommendation on MSP Oct2016-1
8.4.2 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.2 (ARM5-12.2.3) WG1-Draft Recommendation on MSP Oct2016-1 rev MH 1Nov16
8.4.3 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.3 (ARM5-12.2.4) WG1-Draft Guideline on Navigational Safety within MSP 27 Oct 2016-1
8.4.4 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.4 (ARM5-12.2.4) WG1-Draft Guideline on Navigational Safety within MSP rev MH 1Nov16
8.4.5 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.5 (ARM5-12.2.6) WG1 IALA Recommendation on Marking Drifting Wreckage ARM5
8.4.6 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.6 (ARM5-12.2.3) WG1-Draft Recommendation on MSP Oct2016-1 MH Mar2017
8.4.7 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.7 (ARM5-12.2.4) WG1-Draft Guideline on Navigational Safety within MSP reformatted Mar2017
8.4.8 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.8 PIANC_WG161_OWF
8.4.9 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.4.9 WG161_Report_Rev_11
8.5.1 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.1 (ARM5-12.2.7) WG1 IALA Recommendation MAtoN ARM 5_v2
8.5.2 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.2 (ARM5-12.2.8) WG1 IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM 5 v2
8.5.3 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.3 (ENAV20-14.1.23) Liaison Note to ARM6 re Mobile AtoN plenary
8.5.4 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.4 (ENAV20-14.1.30) Draft IALA Recommendation MAtoN plenary
8.5.5 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.5 (ENAV20-14.1.31) IALA Guideline MAtoN ARM 5 v2_ENAV plenary
8.5.6 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.6 (VTS43-12.1.14) Liaison to ARM on MAtoNs
8.5.7 8. WG1 - Navigational requirements
Document title: ARM6-8.5.7 (ENG6-11.1.23) Liaison note to ARM Committee on Mobile AtoN post plenary
9.2.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.2.1 (ARM5-12.2.14) WG2-Draft Guideline on uses of pictogram(Oct 27)
9.3.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.3.1 (ARM5-12.2.15) WG2-Draft Guideline on EPA 2016-10-27
9.4.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.4.1 (ARM5-12.2.9) WG2-navguide_2015_tracking_table
9.4.2 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.4.2 (ENAV20-14.1.1) Liaison note to the ARM Cttee - Progress report on the review and update of Ch 4 of NAVGUIDE plenary
9.4.3 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.4.3 (ENAV20- NAVGUIDE tracking table updated at ENAV20
9.4.4 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.4.4 (ENG6-11.1.20) Liaison Note to ARM re NAVGUIDE revision post plenary
9.4.5 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.4.5 (ENG6- WG2 Navguide 2015 tracking table - updated ENG6
9.5.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.5.1 (ARM5-12.2.16) WG2 Dictionary amendment proposal form 20160927_Light Float
9.5.2 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.5.2 (ARM5-12.2.17) WG2 Dictionary amendment proposal form 20161027_Fog Signal_ Audible Signal
9.6.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.6.1 (ENAV20-14.1.7) Draft Liaison note to ARM Committee on amendments to S-201 post plenary
9.6.2 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.6.2 20170322 Report to IALA secretariat v02
9.8.1 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.1 (ARM5-12.2.10) WG2 O-130 Categorisation and Availability Objectives for Short Range Aids to Navigation_draft ARM4
9.8.2 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.2 (ARM5-12.2.10) WG2 Draft Recommendation O-130 Categorisation and Availability Objectives for Short Range Aids to Navigation_draft ARM4 rev MH 1Nov16
9.8.3 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.3 (ARM5-12.2.11) WG2 O-XXX Response plan for marking of new wrecks recommendation
9.8.4 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.4 (ARM5-12.2.11) WG2 Draft Recommendation O-XXX Response plan for the marking of new wrecks rev MH 1Nov16
9.8.5 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.5 (ARM5-12.2.12) WG2 IALA Guideline 1004 Ed.3 on Level of Service May 2013 v02
9.8.6 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.6 (ARM5-12.2.12) WG2 IALA Guideline 1004 Ed.3 on Level of Service May 2013 rev MH 1Nov16
9.8.7 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.7 (ARM5-12.2.13) WG2 IALA Guideline 1046 Ed.1 Response Plan for Marking New Wrecks December 2005 rev1
9.8.8 9. WG2 - Continuous improvement
Document title: ARM6-9.8.8 (ARM5-12.2.13) WG2 IALA Guideline 1046 Ed.2 Response Plan for Marking New Wrecks December 2005 rev2 rev MH
Document title: ARM6 Committee photo
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