COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 60

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This meeting contains 81 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
60.0.1 0.1 Meeting Report
Document title: C60-0.1 Report of IALA Council 60
Originator: Secretariat
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.2 EfficienSea2 - Presentation by Denmark
Originator: Denmark
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.1 IALA WWA progress report
Originator: IALA Academy
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.3 MonaLisa2 - Presentation by Sweden
Originator: Sweden
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.4 2016 VTS Symposium - Presentation by Malaysia
04 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.5 2018 IALA Conference - Presentation by Korea
Originator: Korea
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meetings
Document title: C60-0.2.6 61st IALA Council - presentation by Senegal
Originator: Senegal
01 Jun 2015 0.2 Presentations at meeting
Document title: C60-0.2.7 National matters - Brazil
Originator: Brazil
01 Jun 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.1.1 Summary report of LAP14
Originator: Secretariat
29 Apr 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60- IALA Rsik Register introductory note
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel
29 Apr 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60- IALA Risk Register
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel
29 Apr 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.1.3 Appointment of LAP Chair and Vice-Chair
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.4.1 Report of 1st meeting of Heritage Forum
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.4.2 Model course on Historic Lighthouse Projects
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.5.1 Report of 3rd meeting of IALA Resilient PNT Forum
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 10. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C60-10.6.1 Report of IMC meeting March 2015
Originator: IMC
01 Jun 2015 11. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C60-11.2.1 Note on joint submission to IMO TCC65
Originator: Academy
05 May 2015 11. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C60-11.2.2 Joint submission to IMO TCC65
Originator: Academy
05 May 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.1.1 Report of IMO MSC94
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.1.2 IMO-IALA relationship on e-Navigation matters
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.1.3 Submission to IMO MSC95
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.1.4 Report of IMO NCSR2
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.2.1 Report of ITU-R WP5B meeting
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.2.2 Report of WRC15 preparatory meeting
Originator: IALA Observer
06 May 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.3.1 Recent communication with PAME
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.4.1 Note on IALA participation in EfficienSea2 Project
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.5.1 Report on ACCSEAS Project
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 12. International
Document title: C60-12.17.1 Report of 16th session of APHoMSA
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 13. IALA Conferences and Symposia
Document title: C60-13.1.1 Venues for Symposium 2020 and Conference 2022
Originator: Secretariat
22 May 2015 13. IALA Conferences and Symposia
Document title: C60-13.1.2 Draft Guidelines for the hosting of IALA Conferences and Symposia
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015
60.14.1 14. Membership
Document title: C60-14.1 Applications for Membership
Originator: Secretariat
21 May 2015
60.14.2 14. Membership
Document title: C60-14.2 Resignation from Membership
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015 17. Dates and venues for next meetings
Document title: C60-17.1.1 Council meeting schedules for 2016-2018
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C60-3.1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
25 May 2015
60.3.2 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C60-3.2 Draft programme
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015
60.4 4. Election of the IALA Vice-President
Document title: C60-4 Election of the IALA Vice-President
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015
60.5.1 5. Report of the 59th session
Document title: C60-5.1 Report of IALA Council session 59
Originator: Secretariat
28 Apr 2015 6. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C60-6.1.1 Report by the Secretary General
Originator: Secretary General
29 Apr 2015 6. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C60-6.2.1 Implementation of Secretariat Review
Originator: Secretary General
28 Apr 2015 6. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C60-6.3.1 Host Nation support - Recent actions and present status
Originator: Secretary-General
30 Apr 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60-7.3.1 Report of 1st meeting of Council Change of Status Group
Originator: Secretariat
29 Apr 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60-7.3.2 Revised ToRs for Council Change of Status Group
Originator: Secretariat
29 Apr 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60-7.3.3 Change of Status Project Initiation Document
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60-7.3.4 Change of Status Project Risk Register
Originator: Secretariat
29 Apr 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60- IGO Action Plan - Introductory note
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C60- IGO Action Plan - Draft action plan
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2015
60.8 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C60-8 Financial Matters
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015
60.8.1 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C60-8.1 2014 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015
60.8.2 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C60-8.2 Revised 2015 Budget
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015
60.8.3 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C60-8.3 Cash flow situation as of 30 April 2015
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.1.1 Report of PAP extraordinary meeting
Originator: Secretariat
06 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.2.1 Summary report of ARM1
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.2.2 Note on ARM work programme updates
Originator: ARM Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.2.3 ARM Committee work plan
Originator: ARM Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.3.1 Summary report of ENG1
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.3.2 ENG Committee work plan
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.3.3 Draft revised IALA Recommendation E-141
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.3.4 Workshop proposal - On providing AtoN services in extremyl hot climates
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.4.1 Summary report of VTS39
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Introductory note to revision of IALA Recommendation V-128
Originator: VTS Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Draft revised Recommendation V-128
Originator: VTS Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Draft IALA Guideline on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Equipment
Originator: VTS Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Note on VTS Questionnaire
Originator: VTS Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Draft IALA VTS Questionnaire
Originator: VTS Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Note on IALA VTS Strategy
Originator: VTS Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Draft IALA VTS Strategy
Originator: VTS Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.1 Summary report of ENAV16
Originator: Secretariat
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.10 Draft liaison note to IEC TC80 WG15
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.11 Proposal for a Seminar on Digital Infrastructure for e-Navigation
Originator: ENAV Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.12 Proposal for a Workshop on Shore-based Maritime Services
Originator: ENAV Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.13 Proposal for a Workshop on VDES
Originator: ENAV Committee
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.14 Draft IALA submission to ITU - Preliminary Draft New Recommendation on VDES
Originator: ENAV Committee
22 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.2 ENAV Committee work plan
Originator: ENAV Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.3 Draft revised IALA Recommendation R-121
Originator: ENAV Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.4 Draft IALA Guideline 1112 on the Performance and Monitoring of DGNSS Services...
Originator: ENAV Committee
30 Apr 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.5 Draft revised IALA Recommendation e-NAV-140
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.6 Draft Guideline on Design and Implementation Principles for Harmonized System Architecture of Shore-based Infrastructure
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.7 Draft Guideline on Technical Specification for the Common Shore-based System Architecture
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60-9.5.8 Draft Recommendation on Product Specification Development and Management
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Introduction to draft Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B
Originator: Secretariat
05 May 2015 9. IALA Technical Activities
Document title: C60- Drfat liaison note to ITU-R WP5B
Originator: ENAV Committee
05 May 2015
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