COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 61

Date: 08/12/2015 to 11/12/2015
Venue: King Fahd Palace, Dakar, Senegal

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This meeting contains 70 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
10.1.2 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.1.2 Report of PAP29
Originator: PAP
17 Nov 2015
10.2.1 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.2.1 Summary report of ARM2
Originator: Secretariat
19 Nov 2015 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61- Note on ARM programme upddate
Originator: Secretariat
30 Nov 2015 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61- ARM work programme update
Originator: ARM Committee
30 Nov 2015 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61- Progress report ARM Committee
Originator: ARM Committee
30 Nov 2015
10.2.3 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.2.3 ARM Workshop proposal on AIS (AtoN) developments and their uses
Originator: ARM Committee
16 Nov 2015
10.3.1 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.3.1 Summary report of ENG2
Originator: Secretariat
19 Nov 2015
10.3.2 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.3.2 Proposed Workshop on sustainable light and power for the next generations
Originator: ENG Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.3.3 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.3.3 Draft WWA L1 Model Course on GNSS and e-Navigation
Originator: ENG Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.3.4 10. IALA Committtees
Document title: C61-10.3.4 Draft WWA Model Course E-141-1 L1 AtoN manager training
Originator: ENG Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.3.5 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.3.5 Draft WWA Model Course E-141-2 L1 Senior management training
Originator: ENG Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.3.6 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.3.6 Draft WWA Model Course L1.3 Ed2 on the use of IALA Risk Management Tools
Originator: ENG Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.4.1 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.4.1 Summary report of VTS40
Originator: Secretariat
19 Nov 2015
10.4.2 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.4.2 Draft IALA Guideline 1115 - Preparing for IMO Member State Audi Scheme (IMSAS)
Originator: VTS Committee
17 Nov 2015
10.4.3 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.4.3 Draft INF paper to IMO on VTS in a rapidly changing world
Originator: VTS Committee
19 Nov 2015
10.4.4 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.4.4 Name change of VTS Committee work task 1.1.3 (maritime accidents)
Originator: VTS Committee
19 Nov 2015
10.5.1 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.5.1 Summary report of ENAV17
Originator: Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
10.5.2 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.5.2 Draft IALA Recommendation e-NAV-148 - The need to implement regional e-navigation solutions based on international standards
Originator: ENAV Committee
23 Nov 2015
10.5.3 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61-10.5.3 Secretariat note on Liaison note to IHO and WMO on methodology to develop the content of MSP#5 (MSI)
Originator: Secretariat
23 Nov 2015 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61- Draft liaison note to IHO and WMO on methodology to develop the content of MSP#5 (MSI)
Originator: ENAV Committee
23 Nov 2015 10. IALA Committees
Document title: C61- Annex to draft liaison note to IHO and WMO
Originator: ENAV Committee
23 Nov 2015
11.1.1 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.1.1 Summary report of LAP15
Originator: Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
11.1.2 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.1.2 Note on IALA Risk Register
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel
23 Nov 2015 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61- IALA Risk Register
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel
23 Nov 2015
11.2.1 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.2.1 Report of IWRAP 37th Steering Group meeting
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2015
11.4.1 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.4.1 Report of Heritage Forum 2nd meeting
Originator: Heritage Forum
25 Nov 2015
11.4.2 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.4.2 Heritage Forum new arrangements
Originator: Secretariat
26 Nov 2015
11.5.1 11. Other IALA Groups
Document title: C61-11.5.1 Report of the 4th meeting of the IALA Resilient PNT Forum
Originator: Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
12.2.1 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.2.1 Report of 8th Board meeting
Originator: WWA
23 Nov 2015
12.2.2 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.2.2 Report of 9th Board meeting
Originator: WWA
23 Nov 2015
12.3.1 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.3.1 Sponsorship projects
Originator: WWA
25 Nov 2015
12.3.1 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.3.1 Sponsorship opportunities
Originator: WWA
23 Nov 2015
3.1 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C61-3.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
30 Nov 2015
3.2 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C61-3.2 Draft programme for the week
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2015
5.1 5. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C61-5.1 Report by the Secretary-General
Originator: Secretary-General
17 Nov 2015
7.2 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.2 Plan for IALA Standards
Originator: Secretariat
19 Nov 2015
7.4 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.4 Appointment of Strategy Group Vice Chair
Originator: Secretariat
19 Nov 2015
8 8. Financial matters
Document title: C61-8 Financial matters
Originator: Secretariat
07 Dec 2015
8.1 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C61-8.1 Budget for 2016
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
8.2 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C61-8.2 Revised four year budget
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
8.3 8. Financial Matters
Document title: C61-8.3 Cash flow situation as of 31 October 2015
Originator: IALA Secretariat
30 Nov 2015
9.1 9. Industrial Members' Committee
Document title: C61-9.1 Report of IMC meeting October 2015
Originator: IMC
16 Nov 2015
12.1 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.1 Appointment of WWA Board Members
Originator: WWA
23 Nov 2015
12.4 12. IALA World-Wide Academy
Document title: C61-12.4 Council Decision establishing WWA
Originator: WWA
23 Nov 2015
13.2.1 13. International
Document title: C61-13.2.1 Report of meeting of ITU WP5B
Originator: Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
13.3.1 13. International
Document title: C61-13.3.1 Background information - Arctic
Originator: Secretariat
30 Nov 2015
13.3.2 13. International
Document title: C61-13.3.2 PAMEII-2015 Record of Decisions
Originator: PAME
30 Nov 2015
13.3.3 13. International
Document title: C61-13.3.3 Proposed joint IALA-IHO Seminar on Safety of Navigation in the Arctic
Originator: Secretariat
30 Nov 2015 13. International
Document title: C61- Note on report of FERNS Council
Originator: Secretariat
02 Dec 2015 13. International
Document title: C61- Report of FERNS Council
Originator: FERNS
16 Nov 2015
14.1.1 14. IALA Conferences and Symposia
Document title: C61-14.1.1 Symposium 2020
Originator: The Netherlands
24 Nov 2015
14.1.2 14. IALA Conferences and Symposia
Document title: C61-14.1.2 Conference 2022
Originator: Secretariat
24 Nov 2015
15.1 15. Membership
Document title: C61-15.1 Applications for Membership
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
15.3 15. Membership
Document title: C61-15.3 Resignations from Membership
Originator: IALA Secretariat
23 Nov 2015
22.1 22. Output papers
Document title: C61-22.1 Report IALA Council session 61
Originator: Secretariat
14 Dec 2015
22.2 22. Output papers
Document title: C61-22.2 IALA Basic Documents
Originator: Council
14 Dec 2015
22.3 22. Output papers
Document title: C61-22.3 Draft Convention text
Originator: Council
14 Dec 2015
22.4 22. Output papers
Document title: C61-22.4 INF document to NCSR3
Originator: Council
17 Dec 2015
23.1 23. Presentations
Document title: C61-23.1 New corporate image
Originator: Secretariat
14 Dec 2015
23.2 23. Presentations
Document title: C61-23.2 Academy progress report
Originator: Academy
14 Dec 2015
23.3 23. Presentations
Document title: C61-23.3 Symposium invitation from The Netherlands
Originator: The Netherlands
14 Dec 2015
5.1.1 5. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C61-5.1.1 Draft IALA Basic Documents
Originator: Secretariat
17 Nov 2015
7.2.1 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.2.1 Comments by Australia on IALA draft standards
Originator: Australia
02 Dec 2015
7.3.1 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.3.1 Report of 2nd Advisory Group meeting
Originator: Secretariat
30 Nov 2015
7.3.2 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.3.2 Status of action plan
Originator: Secretariat
16 Nov 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61- Updated project action plan
Originator: Secretariat
16 Nov 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61- Advice on Membership
Originator: Dr Rosalie Balkin
16 Nov 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61- Draft Convention text
Originator: Secretariat
17 Nov 2015 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61- Comments by Australia on draft Convention text
Originator: Australia
02 Dec 2015
7.3.3 7. IALA Strategy
Document title: C61-7.3.3 Information paper to IMO
Originator: Secretariat
17 Nov 2015
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