COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 66

Date: 27/05/2018
Venue: Songdo ConvensiA, Incheon, Republic of Korea, Room 113-115

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This meeting contains 26 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
66.11.1 11. IALA technical activities
Document title: C66-11.1 Draft work programme for committees 2018-2022
Originator: Secretariat
66.11.3 11. IALA technical activities
Document title: C66-11.3 VTS working group inter-sessional meeting
Originator: Secretariat 11. IALA technical activities
Document title: C66-11.3.1 VTS WG1 Intersessional Report
Originator: VTS Committee
66.11.4 11. IALA technical activities
Document title: C66-11.4 VDES Workshop, and Working Group inter-sessional meeting
Originator: Secretariat 11. IALA technical activities
Document title: C66-11.5.1 Report on e-Navigation Underway International 2018
Originator: Secretariat 13. International
Document title: C66-13.1.1 Summary report of IMO NCSR5
Originator: Secretariat 13. International
Document title: C66-13.2.1 Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B on AMRD
Originator: ENAV Committee 13. International
Document title: C66-13.2.2 Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B on VDE-SAT
Originator: ENAV Committee 13. International
Document title: C66- PDNR_ITU-R_M_VDES-SAT_WG3_2018-01_output
Originator: ENAV Committee 13. International
Document title: C66-13.3.1 Summary report of IHO S-100 WG3
Originator: Secretariat 13. International
Document title: C66-13.4.1. Efficiensea2 project report by Secretariat
Originator: Secretariat 13. International
Document title: C66-13.4.2 EfficienSea2 final report, IALA to DMA
Originator: Secretariat
66.15.1 15. Membership
Document title: C66-15.1 Applications for Membership
Originator: Secretariat
66.15.2 15. Membership
Document title: C66-15.2 Resignations from Membership
Originator: Secretariat
66.20.1 20. Output papers
Document title: C66-20.1 Report of Council session 66 - Revised
Originator: Secretariat
66.20.2 20. Output papers
Document title: C66-20.2 Draft work programme for committees 2018-2022
Originator: Secretariat
66.3.1 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C66-3.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C66-8.4.1 Introductory note to IALA Risk Register
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C66- IALA Risk Register
Originator: Legal Advisory Panel
66.9.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.1 2017 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.1.1 Annex 2017 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat
66.9.2 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.2 Revised 2018 budget
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.2.1 Annex - Revised 2018 budget
Originator: Secretariat
66.9.3 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.3 Cash-Flow situation as of 30th April 2018
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.3.1 Annex - Cash Flow situation as of 30 April 2018
Originator: Secretariat
66.9.4 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C66-9.4 Annual Membership Contribution
Originator: Secretariat
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