Date: 03/06/2020 to 04/06/2020
Venue: Videoconference

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This meeting contains 56 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
71.10 10. Industrial Members Committee
Document title: C71-10 Industrial Members Committee note
Originator: IMC 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.1.1 Committee Work Programme for 2018-2022
Originator: Secretariat (Rev.3) 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.1.2 Committee meetings and events dates (Rev.3)
Originator: Secretariat Rev.1 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.2.1 ARM11 summary report (Rev.1) 11.Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.2.2 Revocation of Guideline 1072 - AtoN Information Exchange and Presentation
Originator: ARM Committee 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.2.3 Guideline G1143 Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources Ed.2.0
Originator: ARM Committee 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.3.1 Heritage lighthouse of the year
Originator: ENG Committee 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.4.1 VTS Manual - Introductory note
Originator: Secretariat 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71- Draft VTS Manual
Originator: VTS Committee 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.5.1 Liaison note to 3GPP TSG SA
Originator: ENAV Committee 11. Technical activities
Document title: C71-11.5.2 Joint multi countries proposal on VDES to ITU
Originator: Secretariat
71.12.1 12. World-Wide Academy
Document title: C71-12.1 WWA Progress Report
Originator: World-Wide Academy
71.12.2 12. World-Wide Academy
Document title: C71-12.2 Academy Risk Register
Originator: World-Wide Academy 13. International
Document title: C71-13.1.1 Report on IMO NCSR7
Originator: Secretariat 13. International
Document title: C71-13.1.2 Input to IMO HTW on VTS training for Deck Officers
Originator: VTS Committee
71.15.1 15. Membership
Document title: C71-15.1 Applications for membership
Originator: Secretariat
71.15.2 15. Membership
Document title: C71-15.2 Resignations from membership
Originator: Secretariat
71.15.3 15. Membership
Document title: C71-15.3 Terminations or Suspensions
Originator: Secretariat
71.16.4 16. Communications
Document title: C71-16.4 Technical documents catalogue
Originator: Secretariat
71.19.1 19. Output papers
Document title: C71-19.1 Report of Council 71
Originator: Secretariat
09 Jun 2020
71.3.1 Rev.4 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C71-3.1 Provisional Agenda (Rev4)
Originator: Secretariat
71.5.1 5. Report of the 70th session
Document title: C71-5.1 Matters arising from session 70
Originator: Secretariat 5. Report of the 70th session
Document title: C71-5.1.1 Input Paper to ITU on AMRD
Originator: Secretariat
71.6 6. Report by the Secretary-general
Document title: C71-6 Report by the Secretary-General
Originator: Secretary-General
71.7.1 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.1 Spain
Originator: Spain
71.7.10 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.10 China
Originator: China
02 Jun 2020
71.7.11 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.11 Republic of Korea
Originator: Republic of Korea
71.7.12 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.12 Chile
Originator: Chile
71.7.13 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7-13 Turkey
Originator: Turkey
71.7.2 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.2 India
Originator: India
71.7.3 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.3 Germany
Originator: Germany
71.7.4 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.4 Denmark
Originator: Denmark
71.7.5 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.5 Australia
Originator: Australia
28 May 2020
71.7.6 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.6 The Netherlands
Originator: The Netherlands
71.7.7 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.7 USA
Originator: USA
01 Jun 2020
71.7.8 7. National matters
Document title: C71.7.8 Finland
Originator: Finland
71.7.9 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.9 France
Originator: France 7. National matters
Document title: C71-7.9.1 France Coastal Buoy Tender GAVRINIS
Originator: France
71.8.1 Rev.1 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.1 Drivers and Trends (Rev.1)
Originator: Secretariat Rev.1 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.1.1 Current Drivers and Trends ed1.2 (Rev.1)
Originator: Secretariat 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.2.1 Report of PAP39
Originator: Secretariat 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.2.2 Workshop proposal on Marine AtoN in the autonomous world
Originator: Secretariat
71.8.4 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.4 WAtoN Day 2020
Originator: Secretariat
71.8.5 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.5 Impact of MASS on VTS (Rev.1)
Originator: Secretariat 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.5.1 Netherland's Paper on the Impact of MASS on VTS
Originator: The Netherlands 8. Strategy and policy
Document title: C71-8.5.2 Netherlands - Impact of MASS on VTS
Originator: The Netherlands
71.9.1 Rev.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.1 2019 Audited financial statements (Rev.1)
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.1.1 Annex - 2019 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat
71.9.2 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.2 Revised budget for 2020
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.2.1 Annex - Revised budget for 2020
Originator: Secretariat
71.9.3 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.3 Future of Headquarters
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.3.1 Annex - Future of Headquarters
Originator: Secretariat 7. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.3.2 New IALA Headquarters
Originator: Germany
71.9.4 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.4 Cash-Flow situation as at 30th April 2020
Originator: Secretariat 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.4.1 Annex - Cash Flow situation as of 30th April 2020
Originator: Secretariat
71.9.5 9. Finance and Audit Committee report
Document title: C71-9.5 Annual Membership Contributions for 2021
Originator: Secretariat
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