COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 73

Date: 08/06/2021 to 10/06/2021
Venue: Virtual Meeting

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This meeting contains 69 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
10.1.1 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.1.1 1st half 2021 virtual committees summary
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
10.1.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.1.2 Revised Committee work programme 2018-2023
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2021 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73- Committee work programme for 2018-2023
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2021
10.1.3 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.1.3 Committee meeting and events dates 2020-2021
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2021
10.2.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.2.2 Recommendation R0143 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation
Originator: ARM
10 May 2021
10.2.3 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.2.3 Guideline G1081 Provision of Virtual Aids to Navigation Ed.2.0
Originator: ARM
11 May 2021
10.2.4 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.2.4 Revised G1143 Unique Identifiers for Maritime Resources
Originator: ARM
10 May 2021
10.2.5 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.2.5 Guideline on Ship Reporting from a Shore-based Perspective
Originator: ARM
21 May 2021 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73- Note on New Guideline on ship reporting from a shore based perspective
Originator: ARM
11 May 2021
10.3.1 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.1 ENG13 summary report
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
10.3.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.2 Draft Recommendation on Provision of GNSS Augmentation Services Applications
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
10.3.3 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.3 R0110 Rhythmic Characters of Lights on Aids to Navigation
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
10.3.4 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.4 G1134 Surface Colours Used as Visual Signals on AtoN
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
10.3.5 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.5 Input to Council on ERPS Standardisation Workshop
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73- ERPS Workshop Proposal
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
10.3.6 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.3.6 IALA Heritage Lighthouse of the Year 2021
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
10.4.1 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.4.1 VTS50 summary report
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
10.4.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.4.2 New Guideline Competencies for Planning and Implementing a VTS
Originator: VTS
10 May 2021
10.4.3 10. Technical Operations
Document title: C73-10.4.3 Revised G1141 Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS
Originator: VTS
10 May 2021
10.4.4 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.4.4 Revised G1110 Use of Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel
Originator: VTS
10 May 2021
10.4.5 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.4.5 G1132 - VTS Voice Communications and Phraseology
Originator: VTS
11 May 2021
10.4.6 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.4.6 G1017 Assessment for Recognition of Prior Learning in VTS Training
Originator: VTS
10 May 2021
10.5.1 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.5.1 ENAV27 summary report
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
10.5.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.5.2 Guideline on the Evaluation of Platforms for the Provision of Maritime Services
Originator: ENAV
11 May 2021
10.6.1 10. Technicial Activities
Document title: C73-10.6.1 S-200 development update
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
10.7.1 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.7.1 Report of Digital@Sea Webinar
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
11.1.1 11. World-Wide Academy
Document title: C73-11.1.1 WWA Progress Report
Originator: WWA
11 May 2021
11.1.2 11. World-Wide Academy
Document title: C73-11.1.2 Report of the 19th WWA Board Meeting
Originator: WWA
11 May 2021
11.2.1 11. World-Wide Academy
Document title: C73-11.2.1 Academy Risk Register
Originator: WWA
11 May 2021
12.1.1 12. International
Document title: C73-12.1.1 Liaison note to ITU WP5B on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5
Originator: ARM
10 May 2021
12.2.1 12. International
Document title: C73-12.2.1 Liaison not to CIRM on Enhanced Radar Positioning System
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
12.3.1 12. International
Document title: C73-12.3.1 Liaison note to ETSI on Radar Standards
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
12.4.1 12. International
Document title: C73-12.4.1 Liaison note RTCM on response to SC104
Originator: ENG
10 May 2021
12.5.1 12. International
Document title: C73-12.5.1 IGO paper to MSC 103
Originator: Secretariat
08 Jun 2021
12.5.2 12. International
Document title: C73-12.5.2 MSC103 IMSAS manual update by IALA
Originator: PAP
10 May 2021
12.5.4 12. International
Document title: C73-12.5.4 Report on IMO
Originator: Secretariat
01 Jun 2021
14.1.1 14. Conferences, symposia and other events
Document title: C73-14.1.1 14th IALA Symposium Report
Originator: Secretariat
07 Jun 2021
14.5.1 14. Conferences, Symposia and other events
Document title: C73-14.5.1 Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company
Originator: Bulgaria
18 May 2021
16.2.1 16. Communication
Document title: C73-16.2.1 Annual Report 2020 rev1
Originator: Secretariat
09 Jun 2021
3.1 (rev2) 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C73-3.1 Provisional Agenda (rev2)
Originator: Secretariat
04 Jun 2021
5.1 5. Report of the 72nd session
Document title: C73-5.1 Matters arising from session 72
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2021
6.1 6. Report by the Secretary-General
Document title: C73-6.1 Report by the Secretary-General
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
7.1 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.1 National Matters_Canada
Originator: Canada
10 May 2021
7.2 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.2 National Matters_India
Originator: India
10 May 2021
7.3 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.3 National Matters_Chile
Originator: Chile
10 May 2021
7.4 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.4 National Matters_Korea
Originator: Secretariat
27 May 2021
7.5 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.5 National Matters_China MSA
Originator: China
03 Jun 2021
7.6 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.6 National Matters_Australia
Originator: Australia
04 Jun 2021
7.7 7. National Matters
Document title: C73-7.7 National Matters_Japan
Originator: Japan
04 Jun 2021
9.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.1 2020 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.2 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.2 Budget monitoring statement as of 30 April 2021
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.3 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.3 Revised budget for 2021
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.4 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.4 Membership situation status - rev 7 June
Originator: Secretariat
07 Jun 2021
10.2 10. Technical Activities
Document title: C73-10.2.1 ARM13 summary report
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
14.5 14. Conferences, Symposia and other events
Document title: C73-14.5 WATON Day 2021
Originator: Secretariat
18 May 2021
15.1 15. Membership
Document title: C73-15.1 Applications for membership
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2021
15.2 15. Membership
Document title: C73-15.2 Resignation from and Changes in membership
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2021
15.3 15. Membership
Document title: C73-15.3 Termination of membership
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2021
19.1 19. Output
Document title: C73-19.1 Council73 Report Final
Originator: Secretariat
11 Jun 2021
8.1.1 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73-8.1.1 Draft Current Drivers and Trends Ed.2.0
Originator: Secretariat
11 May 2021
8.1.2 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73-8.1.2 Input paper Curent Drivers and Trends_Korea
Originator: Korea
28 May 2021
8.2.1 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73-8.2.1 Report of PAP41
Originator: Secretariat
12 May 2021
8.3.1 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73-8.3.1 Status of the IGO project
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
8.3.2 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73-8.3.2 Timeline for the transition period
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021 8. Strategy and Policy
Document title: C73- Annex-Timeline for the transition period
Originator: Secretariat
10 May 2021
9.1.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.1.1 Annex-2020 Audited financial statements
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.2.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.2.1 Annex Budget monitoring statement as of 30 April 2021
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.3.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.3.1 Annex Revised budget for 2021
Originator: Secretariat
20 May 2021
9.4.1 9. Finance and Audit Committee Report
Document title: C73-9.4.1 Annex - Membership outstanding balances - rev 7 June
Originator: Secretariat
07 Jun 2021
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