COUNCIL (Prior to the IGO) - 78

Date: 03/06/2023
Venue: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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This meeting contains 9 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
7.1 7. Technical Activities
Document title: C78-7.1 Committee structure and working arrangement
Originator: Secretariat
28 May 2023
7.2 7.Technical Activities
Document title: C78-7.2 Draft IALA committee work programme 2023-2027
Originator: Secretariat
28 May 2023
4.1 4. Vacant positions within council
Document title: C78-4.1 Election of the President and Vice President
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2023
7.3 7. Technical Activities
Document title: C78-7.3 Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2023
7.3.1 7. Technical Activities
Document title: C78-7.3.1 Appointment of Chairs and Vice Chairs
Originator: Secretariat
02 Jun 2023
4.2 4. Vacant positions within council
Document title: C78-4.2 Election of the Chair and the FAC
Originator: Secretariat
03 Jun 2023
6.1 6. Industrial Members Group
Document title: C78-6.1 Composition of the Group for the period 2023-2027
Originator: Secretariat
03 Jun 2023
3.1 3. Approval of the Agenda
Document title: C78-3.1 Provisional Agenda rev1
Originator: Secretariat
03 Jun 2023
10.1 10. Output
Document title: C78-10.1 Report Council 78
Originator: Secretariat
11 Jul 2023
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