IMG General Assembly (prior to the IGO) - 8

Date: 01/06/2023
Venue: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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This meeting contains 4 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
2 2. Approval of the agenda
Document title: Agenda 2 - Provisional Agenda
Originator: Secretariat
16 May 2023
5 5. Establish new Terms of Reference (ToR)
Document title: Agenda 5 - Draft ToR IMG
Originator: Secretariat
16 May 2023
6 6. Proposal for a Code of Conduct for Industrial Members (The Rio Declaration)
Document title: Agenda 6 - Draft IMC Code of Conduct
Originator: Secretariat
16 May 2023
7 7. Election of the IMC members for the period between the 20th and the 21st Conference
Document title: Agenda 7 - List of candidates to IMC election
Originator: Secretariat
16 May 2023
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