Diplomatic Conference - Diplomatic Conference

Date: 25/02/2020 to 28/02/2020
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This meeting contains 50 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
Document title: KL-DC(S) Borrador de Acta Final de la Conferencia
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
Document title: KL-DC(F) Projet Acte Final de la Conférence
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
Document title: KL-DC(E) Draft Final Act of the Conference
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
9.3(E) 9. Adoption of the Final Act and any instrument and resolution resulting from the work of the Conference
Document title: KL-9.3(E) Final Act of the Conference
Originator: Secretariat
03 Mar 2020
9.2(E) 9. Adoption of the Final Act and any instrument and resolution resulting from the work of the Conference
Document title: 9.2(E) Draft Conference Resolutions
Originator: Secretariat
03 Mar 2020
9.1(E) 9. Adoption of the Final Act and any instrument and resolution resulting from the work of the conference
Document title: KL-9.1(E) Draft Convention (after DC)
Originator: Secretariat
27 Feb 2020
8.2.1 8. Consideration of the reports of the Committees
Document title: KL-8.2.1 CW Record of Decisions
Originator: Secretariat
03 Mar 2020
8.2(E) 8. Consideration of the reports of the Committees
Document title: KL-8.2(E) CW-Report
Originator: Secretariat
27 Feb 2020
8.1(E) 8. Consideration of the reports of the committees
Document title: KL-8.1(E) CC-Report
Originator: Secretariat
27 Feb 2020
7.1(S) 7. Consideración del borrador de Resolución
Document title: KL-7.1(S) Borradores de Resoluciones de la Conferencia
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
7.1(F) 7. Examen des projets de Résolutions
Document title: KL-7.1(F) Projets des Résolutions de la Conférence
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
7.1(E) 7. Consideration of the draft Resolutions
Document title: KL-7.1(E) Draft Conference Resolutions
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
6.3(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.3(E) General Regulations, including Financial Regulations
Originator: Secretariat
19 Dec 2019
6.2.2(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.2.2(E) Draft Convention amended and commented by the 3rd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
Originator: Secretariat
6.2.1(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.2.1(E) Report of the 3rd Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
Originator: Secretariat 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Tunisia comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Tunisia
18 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- France comments on the draft Convention
Originator: France
18 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Canada comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Canada
14 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Iran comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Iran
13 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Peru comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Peru
20 Dec 2019 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Sweden comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Sweden
03 Dec 2019 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Finland comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Finland
03 Dec 2019 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Proposal from Canada Finland Japan Singapore Ireland
Originator: Canada Finland Japan Singapore Ireland (26 February)
26 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Spain comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Spain
03 Dec 2019 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Ireland comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Ireland (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Korea comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Korea (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Colombia comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Colombia (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- US comments on the draft Convention - Annex
Originator: US (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Netherlands comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Netherlands (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Egypt comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Egypt (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- US comments on the draft Convention
Originator: US (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Argentina comments on the draft convention
Originator: Argentina (25 February)
25 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Australia comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Australia
21 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Norway comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Norway
18 Feb 2020 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL- Japan comments on the draft Convention
Originator: Japan
03 Dec 2019
6.1.2(F) 6. Examen du projet de Convention de l'Organisation Internationale pour les Aides à la Navigation Maritime
Document title: KL-6.1.2(F) Projet de Convention
Originator: Troisième conférence diplomatique préparatoire
03 Dec 2019
6.1.2(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.1.2(E) Draft Convention
Originator: Third Preparatory Diplomatic Conference
31 Oct 2019
6.1.2 rev(S) 6. Examen del Proyecto de Convención sobre la Organización Internacional de Ayudas a la Navegación Marítima
Document title: KL-6.1.2 rev(S) Borrador de Convención
Originator: Tercera conferiencia diplomatica preparatoria
06 Feb 2020
6.1.1(F) 6. Examen du projet de Convention de l'Organisation Internationale pour les Aides à la Navigation Maritime
Document title: KL-6.1.1(F) Note explicative sur le projet de Convention
Originator: Secrétariat
6.1.1(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.1.1(E) Explanatory note Draft Convention
Originator: Secretariat
6.1(E) 6. Consideration of the draft Convention of the International Organization for Marine Aids to Navigation
Document title: KL-6.1(E) Draft Agenda Committee of the Whole
Originator: Secretariat
18 Nov 2019
5.1(E) 5. Organization of the work of the Conference, including the establishment of the Committee of the Whole and other Committees
Document title: KL-5.1(E) Organization of the Conference
Originator: Secretariat
18 Nov 2019
2.1 rev 1(E) 2. Adoption of the Rules of Procedure
Document title: KL-2.1 rev 1(E) Provisional Rules of Procedure
Originator: Secretariat
09 Jan 2020
1.1(EFS) 1. Adoption of the agenda
Document title: KL 1.1(EFS) Draft agenda - Projet d'odre du jour - Proyecto de la agenda (in all three languages)
Originator: Secretariat
18 Nov 2019
0.6 (EFS) 0. Invitation and Credentials forms
Document title: 0.6 (EFS) Conference programme in three languages rev 1
Originator: Secretariat
30 Jan 2020
0.5(F) 0. Invitation et lettres de créances
Document title: 0.5(F) Lettre de Créances B
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2019
0.4(F) 0. Invitation et lettres de créances
Document title: 0.4(F) Lettre de Créances A
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2019
0.3(E) 0. Invitation and Credentials forms
Document title: 0.3(E) Credentials B
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2019
0.2(E) 0. Invitation and Credentials forms
Document title: 0.2(E) Credentials A
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2019
0.1(EFS) 0. Invitation and Credentials forms
Document title: 0.1(EFS) Invitation
Originator: Secretariat
25 Nov 2019
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