ENAV - 27

Date: 01/03/2021 to 26/03/2021
Venue: Virtual Committee

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This meeting contains 71 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.2 1. Introduction
Document title: ENAV27-1.2.1 Agenda ENAV27 Opening Plenary
Originator: IALA Secretariat
01 Mar 2021
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: ENAV27-1.4.1 IALA Style Guide Ed 1.0 January 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Feb 2021
1.4 1. Introduction
Document title: ENAV27-1.4 IALA Virtual Committee Working Arrangements Feb 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Feb 2021
2.1.1 2. Review of action items from ENAV26
Document title: ENAV27-2.1.1 ENAV26 Action Items
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Feb 2021
2.1.2 2. Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV27-2.1.2 Report of ENAV26
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Feb 2021
3.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- IALA Position Document on the Development of Marine AtoN Services 2019
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Feb 2021
3.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- IALA Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Feb 2021
3.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Cross-committee Work 1st half 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Feb 2021
3.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- IALA Current drivers and trends ed1.2
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11 Feb 2021
3.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Technical documents Catalogue 12 Fev 2021
Originator: IALA Secretariat
16 Feb 2021
3.1.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27-3.1.1 Report Council 72 Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
08 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Draft revision S1050 Training and Certification
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Draft revision S1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Draft revision S1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Draft revision S1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Draft revision S1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements
Originator: IALA Secretariat
15 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Report of PAP41
Originator: IALA Secretariat
22 Feb 2021
3.1.2 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27- Revision of IALA Standards (PAP40-
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10 Feb 2021
3.5.1 3. Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV27-3.5.1 Report of ITU-R WP5B meeting November 2020
Originator: Stefan Bober
08 Feb 2021
5.0 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.0 Input paper Committee meeting template
Originator: IALA Secretariat
22 Jan 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.13 Liaison Note to ENAV on VDES R-Mode_Draft
Originator: ENG Committee
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- VDE-TER Field Test in East China Sea
Originator: China MSA
24 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.7 ARM Liaison note to other committees regarding revision of MBS R1001 (ARM12-
Originator: ARM Committee
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- Annex to ARM Liaison note MBS R1001
Originator: ARM Committee
24 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.12 R19-WP5B-201109-TD-0038!R1!MSW-E (LN to WP7C concerning WRC-23 agenda item 9.1, topic A)
Originator: ITU
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.11 R19-WP5B-201109-TD-0074!!MSW-E LN ITU WP5B to IALA on the revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.
Originator: ITU
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.10 R19-WP5B-201109-TD-0073!!MSW-E LN ITU WP5B to Int. organisations on the revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5
Originator: ITU
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- Appendix 1 Introduction of China AIS VDL Integrity Monitoring Platform
Originator: China MSA
24 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.9 VDES Testing in the Times of COVID-19
Originator: Jan Safar
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.8 3GPP LN to IALA SP-200877_rev_SP-200655
Originator: 3GPP Secretariat
10 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.0.1 List of Input Papers
Originator: IALA Secretariat
01 Mar 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.14 Generic terms for relevant telecommunication technologies potentially applicable to the maritime domain
Originator: WSV
26 Feb 2021
5.1 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- Research of AIS VDL Integrity Monitoring
Originator: China MSA
24 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- Time synchronization methods of R-mode base stations and slot map of VDE ranging signal
Originator: China MSA
10 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.4 CML comments on Technical Requirements for Group B AMRD using channel 2006
Originator: Derek Love
10 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.1 Draft revision S1060 Digital Communication Technologies_ver 0.1_29012021
Originator: Hideki Noguchi
09 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.5 Study of satellite VDES by OPRI rev4
Originator: Koichi YOSHIDA
10 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.3 Draft chapter on e-navigation for the NAVGUIDE 2022
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
10 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27-5.1.2 Draft revision S1070 Information Services_ver 0.1_29012021
Originator: Hideki Noguchi
09 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- Change Proposal for IALA_G1139
Originator: China MSA
10 Feb 2021
5.1. 5. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV27- VDE-TER Multipoint Communication Field TestS in East China Sea
Originator: China MSA
10 Feb 2021
6.0 6. Work Programme and task list (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ENAV27-6.1 Committee Work Programme for 2018-2022
Originator: IALA Secretariat
01 Mar 2021
6.0 6. Work Programme and task list (2018 - 2022)
Document title: ENAV27-6.2 IALA-ENAV_Task_List_20-09-07 (002)
Originator: ENAV Committee
01 Mar 2021
7.1 7. WG1 – Digital Information System
Document title: ENAV27-7.1.1 Liaison Note from VTS to ARM and ENAV Committees - S212 referencing assumptions (VTS49-
Originator: VTS Committee
10 Feb 2021
7.2 7. WG1 – Digital Information System
Document title: ENAV27-7.2.1 Draft Guideline on platforms for MS_v10_ENAV26-
Originator: ENAV WG1 MS TG
10 Feb 2021
7.3 7. WG1 – Digital Information System
Document title: ENAV27-7.3.1 Draft Technical Programme IALA Workshop on Cyber Security V1.2
Originator: ENAV WG1 Cyber security TG
10 Feb 2021
8.1 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.1.2 ICG02-Draft MASS Guideline
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
8.1 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.1.0 Report-IMT_MASS-intersessional-rev2
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
8.1 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.1.1 ICG01-Draft MASS Rec
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
8.1 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.1.3 IALA MASS proposal_02
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
8.2 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.2.3 Template review new technologies LoRaWAN-GTM04
Originator: ENAV WG2
10 Feb 2021
8.2 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.2.2 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)- Guideline_Post ICG
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
8.2 8. WG2 – Emerging Digital Technology
Document title: ENAV27-8.2.1 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)_Recommendation_Post ICG
Originator: ENAV WG2
16 Feb 2021
9.2 9. WG3 – Digital Communication System
Document title: ENAV27-9.2.1 Draft Guideline 1139 Edition 4 on Technical Specification of VDES
Originator: ENAV WG3 Committee
10 Feb 2021
9.2 9. WG3 – Digital Communication System
Document title: ENAV27-9.2.3 Preliminary draft revision of Rec. ITU-R M.2092-0
Originator: ENAV WG3
10 Feb 2021
9.2 9. WG3 – Digital Communication System
Document title: ENAV27-9.2.2 G1139 Change Proposal Template
Originator: ENAV WG3
10 Feb 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.1 Draft MASS Rec-WG2 review
Originator: ENAV WG2
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.5 Draft-ENAV Liaison to ARM re Ship Reporting-WG2 rev
Originator: ENAV WG2
29 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.8 WG2-Proposed tasks for IALA Work Term 2022-2026
Originator: ENAV WG2
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.4 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)- Guideline_WG2 review-rev2
Originator: ENAV WG2
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.3 Draft_IMT_(3GPP)_Reco-WG2 review-rev2
Originator: ENAV WG2
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.2 Draft MASS Guideline-WG2 review
Originator: ENAV WG2
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.1.1 Draft Guideline on the Evaluation of Platforms for the Provision of Maritime Services
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.2.6 IMT input- IALA-IMO_ITU-EG-vs3
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.1.4 Proposal for the Work Programme 2022-2026 for IALA ENAV WG1 – Digital Information System
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.1.3 liaison note to ARM on technical service specifications for the provision of AtoN information
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.1.2 liaison to VTS on Answer to S-212 Referencing to other S-100 Product Specifications
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.0.2 Draft revision S1070 Information Services_ver 0.1_29012021
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.0.1 Draft revision S1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: ENAV Committee
28 Apr 2021
12.2 12. Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV27-12.3.1 rev1 Draft IALA response to WP 5B TD 73 on Revision of Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5 20210323
Originator: ENAV Committee
29 Apr 2021
13 13. Review of session report
Document title: ENAV27-13.1 Final Report of ENAV27
Originator: IALA Secretariat
28 Apr 2021
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