ENAV - 21

Date: 18/09/2017 to 22/09/2017
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 166 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
2.1 2. - Review of action items from last meeting
Document title: ENAV21-2.1 Action items from ENAV20 20170327
Originator: ENAV20
10.6 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.6 IALA Testbed website user functionality
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.27 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.27 D1.13 VDES Technical Guideline_07 20170304 draft
Originator: EfficienSea2
11.28 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.28 D1.14 VDES Overview WG15 MTG25 O 003 WD Technical Specification for VDES 2017
Originator: Stefan Bober
12.7 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.7 Information paper on MSI service of SMART Navigation project
Originator: Sewoong Oh
12.8 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.8 Input paper on the Draft IALA Guideline for MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting v1.4
Originator: Yung-Ho Yu
12.8.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.8.1 Draft IALA Guideline on MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting v4.2 (Guideline Format)
Originator: Yung-Ho Yu
12.8.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.8.2 Ship Report Template V1.2
Originator: Yung-Ho Yu
12.8.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.8.3 Ship Reporting Data Model Attribute Specification v3.0
Originator: Yung-Ho Yu
10.5.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.5.1 IALA Testbed user statistics analysis
Originator: IALA Secretariat
10.5 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.5 IALA testbed usage statistics for period 20170301-20170831
Originator: IALA Secretariat
12.8.6 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.8.6 &7 &8 txt files
Originator: Yung-Ho Yu
9.12 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.12 WG1 Work Program 20170914
Originator: Axel Hahn
4.12 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.12 2017-09-15 IMO-IHO_HGDM1-IHO-IALA_Input_20170912-1
Originator: IMO-IHO HGDM
1.1 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV21-1.1 Draft Agenda ENAV21 20170918
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1.2 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV21-1.2 Presentation Welcome IALA S-G
Originator: IALA Secretariat
1.3 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV21-1.3 Presentation Safety briefing and admin briefing
Originator: IALA Secretariat
6.1 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.1 Presentation 19th IALA Conference
Originator: Seung-Cheol Lee
4.3 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.3 EfficienSea2 Progress Report v1
Originator: Nick Ward
11.26 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.26 Revision of MRCP IALA - Ed 3 - draft - JCJ
Originator: Jillian Carson-Jackson
6.3 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.3 Presentation Global eNavigation VDE M2M component ORBCOMM IALA-2 20170917 AL comments
Originator: George Best
11.22 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.22 Developing Progress of VDES Experimental Satellite
Originator: Hongxing Li
10.1.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.1.1 Draft Chapter 4 (on e-navigation) for the 2018 Edition of the IALA NAVGUIDE
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
11.16 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.16 ORBCOMM VDE Demonstration and Cooperation
Originator: Robert Tremlett
11.17 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.17 Classification of VDES Message (Korean Register of Shipping)
Originator: Jun-tae Kim
11.18 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.18 Symbol Transmission in Ramp-up period for Receiver AGC settling (Korean Register of Shipping)
Originator: Jun-tae Kim
11.19 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.19 VDE Spectrum Mask Analysis (Korean Register of Shipping)
Originator: Jun-tae Kim
11.20 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.20 Synchronization Waveform Design 20170830
Originator: Michael Wang
11.21 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.21 Proposal for the Revision on the Recommendation ITU-R M.1371-5
Originator: Qing Hu, Jiang Yi, Bo Hu
11.23 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.23 VDE-SAT Downlink Frequency Division Analysis and Liaison to ITU-R WP 5B Chinese Representative
Originator: Wenquan Wu
9.11 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.11 Revision of AtoN Information Product Specification S-201
Originator: Nick Ward
11.24 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.24 Cover note for Guidance for Operation of Maritime VHF Channels in CEPT
Originator: Jan Šafář
11.24.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.24.1 MARFG(17)025 Proposal for a draft CEPT ECC REC on the use of maritime VHF channels
Originator: Jan Šafář
11.25 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.25 Review of the EPFD Types in Rec ITU-R M 1371
Originator: Jan Šafář
13.10 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.10 Singapore eRadar and eRacon Sea Trials August 2017 Final
Originator: Paul Mueller
13.11 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.11 Information paper on Progress and Plan of eLoran S-2XX Product Specification
Originator: Younghoon Han
9.9 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.9 S-200 Status Report
Originator: Nick Ward
4.11 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.11 e-Navigation Underway Asia-Pacific Conference Report 170905
Originator: HyeJin Lee
9.10 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.10 Maritime Cloud and China e-Navigation implement plan V3.0
Originator: Liang Yang
6.2 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.2 Presentation (ref ENAV21-13.8) EC GSA funded Pilot Project transmission of SBAS corrections final
Originator: Manuel Lopez-Martinez
6.4 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.4 Presentation China VDES Testbed System Report
Originator: Jie Wen
9.8 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.8 Cover note for Session Oriented Communication and Streaming
Originator: Axel Hahn
14.1.25 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.25 Liaison to ARM MAtoN - rev1 post plenary
Originator: WG3
14.1.18 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.18 Draft Guideline on the retransmission of SBAS corrections using MF RB and AIS post plenary
Originator: WG5
14.1.19 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.19 Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B for the VDESAT report
Originator: WG3
14.1.20 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.20 PDNR ITU-R M VDES-SAT WG3 2017-09 output
Originator: WG3
14.1.21 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.21 Draft Liaison to IEC regarding VDES specification
Originator: WG3
14.1.22 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.22 Draft Revision of MRCP IALA - Ed 3 post plenary v1
Originator: WG3
14.1.23 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.23 Draft Guideline 1117 Ed.2 VDES Overview Dec 2017-Proposed amendments-rev1 post plenary
Originator: WG3
14.1.24 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.24 Proposed ITU-R M.1371-5 revisions
Originator: WG3
14.1.26 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.26 Draft Model Course L2.8.1 AIS AtoN Operations post plenary
Originator: WG3
14.1.15 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.15 IMO input to HGDM on recent updates to MSPs
Originator: WG4
14.1.27 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.27 VDES FAQ revision post plenary
Originator: WG3
14.1.28 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.28 Liaison note to ITU-R WP5B for the Recommendation ITU-R M.1371 post plenary -rev 1
Originator: WG3
14.1.29 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.29 R-REC-M.1371-5-201402-I revised by IALA
Originator: WG3
14.2.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.2.1 ENAV Work Plan revised at ENAV21
Originator: Vice Chair
14.2.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.2.3 Working Paper on draft e-navigation FAQs revised v2.0 r1 at ENAV21
Originator: WG2
14.2.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.2.5 Draft IALA Guideline on MSPs (v13) post plenary
Originator: WG4
14.2.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.2.6 (ENAV21-13.1) Draft IALA Recommendation Ed.1 on PNT relevant services and systems
14.2.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.2.7 20170921-1246 WD item182 SPI REC-M.2092
Originator: WG3
14.1.16 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.16 Liaison from ENAV to PAP on ship reporting post plenary
Originator: WG4
14.1.14 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.14 liaison from IALA to IHMA on MSPs
Originator: WG4
6.5 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.5 Presentation Modernization of RBN-DGNSS in China 20170918
Originator: Liang Yang
14.1.1 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.1 Final draft IALA NAVGUIDE Ch 4 on ENAV post plenary1
Originator: WG2
6.6 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.6 Presentation STM update IALA e-nav 21
Originator: Jin Park
6.7 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.7 Presentation Maritime Connectivity Platform (Maritime Cloud) update 20170917
Originator: Thomas Christensen
6.8 6. - Presentations
Document title: ENAV21-6.8 Presentation WWA brief to ENAV-21
Originator: Omar Frits Eriksson
5.3 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV21-5.3 Report from rapporteur on GMDSS
Originator: Jean-Charles Cornillou
5.4 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV21-5.4 Rapporteur report on Testbeds
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
5.5 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV21-5.5 Report from rapporteur on IHO
Originator: Dave Lewald
5.6 5. - Reports from Rapporteurs
Document title: ENAV21-5.6 RTCM Rapporteur report
Originator: Bill Cairns
14.1.2 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.2 Liaison note to PAP from ENAV Committee on Frequently Asked Questions
Originator: WG2
14.1.13 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.13 liaison from IALA to IMRF on MSPs post plenary
Originator: WG4
14.1.3 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.3 Liaison note to the Secretariat Responses to Redwire on IALA website post plenary
Originator: WG2
14.1.5 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.5 Draft Guideline on Systems and services for high-accuracy positioning and ranging V13
Originator: WG5
14.1.6 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.6 Draft Guideline on specification of e-navigation Technical Services
Originator: WG1
14.1.7 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.7 Liason note to IHO NIPWG on S-100 on-line data exchange post plenary
Originator: WG1
14.1.8 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.8 Management of MRN post plenary V1
Originator: WG1
14.1.10 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.10 liaison from IALA to IHO on MSPs
Originator: WG4
14.1.11 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.11 liaison from IALA to IMPA on MSPs
Originator: WG4
14.1.12 14. - Review of output and working papers
Document title: ENAV21-14.1.12 liaison from IALA to WMO on MSPs
Originator: WG4
9.8.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.8.1 IALA S100 Session Streaming Data
Originator: Axel Hahn
9.7 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.7 Information paper on Research progress of S-201 AtoN
Originator: Younghoon Han
1.5 1. - Opening
Document title: ENAV21-1.5 Programme for the week 20170606
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.8 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.8 (VTS43-12.1.6) Liaison to Council-Secretariat-ENAV re VDES
Originator: VTS43
13.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.3 (ENAV20-14.2.8) Draft Guideline on High accuracy systems V7.0
Originator: WG5
11.5 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.5 D1.10 Strategy for Future Digital Communications v2.0
Originator: EfficienSea2
11.6 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.6 D1.11 Report on Future Digital Communications - Strategy supporting document
Originator: EfficienSea2
10.2 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.2 (ARM6-12.1.18) WG2-Navguide 2015 tracking table 02
Originator: ARM6
10.3 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.3 (ARM6-12.1.17) Liaison to all committees and Secretariat - reminder on the NAVGUIDE 02
Originator: ARM6
11.7 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.7 (ARM6-12.1.23) Liaison ARM to all Committees on mobile AtoN
Originator: ARM6
12.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.2 (ARM6-12.1.14) Liaison ARM to ENAV on MSP guideline
Originator: ARM6
12.5 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.5 (VTS43-12.1.16) Liaison to ENAV on MSPs
Originator: VTS43
13.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.1 (ENAV20-14.2.9) Draft IALA Recommendation Ed.1 on PNT relevant services and systems
Originator: WG5
12.5.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.5.1 (VTS43-12.1.17) Draft IALA Guidelines on MSPs v8
Originator: VTS43
12.5.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.5.2 (VTS43-12.1.18) Annex 1, MSP 1, Information Service Template
Originator: VTS43
12.5.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.5.3 (VTS43-12.1.19) Annex 2, MSP 2, Navigational Assistance Service Template
Originator: VTS43
12.5.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.5.4 (VTS43-12.1.20) Annex 3, Draft MSP 3,Traffic Organisation Service Template 170321
Originator: VTS43
4.6 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.6 IALA Report 13th Joint IMO-ITU Expert group 10th to 14th July 2017 20170715
Originator: Stefan Bober
4.6.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.6.1 Flow diagram preparation draft IMO position WRC-19 20170712
Originator: Stefan Bober
4.7 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.7 Report of ITU-R WP5B meeting 22 May to 2nd June 2017 20170612
Originator: Stefan Bober
9.3 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.3 Draft Technical Service Specification – AtoN Information -cover note
Originator: Nick Ward
13.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.2 (ENAV20-14.2.7) Draft IALA Guideline Ed.1 Use of SBAS ENAV20 v0.1
Originator: WG5
12.4.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.4.4 Annex 1 VSRS Draft S-2XX Product Specifications - Ship Reporting Data Model Attribute Specification v2.0.1Complete
Originator: WG4
7.3 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV21-7.3 (D1.12) Report on Review of IALA documentation related to VHF Data Exchange System v3
Originator: EfficienSea2 / Jillian Carson-Jackson
10.1 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.1 (ENAV20-14.2.3) draft NAVGUIDE Chapter 4 on e-navigation - Working paper v1
Originator: WG2
3.1 3. Review of input papers
Document title: ENAV21-3.1 Input paper Committee template February 2017
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.4 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.4 Report on IMO NCSR 4 March 2017 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
4.5 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.5 Report e-Navigation Forum 26 April 2017 Singapore Final Report
Originator: Mahesh Alimchandani
7.1 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV21-7.1 (ENAV20-14.2.1) ENAV Work Plan revised at ENAV20
Originator: ENAV20
9.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.1 (ENAV20-14.2.11) WG1 Draft Risk Assessment Plan
Originator: WG1
9.2 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.2 (ENAV20-14.1.11 C64- Draft Guideline on specification of e-navigation Technical Services
Originator: WG1
4.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.2 (PAP33-18.8) Report of PAP33
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.1 (ENAV20-14.1.28) Liaison to IEC on draft VDES performance test standard plenary
Originator: WG3
12.4.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.4.3 Annex 1 VSRS Draft S-2XX Product Specifications - CMDS v1.1
Originator: WG4
11.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.2 (ENAV20-14.1.32) Draft IEC Technical Specification for VDES plenary
Originator: WG3
11.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.3 (ENAV20-11.5) VDES FAQ
Originator: WG3
11.4 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.4 (ENAV20-14.2.6) ITU-R M.2092-0 Draft revision 20170310_WD_WG3_Item_112 _REC-M.2092
Originator: WG3
12.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.1 (ENAV20-14.2.5) Draft IALA Guidelines on MSPs v8
Originator: WG4
12.3 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.3 Input paper on the Draft IALA Guideline for MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting v1.2
Originator: WG4
12.4 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.4 Draft IALA Guideline on MSP8 Vessel Shore Reporting Service v3.1
Originator: WG4
12.4.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.4.1 Annex 1 VSRS Draft S-2XX Product Specifications - Ship Report Template V1.1
Originator: WG4
12.4.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.4.2 Annex 1 VSRS Draft S-2XX Product Specifications - CMDS Sources for Ship Report Types
Originator: WG4
9.3.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.3.1 ATON Information - Service Specification 20170503 v6
Originator: Nick Ward
4.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.1 Report of the 64th Session of the IALA Council_Final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
9.6 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.6 Proposed Service Specification for Nav Warnings & Notice to Mariners
Originator: DMA
12.6.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.6.1 MSP Guidelines ENAV21 input paper WP4
Originator: Michael Rambaut
11.13.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.13.1 Report on ENAV WG3 Comms Intersessional June 2017
Originator: Peggy Browning
11.13.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.13.2 PDNR ITU-R M VDES-SAT WG32017-06 output
Originator: Peggy Browning
11.13.3 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.13.3 R15-WP5B-C-0305!N24!MSW-E Annex 24 to the Working Party 5B Chairman’s Report
Originator: Peggy Browning
13.3.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.3.1 Draft Guideline on Systems and services for high-accuracy positioning and ranging V11.1
Originator: Stefan Gewies
13.3.2 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.3.2 Report on Intersessional meeting re draft Guideline on High-Accuracy Intersessional systems
Originator: Stefan Gewies
11.14.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.14.1 Workshop on Revision-1371-5 Liason to IALA on clarifications to ITU-R-M1371-5 2017-08-23
Originator: Stefan Bober
11.14.2 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.14.2 Annex-to-liaison-note-to-IALA-on-technical-clarifications-to-ITU-R-M1371-5--2017-08-23
Originator: Stefan Bober
12.6.2 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.6.2 Draft IALA Guideline on MSPs v12
Originator: Michael Rambaut
11.12 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.12 Draft Guideline 1117 Ed.2 VDES Overview Dec 2017-Proposed amendments
Originator: Jillian Carson-Jackson
13.3.3 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.3.3 Draft Guideline on Systems and services for high-accuracy positioning and ranging V10 (end of Interssesional)
Originator: Stefan Gewies
13.8 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.8 Pilot project for the transmission of SBAS corrections
Originator: Manuel Lopez-Martinez
11.15 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.15 VDE-SAT Synchronization Waveform Design 20170831
Originator: Michael Wang
13.9 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.9 Cover note MF R-Mode 2-Channel Receiver and Skywave Report
Originator: Michael Hoppe
13.9.1 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.9.1 MF R-Mode 2-Channel Receiver and Skywave Report
Originator: Michael Hoppe
9.4 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.4 Proposed changes to draft IALA guideline on specification of e-Navigation technical services
Originator: MCDF
9.4.1 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.4.1 (Amended ENAV21-9.2) Draft Guideline on specification of e-navigation Technical Services
Originator: MCDF
9.5 9. - WG 1 - Harmonisation
Document title: ENAV21-9.5 Proposal for MRN Management
Originator: Kasper Nielsen
11.13 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.13 ENAV WG3 intersessional meeting and progress on ITU PDNR
Originator: Peggy Browning
4.9 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.9 2017-07-18 IALA-IHO Coordination Meeting - Final Report1
Originator: Nick Ward
4.8 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.8 FAL 41-17 Report of the IMO Facilitation Committee (FAL)
Originator: IMO
11.10.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.10.1 WWA Documents for review at ENAV-21
Originator: WWA
11.9 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.9 R15-WP5B-170522-TD-0117!!MSW-E Liaison statement to IMO and IALA on AMRD
Originator: ITU-WP 5B
11.9.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.9.1 WP5B-TD-117E Liaison statement to IMO & IALA on AMRD
Originator: ITU-WP 5B
11.10 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.10 (ENG6-11.1.8) IALA Model Course L2 Module 8.1 AIS AtoN Operations Ed.2 December 2017
Originator: WWA
7.4 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV21-7.4 (PAP33-18.10) Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: IALA Secretariat
11.11 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.11 (ENAV20-11.4) AIS AtoN Workshop - Seoul - Oct 2016 - WG2-rev1
Originator: IALA Workshop on AIS AtoN developments, Seoul
7.5 7. - Review of Work Programme and Working Group expectations
Document title: ENAV21-7.5 Proposal for IALA Guidance on GNSS Augmentation Services rev 1
Originator: Alan Grant / Alan Grant
10.4 10. - WG 2 - Implementation
Document title: ENAV21-10.4 (e-NAV14- e-Navigation FAQs final v1.8 r1
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13.2.1 13. WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.2.1 Draft IALA Guideline Ed 1 Use of SBAS ENAV 20 v0 64 Clean version FINAL
Originator: Alan Grant
11.4.1 11. - WG 3 - Telecommunication
Document title: ENAV21-11.4.1 Draft ITU-R Rec-M.2092 Tech char for a VHF data exchange system in the VHF mar mob band 20170816-JCJ review
Originator: Jillian Carson-Jackson
13.4 13. WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.4 R-Mode interference study report (cover)
Originator: Alan Grant
13.4.1 13. WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.4.1 R-Mode Interference Study - Final report
Originator: Alan Grant
13.5 13. WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.5 Maritime use of SBAS Intersessional Report
Originator: Alan Grant
13.6 13. WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.6 Report on WG5 Intersessonal meeting re Maritime use of SBAS
Originator: José Manuel Álvarez
4.10.1 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.10.1 (LAP18-22.3) Information on patents
Originator: IALA LAP
4.10.2 4. - Reports from other bodies
Document title: ENAV21-4.10.2 (LAP17-23.5) IALA Patent Policy approved by LAP
Originator: IALA LAP
12.1.1 12. - WG 4 - ENAV Services
Document title: ENAV21-12.1.1 Draft IALA Guidelines on MSPs v11-C+NL
Originator: IALA Secretariat
13.7 13. - WG 5 - PNT
Document title: ENAV21-13.7 WG5 plan for ENAV21
Originator: Alan Grant
16.1 16. - Review of session report
Document title: ENAV21-16.1 Report 21st Session IALA ENAV Committee - ENAV21 final
Originator: IALA Secretariat
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