LAP EX - Extraordinary1

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This meeting contains 20 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
. Document title: letter of invitation - registration form
30 Aug 2013
. Document title: Letter of invitation - map
30 Aug 2013
. Document title: Letter of invitation
30 Aug 2013
11 11 - Adoption of International Agreement
Document title: LAPE1-11 adoption of international agreement
30 Aug 2013
13.1 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.1 changes to iala constitution
30 Aug 2013
13.1.1 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.1.1 annex a
30 Aug 2013
13.1.2 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.1.2 annex b
30 Aug 2013
13.1.3 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.1.3 annex b - additional documents
30 Aug 2013
8.1 8 - Development of the draft International Agreement and General Regulations
Document title: LAPE1-8.1 development of draft international agreement
30 Aug 2013
13.2 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.2 draft international agreement
30 Aug 2013
13.2.1 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.2.1 annex b
30 Aug 2013
13.2.2 13 - Approval of documents for Council 56
Document title: LAPE1-13.2.2 annex b additional comments annex a c
30 Aug 2013
4 4 - Approval of the Draft Agenda
Document title: LAPE1-4 draft agenda and timetable
30 Aug 2013
5 5 - Presentation: IALA – Safely navigating the future
Document title: LAPE1-5 presentation gary prosser iala
17 Oct 2013
6 6 - The IALA Constitution and its interface with the draft International Agreement
Document title: LAPE1-6 input paper interaction
30 Aug 2013
7 7 - Presentation: Legal status and International Conventions - Learning from the IMO
Document title: LAPE1-7 presentation dr rosalie balkin IMO
17 Oct 2013
8.1.1 8 - Development of the draft International Agreement and General Regulations
Document title: LAPE1-8.1.1 annex a
30 Aug 2013 8 - Development of the draft International Agreement and General Regulations
Document title: LAPE1-8.1.1 corrigendum to annex a
02 Sep 2013
8.1.2 8 - Development of the draft International Agreement and General Regulations
Document title: LAPE1-8.1.2 annex b
30 Aug 2013
8.1.3 8 - Development of the draft International Agreement and General Regulations
Document title: LAPE1-8.1.3 annex c
30 Aug 2013
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