IMG (prior to the IGO) - Mid-Term 2016

Date: 07/08/2016
Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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This meeting contains 4 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
1.0 IMC Presentation 19th IALA Conference
Document title: IMC Presentation 19th IALA Conference
Originator: IMC President
06 Sep 2016
2.0 IMC Mid-Term Presentation IALA
Document title: IMC Mid-Term Presentation IALA
Originator: Secretary-General
06 Sep 2016
3.0 IMC Mid-Term Financial Report
Document title: IMC Mid-Term Financial Report
Originator: IMC
06 Sep 2016
4.0 IMC Mid-Term Meeting Minutes
Document title: IMC Mid-Term Meeting Minutes
Originator: IMC
06 Sep 2016
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