PAP - 34

Date: 16/10/2017 to 18/10/2017
Venue: IALA Headquarters

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This meeting contains 43 documents.

Agenda No. Title Date
34.1.1 1. Opening of meeting
Document title: PAP34-1.1 Draft Agenda
Originator: Secretariat 10. Coordination reports
Document title: PAP34-10.1.1 Note from ENAV on Frequently Asked Questions
Originator: ENAV Committee
34.12.1 12. IALA-IHO Arctic Seminar
Document title: PAP34-12.1 Arctic Seminar Draft Programme
Originator: Secretariat
34.14.1 14. Cooperation with IMO on maritime security issues
Document title: PAP34-14.1 - Cooperation with IMO on maritime security issues
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017
34.18.1 18. Report of PAP 34
Document title: PAP34-18.1 Draft Report PAP34
Originator: Secretariat
34.20.1 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.1 Revised draft IALA Standard 1010 AtoN Planning and Service Requirements
Originator: PAP34
34.20.10 20. Output papers
Document title: PAP34-20.10 Recommendations plan for Standards reviewedARM
Originator: PAP34
34.20.11 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.11 Recommendations plan for Standards ENG input.
Originator: PAP34
34.20.12 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.12 Committee Structure 2018-2022
Originator: PAP34
34.20.13 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.13 Standards map
Originator: PAP34
34.20.14 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.14 Proposed 2018-22 VTS Work Programme
34.20.15 20. Output papers
Document title: PAP34-20.15 Committee and PAP dates 2018
Originator: Secretariat
34.20.2 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.2 Revised draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: PAP34
34.20.3 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.3 Revised draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: PAP34
34.20.4 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.4 Revised draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: PAP34
34.20.5 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.5 Revised draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification
Originator: PAP34
34.20.6 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.6 Revised draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: PAP34
34.20.7 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.7 Revised draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services
Originator: PAP34
34.20.8 20. Output papers
Document title: PAP34-20.8 Draft IALA Position on the Development of AtoN services
Originator: Secretariat
34.20.9 20. Working documents
Document title: PAP34-20.9 Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: PAP34
34.3 3. Update on action items from PAP33
Document title: PAP34-3 - Update on action items from PAP33
Originator: Secretariat
09 Oct 2017
34.4.1 4. Report of Council 64
Document title: PAP34-4.1 Report of Council 64
Originator: Secretariat
34.5.a 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP34-5.a Strategic Vision 2018-2026 in track changes
Originator: Secretariat
34.5.b 5. Strategic Vision - Review for 2018-2026
Document title: PAP34-5.b - Strategic Vision 2018-2026
Originator: Secretariat
34.6.1 6. Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Document title: PAP34-6.1- Position on the Development of AtoN Services
Originator: Secretariat
34.7.1 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.3 - Draft IALA Standard 1030 Radionavigation Services
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.1 - Draft IALA Standart 1010 AtoN Planning & Service Requirements
Originator: Secretariat
09 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.2 - Draft IALA Standard 1020 AtoN Design and Delivery
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.4 Draft IALA Standard 1040 Vessel Traffic Services
Originator: VTS Committee 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.5 - Draft IALA Standard 1050 Training and Certification
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.6 - Draft IALA Standard 1060 Digital Communication Technologies
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.1.7 - Draft IALA Standard 1070 Information Services
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34-7.2.1 Recommendations plan for Standards
Originator: Secretariat 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34- Recommendations plan for Standards, reviewed by the ENG Committee
Originator: Secretariat 7. Draft IALA Standards
Document title: PAP34- Recommendations plan for Standards, reviewed by the Academy
Originator: Secretariat 8. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.1.1 - Proposed 2018-2022 work programme for the VTS Committee
Originator: VTS Committee 8. Committee Structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.1.2 ENAV work item on ship reporting
Originator: ENAV Committee 8. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.1.3 ENG Committee work plan 2018-2022
Originator: ENG Committee 8. Committee Structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.3.1 Committee and PAP dates 2018
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017 8. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.3.2 - PAP planning to 2018-06
Originator: Secretariat
10 Oct 2017
34.8.a 8. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.a - Committee structure 2018-2022 in track changes
Originator: Secretariat
34.8.b 8. Committee structure 2018-2022
Document title: PAP34-8.b - Committee structure 2018-2022
Originator: Secretariat
34.9.1 9. Coordination ENAV and VTS
Document title: PAP34-9.1 Report of the 2nd ENAV-VTS Joint Committee meeting
Originator: Secretariat
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