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ENG WG3 TG-3.1.1

The draft agenda of the VTC 5 is following: Continue section 4 Review, including: Review the general structure (we may not have time to go through the text line by […]


ENG WG3 TG-3.1.1

Meeting agenda: Review homework agreed during VTC5 Review and clean task/homework list and assign final homework if required (noting that the deadline for input to ENG17 is 15th Sept 2023) […]

DTEC1 WG2 Opening Plenary

DTEC WG2 meeting room

WG2 - Opening Plenary (commence after full DTEC Committee welcome plenary) Includes review of outcomes from IALA Conference Review of input papers / work items 2023-2027

DTEC1 WG2 – New Technology Review (other)

DTEC WG2 meeting room

A review of the New Technology Review overview document Discuss / finalise items brought forward from last work session: i.e. Sigfox, SADRMT Identify other possible technologies for review

DTEC1 WG2 – MarCom Manual Review

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Review work to date on MarCom Manual (ex MRCP) Continue work Identify process to complete this work by DTEC-02

DTEC1 WG2 – Digital VHF

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Presentation and discussion This is scheduled for the morning session on Wednesday.

DTEC1 WG2 – MASS Guideline Development

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Review outcome of ENAV-EM1, intersessional work, input papers Identify process to continue work on this, noting the upcoming IALA MASS workshop on 2-3 Oct

DTEC1 WG2 meeting room

DTEC WG2 meeting room

IALA DTEC01-WG2 schedule outline-vs1

DTEC1 WG2 – New Task – Skills related to digital environment

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Discuss the new task, including the task register document, for 'Develop a guideline on skills related to the digital environment, such as data analytics and maritime informatics and associated training […]

DTEC1 WG2 Closing Plenary

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Address any other business / remaining documents to be reviewed Review Report of DTEC01-WG2 Clean up of documentation as required Plan next steps / confirm intersessional work / key dates […]

DTEC1 Plenary meeting

DTEC Plenary room

Plenary - end of the physical week

DTEC WG2 TG1 on IMT-2030

DTEC Plenary room

First Intersessional Meeting of Task Group on contribution to the development of IMT-2030 by formulating user requirements for Marine AtoN Organizer: Hyounhee KOO

DTEC WG1 TG on MCP specifications

DTEC WG1 meeting room

Intersessional meeting: The task group decided to progress on the MCP specifications which was submitted to DTEC1.

DTEC WG2 MarCom Manual

ENAV WG2 Meetings

Review latest version and work towards finalising the document.

DTEC WG1 TG on MCP documentation – hybrid meeting

DTEC WG1 meeting room

This is a hybrid meeting - where the physical part will take place at 'Østervold Observatory' in Copenhagen on the day after the 'Digital @ Sea' conference, also in Copenhagen. […]

DTEC2 Physical week – IALA HQ

The 2nd session of the Digital Technologies Committee will take place at IALA HQ on Monday 18th (0900 - 1100 UTC) to Friday 22nd (0900 – 1100 UTC) March 2024; […]

DTEC2 Opening Plenary

DTEC Plenary room

The 2nd session of the Digital Technologies Committee will take place at IALA HQ on Monday 18th (0900 - 1100 UTC) to Friday 22nd (0900 – 1100 UTC) March 2024; […]

DTEC2 WG2 Opening plenary

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Opening session of WG2 including: Welcome Review of work programme Review of Input Papers Schedule for the week

DTEC2 WG2-TG on New Technology Review NRIS

DTEC WG2 meeting room

NRIS (remote radar sensing) Review input received from Reutech following the request at DTEC01 (after the presentation on the navigation radar intercept sensor technology)

DTEC2 WG3 TG on VDES ITU R2092 discussions

DTEC WG3 meeting room

•IEC Topic/Finding: point files for VDE-SAT •ITU 2092-1 revision strategy and plan • ASM FATDMA • revision of R1007 • AIS Binary Information into ASM • revisions of 2092-1 • […]

DTEC2 WG2-TG on MarCom Manual Review

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Review and - if possible - finalise the MarCom Manual Following this, we will move to the plenary room for a Demo of MCP/S100 before the Reception

DTEC2 WG2-TG on IMT-2030

DTEC WG2 meeting room

IMT-2030 (3GPP) Review the outcomes of the intersessional work Continue work on the task

DTEC2 WG2-TG on Guideline Review MASS, AI

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Review outcome of IALA MASS TF / expectations for IALA MASS Guideline Identify route to populate the guideline Review AI guideline / discuss expectations of AI by IALA members

DTEC2 WG2-TG on Tidy documents

DTEC WG1 meeting room

Small groups to discuss any further points Tidy documents Finish any remaining items

DTEC2 Plenary

DTEC Plenary room

Closing meeting of the physical week

DTEC2 Closing Plenary

DTEC Plenary room

The Closing Plenary will be held online Thursday 28th March (11.00 – 12.00 UTC)

DTEC2 TG-1.2.4 MASS Guideline

DTEC WG2 meeting room

Continue development of MASS Guideline, based on discussions at DTEC02 and reports of the MASS TF. Due to a conflict that could not be changed, I had to amend the […]

DTEC3 Opening Plenary

Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 319 584 043 74 Passcode: SsB9SV Or call in (audio only) +33 1 70 99 53 70,,344243341#   France, […]

DTEC3 Plenary

Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 319 584 043 74 Passcode: SsB9SV Or call in (audio only) +33 1 70 99 53 70,,344243341#   France, […]

DTEC3 Closing Plenary

Microsoft Teams meeting Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 319 584 043 74 Passcode: SsB9SV Or call in (audio only) +33 1 70 99 53 70,,344243341#   France, […]

Intersessional meeting on the MASS Guideline

The goal for the intersessional meeting will be to review the draft recommendation and guideline and finalise to a point for submission to IALA MASS task force. 1. using Browser […]