VTS Intersessional
Intersessional group on Guideline G1111-3, no.4
Intersessional group on Guideline G1111-3, no.4
Intersessional group on task 1.3.1 develop a guideline on VTS voice communications, phrase/phraseology
Intersessional group on the revision of G1014 Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training. no.2
Adding meetings to the Committee Calendar
Working Group chairs and Task Group leaders should register all their meetings in the Committee Calendar. This is done by requesting the secretariat to add a meeting to the Committee Calendar using this template.
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
VTS49 Opening Plenary | 21 September 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed. |
IALA’s Role and Strategy for the S-200 product specifications Presentation / Minsu Jeon | 6 October 2020, 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Vision on future VTS / Harmen van Dorsser | 7 October 2020, 1040 UTC | Meeting has passed |
IALA World-Wide Academy Update Presentation / Kevin Gregory | 8 October 2020, 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Presentation on the use of VTS portable simulators for training / Carlos Salinas | 13 October 2020, 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
VTS49 Closing Plenary | 15 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
Link |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.1 | 23 September 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
IALA Document Editorial Amendment Group (Post Resolution Adoption) – Task | 24 September 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2)
| 24 September 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1089 to be inline with Revised IMO Resolution on Vessel Traffic Services post adoption. (task | 25 September 2020, 0900 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) | 28 September 2020, 0900 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.2 | 29 September 2020, 0830 – 1030 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.2 | 29 September 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.3 | 1 October 2020, 0830 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.2 | 1 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS. (task 1.2.1) | 1 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.3 | 2 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 1030 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS (task 1.2.1) Meeting No.2 | 6 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.3 | 8 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.5 | 8 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Update Guideline 1110 on Decision Support Tools for VTS Personnel (Task 1.2.2) – Meeting No.5 | 9 October 2020, 1030 – 1230 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on develop guidance on training needs for those involved in the planning and implementation of a VTS (task 1.1.3) Meeting No.4 | 12 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and Update Guideline 1141 on Operational Procedures for Delivering VTS (task 1.2.1) meeting No.3 | 12 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on VTS Voice Communications, Phrases/Phraseology (task 1.3.1) – Meeting No.6 | 13 October 2020, 0900 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Working Group 1 Closing Plenary | 13 October 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
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Working Group 2 introductory session | 22 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.1 | 23 September 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.1 | 24 September 2020, 0600 – 0700 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.2 | 24 September 2020, 0730 – 0830 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Initial Meeting (task 2.2.3) | 24 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (task 2.1.1) Meeting No. 1 | 25 September 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.2 | 28 September 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.3 | 29 September 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update (task 2.2.3) Meeting No. 1 | 29 September 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 2 | 29 September 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.4 | 1 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.3 | 1 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update Meeting No. 2 (task 2.2.3) | 1 October 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 3 | 2 October 2020, 1100-1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.4 | 5 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Acceptance of VTS systems Update Meeting No. 3 (task 2.2.3) | 5 October 2020, 1100 -1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.5 | 6 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 4 | 6 October 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Status and progress in the different Task Groups | 7 October 2020, 0900 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1111 on Preparation of Operational and Technical Performance Requirements for VTS Systems (task 2.2.2) Meeting No.6 | 8 October 2020, 0800 – 0930 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop a Product Specification under the S-100 framework for VTS (task 2.3.1) Meeting No.5 | 8 October 2020, 1000 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guidance for Acceptance of VTS systems (Task 2.2.3) Meeting No. 1 | 8 October 2020, 1100 – 1230 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on Develop Guideline on the portrayal of VTS information and data (both operational and technical aspects) (Task 2.1.1) – Meeting No. 5 | 9 October 2020, 1100 – 1300 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Meeting |
Date & Time UTC |
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Additional information |
Working Group 3 introductory session | 22 September 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Review tasks, identify/review input papers, confirm work process and meeting dates.
Task Group on Human Factors (task 3.1.1) |
23 September 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Presentation from experts / discussion of task.
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.1 |
24 September 2020, 0800 – 1000 UTC | Meeting has passed | Summary of work to date and training workshop, Review R0103 (revised) and associated Guideline (finalize for Committee review). |
Task Group on Review of G1014 on the Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training (task 3.4.1)
28 September 2020 1030 -1130 UTC | Meeting has passed | – |
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1017 on Assessment of Training Requirements for Existing VTS Personnel, Candidate VTS Operators, Revalidation of VTS Operator Certificates (task 3.3.2)
29 September, 1000 – 1100 UTC | Meeting has passed | – |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.2
30 September 2020, 0830-1000 UTC | Meeting has passed | Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103 |
Task Group on Guideline on the Management of VTS (task 3.2.1) |
30 September 2020, 1100 – 1200 UTC | Meeting has passed | Identification of VTS Management, roles and responsibilities |
Task Group on Human Factors (Task 3.1.1)
1 October 2020, 0700 – 0900 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Review of draft guideline.
Task Group on Review and update Guideline 1014 on the Accreditation and Approval Process for VTS Training (Task 3.4.1) Meeting No. 2
1 October 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.3 |
2 October 2020, 0800 – 0900 UTC | Meeting has passed |
Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103
Task Groups on Review of G1017 (task 3.3.2) and Review of G1014 (task 3.4.1)
6 October 2020, 0930 – 1030 UTC NOTE – meeting will take place via Zoom | Meeting has passed | Meeting ID: 815 1951 3727 Passcode: 199180 |
Task Group on the Revision of R0103 (task 3.3.1) Meeting No.4
6 October 2020, 1030 – 1130 UTC | Meeting has passed | Continue review of Guideline associated with R0103 |
Task Groups on the Revision of V-103/1 model course (task 3.3.1) and Guideline on the Management of VTS (task 3.2.1)
8 October 2020, 0700 – 0830 UTC NOTE – meeting will take place via Zoom | Meeting has passed | Meeting ID: 838 5979 6762 Passcode: 075451 |
Working Group 3 closing session |
12 October 2020, 0700 – 0830 UTC | Meeting has passed | Review WG3 report, AOB and confirm output. |